Saturday Special: The Real Neat Blogger Award

It is always nice to get an award let alone one that uses a Peachy Pink in its logo. It’s all thanks to Megan of A Geeky Gal. I really like her blog, it is all very neat with a nice personal note to. Both her Youtube channel as her her blog show a lot of herself. It also helps that her icon is pink! That is a big plus in my book. It seems that she mains the wrong console, Playstation over Nintendo, but she is excited about Animal Crossing so we can forgive that. She seems very down to earth and charismatic which also shows in her youtube videos! I doubt she is actually a no-maj/muggle but I can’t prove that yet! Help me uncover evidence  by visiting her blog and youtube!


The Rules

  • Display the Award Logo.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog.
  • Answer the questions of the one who nominated you.
  • Nominate 7-10 bloggers.
  • Ask them seven questions.

Questions to Pinkie

Where do you see yourself in 10 years

I always have a bit of difficulty talking about this, not having the healthiest of hearts the easiest answer would be in a jar, in some weird place.  Yet that might a bit to grim even if it is almost halloween. So lets alter this question a bit too , where do you want to be in 10 year. In which case I would love to own a bar, dedicated to boardgames and hopefully even D&D. A geek bar where people come to play trading card games, D&D  and where sing Jason’s Paige theme song every time on Karaoke night. Most off all I just want to be able to be myself in ten years, free myself from the societal stigmas as much as I can. Just be me and have everyone know that what they see is 100% the true me. I want to be able to walk in a pink coat across the street not caring if people think I am immature. , I want to be able to host game night for my friends and people thinking.. “good for her” rather than “they should just go to a bar like normal people”.

I would love to have some money to spend and have a pet duck named Eggs and a pet Sharpei (wrinkly dog) named Steak. Possibly living in the city of Utrecht. Of course I would also settle for a job for the Pokémon Company or working in the Pokémon Café but that might be hard to do, yet one can dream. I at least would love to do something with storytelling and geekdom. Enabling others to be themselves like me.Not be like me.. just encouragin people to be themselves.

Who or what is your spirit animal

The easy answer would be a unicorn! I could leave it at that and anyone who even remotely knows me would say, yep that’s right. Yet that would be boring content so my answer would be Fluffle Puff.  This character first appeared on Dan vs FiM and later on Fluffle Puff Stories. She was created by Fluffymixer.

She is a pink Fluffy Pony. She is a a gay pink ball of fluff and randomness that is very happy and loves everything and sees everything as alive and such.  She lives together with her partner , whom is a bit of a Tsundere Eldritch Pony type kind of thing. Fluffle features in the song Pink Fluffy Unicorn Dancing on Rainbows, which has become somewhat of an anthem of me. She embodies everything I wish to be about. I would also like to get myself a Tsundere Goth girl which I can annoy by pinking up the house or by buying new sets of plushies.. and she reluctantly can not help to crack a smile seeing me bounce in happiness. I even made a video about a look in my mind which shows this best.

So this my mind!
And the actual Song!

What is one thing on your bucket list

The easy answer here would be: A pink bucket preferably with Hello Kitty on it.  I would not really call that a list however as it is the only bucket I would ever want.. unless there is a bucket with pokémon on it too which there probably is.  I however assume we are referring to the things I want to do before we die. That one is easy for me to answer as well. I want to travel to the Pokémon Center in Tokyo and the neighbouring Pokémon Café. More specifically I want to visit that Pokémon Café and have a Mew’s Fluffy Marshmallow Drink, a pink strawberry flavored drink with a Mew Straw a lot of marshmallows and heart candy on top. I am fairly consistent in my desires, if it’s pink, cute, sweet or geeky I want it. So something that meets all those conditions would be very high on my list. This drink combines a lot of my desires and dreams together into a somewhat achievable sounding goal ,so it made the list.  If you want to know more about that dream… I ramble about it in this post!

What is your strategy for the zombie Apocalypse.

Spoilers! I would try to become a beloved blogger and find fans who would give their lives to keep me safe.. just kidding that is the easy answer again. Honestly I would be in pretty hot water,  living in a one exit flat at seven high. Then again my home town is known for a rapper guy who claims he has 100 guns and 100 bullets. He tells everyone how whack he is and if how you cross him he will amputate your leg. So I count on him dealing with the zombies. Since he is an idiot though I doubt he will last to long. So I will create a body suit made out of all my plushies. Zombies can’t infect me  if I am covered by a three cubic feet of cotton. So after creating the ultimate form of armor i’d probably roll around like a Katamari adding new plushies to my suit as I go on. I’d probably take shelter in the government instance that provides benefits, no one goes there willingly not even the staff so I would assume it’s just an empty place where even zombies have some latent memories of .. ‘braaaaain….let’s not go there’

What movie/book character are you most like.

Lillie from Pokémon Sun and Moon (the game version) would be the easiest answer. But she is not from a book or a movie! A girl who fights to find her own voice and identity in a world that is foreign to her. She is someone I very much like but there is a character I feel is closer to me. That character is Princess Unikitty.. or regular Unikitty. From the Lego Movie!  It’s a pink unicorn cat hybrid, that I remember as the leader of Cloud Cuckoo land but I can’t find written proof about that memory. It doesn’t really matter as her home gets destroyed soon anyway. She is a character who lives for being different who openly rebels against being normal.. but also someone who’s main agenda is to be happy, dressing the world with happy bubbly euphemisms and living in a bit of a fantasy bubble. Underneath all that pink frosting of a personality there is a lot deeper stuff as well. She can strike with furious anger when something stands in the way of her happiness. Her true  dream is that everyone will be happy and creative and in those goals I relate to those ambitions a lot.

We have to build our own dreams and stop all dreaming about the same stupid picket white fence. Umbrella dreams, like the american dream, make me sad. It feels like brainwashing to shove is into socially desired behaviour. The entire goal to get married have children, live in the country… eeewww. I mean it’s fine if you want that.. but it doesn’t tell the world a single thing about YOU. It doesn’t make you , you.. it just makes you ‘alive’. Unikitty for me is the prophet of the message “ you do you,” . I wish to inspire that way of thinking  in people as well. One of my friends just wants to be normal but she can’t explain why she wants it, she just has to because other people would think less of her otherwise.. when I tell her “that’s why they want you to be normal but why do you want it? ‘ she can’t answer. She doesnt know because it is not really her talking it’s the common good. I WANT A MEW’s FLUFFY MARSHMALLOW DRINK, because it would make me happy. I want to blog because I feel I have a message to tell. My life goal is not to achieve everyone’s goals.I want to be remembered. Oh Pinkie.. that was an odd one.. she wore a crown of leaks once.. just because.. is something I’d rather see people talk about then. ‘Oh it’s that girl that was married to the baker’s younger sister.. yeah I heard they want to adopt a child soon’ that last conversation talks about me but says nothing about me! I do not want that.. And again Unikitty to me is the fictional character that shares my vision like that.  She has multiple forms as well, like me and my other Pinkies! So a perfect pairing.

If you could do anything for a living , what would it be.

The Easy answer would be.. see question 1.. but you know it by now I don’t do that. A Pokémon Master is a bit to unrealistic and a pro pokémon player would be to vanilla. I would love a job at the Pokémon Company… ‘so if you are out there PC! I WILL move to Japan.. or anywhere in the world for you!’  Let’s take this answer on the more interesting tour though because I wanna have money. So if I could do ANYTHING in THIS world, besides working for Pokémon.. I would love to be a singer. Unfortunately my condition is bad for my motor skills so I can not dance and my voice is oftenly weak so I can’t sing either, but hey I could be anything by the question by Arceus will I be anything. Of course I would produce ‘pink’ music. Like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Love Live and a bit of Hatsune Miku. Mostly Kyary though! The english version of it.. for international success. For those who don’t know Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. On the stage with lots of ornaments and fun and cute costumes seems like a dream to me. I do like to sing, it makes me happy even if I am bad at it, going at it with a geeky and pink angle would only make it batter and me one happy pink little thing. The crown jewel of my career would be if I could sing one of the theme songs for the pokémon anime!

(My favorite song first! I would love to make a clip like this!)
(The most famous one)
(And Finally an idication how my english style of it would be)

If you were forced to wear a warning label what would yours say?

Do not Microwave, I may look cute and fluffy but I do not microwave very well!. I would explode! Even if I don’t I doubt it is good for my mechanical parts. I guess if I would have an ACTUAL warning symbol I guess it would have to be. Warning: Excessive use can lead to unexpected behaviour. I am good at manipulating, not necessarily in a abusive way but I can get people to do what I want fairly easily. If me and my friends go out and we are looking for a place to go to I almost always  am the one that gets to push her pick. Not because I am that stuborn, but because I make you want what I want. For example say I want to eat sushi and my friend wants to go eat Italian. I look for a desire in that person that overlaps more with sushi than Italian and I pull on that. For example to a health minded friend I’d say.. I prefer sushi because they also have a lot of less Carb options on the menu like Sashimi and normal prawns and Cucumber or something. Too a social friend I say I like it how during Sushi it’s a bit easier to talk with all the shared food on the table ( I don’t know why but Sushi actually talks easier than some other sorts of food). Then they become like ‘I want that too’ after which they are like wax in my hands. I get my way without my friends ever feeling duped because I simply give them something they desire in return, even if that is just a bit of an illusion.

During a board game with social aspects I can make players make the moves I want them to make. I can read their intentions based on their regular playstyle and lure them into traps. Yet it will never because I advised you to make the move .. I make you want to make that move because I know you well enough to trick you into it. You will not feel duped by me.. you feel YOU misplayed. That sounds a lot eviller than it actually is, I just make sure that everybody gets something they want… I just happen to maybe get just a little more out of it than you, but unless you know me VERY well, you’ll barely notice.

Questions FROM Pinkie

Now it is time to ask seven questions to seven people! And since the questions megan asked me where fairly personal I will follow the same course. Adding a bit of a halloween touch to it all because why not.

1. What is the thing that you fear most?
2. You are a character in a horror movie (a teenager) what trope would you be?
3. What do you think comes after death?
4. You are now a Horror Villain, what is your backstory and what is your main weapon?
5. What is the weirdest (mysterious)  thing you have ever experienced (think ghosts, aliens , elvis spotting etc)
6. You become a ‘classic’ monster you can choose between, A vampire who sparkles and has to drink to death. A werewolf, who loses control at moonlight and will hunt, a green skinned warty witch who eats children or a regular zombie what do you choose?
7.  What is your favorite scary movie?
(Bonus question : What is that weird thing standing behind you?)


Tiger Anime
A Girl and Her Anime

Of course if you do not participate in such challenges that is totally fine! If at all possible try to pass on your nomination to someone else deserving, so we can all keep meeting new people and learn more about our wonderful community.
If I haven’t mentioned you and you really want to participate let me know! I have two nominations left which I like to save for someone wanting to answer these questions!
Thanks again Megan for the nomination, This one was really fun to do!

The Pinkest Poké Blogger is blasting off again

Published by

Princess Pinkie

A 34 year old, super pink, Geek blogger, from the Netherlands behind the keyboard. A 21 year old , Unicorn-Duck Princess VBlogger on the border of imagination and reality!

8 thoughts on “Saturday Special: The Real Neat Blogger Award”

  1. Ahaha, this was a nice and fun read! Gosh I wish the things I had to say about myself were even remotely interesting.. I really appreciate the nomination Pinkie! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for the nomination! I’ll get my post done by next week 🙂 I love your strategy for the Zombie Apocalypse, maybe we could team together and become the ultimate plushie zombie hunters the world has ever known haha!

    Liked by 1 person

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