Am I a Mysterious? The Mystery Blogger Award

I have done  a fair share of blog awards but never did I ever do a Mystery Blog award. Now I do not really think I am particularly a mystery as I try to be open and share bits and bobs of real life with you as I really like to give you a peak in my head. 7Mononoke seems to think I am a mystery though.. because from their site Anime Rants I was nominated for this reward.. time to get things done! And thank you Mononoke for the Award. Hopefully I can clear some of my deep mysteries. 

Display the Blog Tag Logo

I encountered a few logos for this one so let’s look at these and appreciate them. The majority seems to focusses on the infinite of space and spherical shapes. After some research I found that the blue orby one is from the original creator. The Ravenclaw blue rendition of space does also emit some twilight zone like feelings so I get it.  The font seems to be one that was used in classical mystery novels. It’s a bit chunky for my taste but it gets the job done. It is definatly the rendition of the logo I like best! So way to go creator person!

Thank the blogger who nominated you
and provide a link to their blog.

I could just thank Mononoke by saying thanks.. but I kinda already did that in the intro. So how about a little thank you poëm.

Chocolates feels like too much,  but Rocks are to hard
How do I thank Mononoke for nominating me for this award?
Their site speciality is  analysing the anime mind!
I am too poor to give Mononoke a gift so perhaps I’ll just be kind.
So read this they are awesome , a blog so unique.
So visit their site and don’t you dare offer critique.
Now there is one more thing this poem must entail.
I have to provide a link….so please click this cute cocktail.

To Mononoke

Mention the creator of the award
provide a link. 

Hmmm I had to google this. This rule seems to have been forgotten a bit.  Apparently this tag was created by someone named Okoto Enigma. A Fashion, Lifestyle and Travel Blog I was utterly unaware about until now! So yay for this tag teaching me new things.  I could not manage to get the site work properly for me but I did find out it has a bit of everything. Like how to maintain the tires of your car but also a lot of stuff about lamps and home decoration. How to have a wardrobe with less garments facinated me..but I could not access the blog.  Still click the cocktail to visit their site. 

To Okoto Enigma

Tell three things about yourself

I am stupidly unlucky

My real life friends oftenly tell me I am cursed. I attract bad luck like a magnet. This can result in all sort of things. Most oftenly I have incidents of excessive bad luck. A Pinkie Day, or Elle Day as my friends call it. It often starts with a small bit of bad luck and increasingly gets worse. What starts with stumbling out of bed ends up with me throwing a knife in my own feet, me setting my  hair on fire, or me breaking stuff.

An example of one of these streaks in the recent past. I got up and bumped my tiny toe, after that I managed to block my atm card by internet banking stuff and misremembering the atm code.. when I went to unblock my pass to bank had a massive system crash so they could not unblock anything. This resulted in me missing my train because I could not charge my travel card. I decided to risk it.. because the I had an important meeting later and usually no one patrols that short bit of route I am on.. I got fined because this was the one day.. they did check. Later I would burn my hand with a pan and deleted a bunch of save files for my tabletops.. I cried and went to bed at like 7:30 pm without dinner.. I just wanted the day to be over.

I adore pet ducks

Even since I saw that tame duck in Friends there has been a desire slumbering inside me.. someday I want a pet duck! A duck to call my own. I will name it Fish.. or Pitpat… cause thats the sound it makes when it walks.  I do not know why but I just love the little creatures, they can emote their emotions so well, they make such adorable sounds and they can be fairly affectionate as well. They are just the right size for a pet.. as they look cute on a couch and in the tub. 

Cats don’t get along with me.. I am twitchy and can move uncontrolled and cats in my experience do not like that. The first association I make with cats would be “painful” . I do like dogs and dogs like me but my condition makes it so that I can’t always walk them so I would feel bad. A fish is not a pet.. so i will just have a pet named Fish.. and the idea pet.. would be a duck!..After I move out of a home with carpet though.

I am super afraid of wasps

Ducks are cute, cats are painful, dogs are adorable and wasps… wasps are evil. Whenever I see one I want to run away.. I can’t sit still and  when one is close it feels as there is a vice around my heart asking for me to scream. Why do I fear these animals so much.. well it has to do with my bad luck. I have been stung in so many horrible ways. Mostly due to misfortune and the action of my dad. We had this electric fly swatter and he hit one with it.. instead of killing it..he set it on fire..(it was a big one) it flew to me still and stung me.. while it was burning. Not a pleasant experience. He also knocked one under my baby but when I was just about to sit on a plastic seat in my bathing suit after swimming… it’s like sitting on a tack..that pushes some itchy poison in your system.

Once in a theme park I got stung by a wasp twice.. one inside both ears. I could not ear anything anymore as my teacher was yelling at me why I did not show up after she called for us. I was practically deaf..for a bit and I got into trouble for being stung twice… I ran away  upset to cry a bit.. just to be stung on the nose by a wasp. The have not been stung by a wasp in over 20 years but the fear remains.

5 Questions from Mononoke

What fields of study in science do you love?

I am very much a dreamer, I talk to my plushies because I think on some level they are real, I believe that smiles can conjure up rainbows and that one day it might rain chocolate. I am not a very scientific minded girl.  While Psychology and Noetics, as well as History sort of interest me, I do not love any science. It’s too black and white for me. Just because something is quantifiable as a rock doesn’t mean it is just a rock. For someone it might be a treasure, to the other something used to deal with that pesky bully.. to another it might be that thing that makes them trip and ruin their day. To a geologist it’s however always tha certain type of mineral and a rock. Overexplantion or to much knowledge makes the world less magical.  I am glad there are scientist to make things better but sometimes ignorance is bliss.

What Anime Really made you think and struggle emotionally
more than any others.

School Live is a weird little anime.. I did not know what it was when I watched it and I will not spoil it for those who still don’t know.. it is really something you should watch. Yet for those who know.. there is a scene where the main character is struggling with a radio. The moment the scene started I knew exactly where it was going. The implications of that scene I saw coming. I was yelling at my screen. DON’T  YOU DARE DO IT! DON’T ! YAMETE! When Yuki asks for help the answer feels like a gutpunch. By now in this show you know exactly what that answer means. The camera exits the room just to tell us what happens inside trough noise.. we know exactly what we will see if we get back into the room.

Watamote is another show that got under my skin, the choices that Tomoko makes can feel very confronting if you are a bit like her. It holds up a very comfortable mirror that feels like it is mocking you specifically at times. There were several instances where I really hated Tomoko for making a choice, realising it would be the one I would make at well. Watamote can be like a whirlpool. There is a clear sign of misery at times but you can’t help but being drawn in and relate.

Does Mononoke (and others) have permission to call me a nickname on WordPress or Social Media?

I prefer the name pet-name over nickname, as it shows it’s meant in an endearing way. Nicknames can be good or bad but a pet-name is always something positive. As long as it’s positive I do not mind. In the past my former friends have given me nicknames for my weird movement. Stuff like Lady-Limps-Alot, Droppy (I got dizzy a  and weak a lot due to my being sick but not yet knowing it was me being sick, but I fell a lot) or other stuff of that nature. No nega-nicknames! Or I will destroy you! I have a stand and a zanpakuto and soon more! 

Do you have nickname suggestions?

Honestly I think Pinkie is already pretty much  a good nickname. It is short, my character and my blog are super pink, and it has the right amount of floatiness and happiness  and love that is in my blog theme. One can not mess with perfection. It’s the same in Japanese as Pink becomes Pinku.. so we can’t really weeb it  up either. I am rather unlucky and clumsy but that could easily result in a negative nickname but we might be able to craft it into something cute.  Pinkie is not my real name of course though I kind of wish it was. In real life I am mostly known and referred to as Denise but that is only part of the full name and than there is babetised named yada yada.. So Pinkie D is cute and retro. Still if you can improve on Pinkie I think you are very smart. Luckilily I know a bunch of guys that can help!

Weird Question Time: What is the most ticklish part of your body?

I don’t really like being tickled, I have less body control than others so triggering a tickling reaction usually has me flailing all about. I kind of panic at that loss of control because I have slapped children in the face by accident when losing motor control, I have destroyed a friend’s glasses for tickling me and there was nothing I could do. So for your own safety do not tickle me. I do not really get tickeling either.. when do you tickle?

I am not particularly ticklish either like my reaction is more to a people manipulating my body to make me feel something weird.. as to enjoyment or aversion to tickling.  My hand palms are super sensitive though. Carrying shopping bags can be a real problem as it really hurts and tickling my hand palms does something similar. Too much input ! So weird.

Nominate 10-20 People

Thats a lot of people but sure here we go:

Hitari Otaku Station
Secluded Observations
Fanficton Anime World
Master Mix Movies
Al’s Manga Blog
Geek Girl Joy
Blerdy Otome
Lita Kino (When back from Hiatus)

Ask your nominees 5 questions
Including one weird or funny question.

What is your favorite board game/tabletop game.

What is your favorite (anime) companion “creature” or general mascotte.
(Examples Happy, Pikachu but also BB8 from Star Wars)

What is an overused trope in fiction you still like no matter how often it is used? If you don’t have any.. pick the one you mind the least.

Zombie Apocalypse, Alien invasion or A.I.  revolting against man which one will happen and whose side will you be on? Doing what?

The weird question, this one had to be at least a bit tricky to answer so this is a TAG question.
Step 1: You have to set up a date for Pinkie ,which blogger do you set her up with? (tag  the blogger you )
Step 2: Pinkie will set you up for a date in return which blogger would you like to be set up with. (tag the suggestion)

Put Up A Link to your Best Blog

This rule of the blog tag is the one I will be breaking.  I am not in a very confident mood about my writing, nor do I think that my best post in my own eyes would hold any value. So I would like to ask my dear readers which one of my posts is their favorite. What do you enjoy reading?  That would help the blog out a lot more than me promoting something you may not like right. So I would like to conclude on that. At the very bottom of this post those who got nominated can find a copy pastable version of the rules. I look forward to seeing all of your blog posts and your comments! Love you al l and enjoy your stay in Paradise.

Bonus Feature: Copy Pastable Blog Tag Rules

Rules for the Mystery Blogger Award

  • Display the award logo on your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Answer 5 questions from the nominee.
  • Nominate 10 – 20 bloggers.
  • Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice, including 1 weird or funny question.
  • Share the link to your best post.

Published by

Princess Pinkie

A 34 year old, super pink, Geek blogger, from the Netherlands behind the keyboard. A 21 year old , Unicorn-Duck Princess VBlogger on the border of imagination and reality!

17 thoughts on “Am I a Mysterious? The Mystery Blogger Award”

  1. Nice job on the award! Also thanks for the nomination! No idea how I’ll respond to some of those questions though (particularly the last/fifth one or the rule about the creator when youve already done the digging xD ).


    1. Thank you.

      The fifth question is just for fun and in good spirit, don’t think to hard about it .

      The creator of the post you just have to mention and provide a link too. No research needed I just went with another approach this time.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I know right.. that first image I used already made me uneasy. They are the one thing that still makes me run and scream. Once one got trapped in a lamp I own.. I did not sleep the entire need keeping it trapped in there, trying to kill it with hairspray and even considering moving out my home for a week or so if it would not die.Afterwards it would surely be dead. Luckily I managed to destroy it. But yes Wasps are the most scary thing out there. Or one of the most scary things at least.


  2. Wasps and cats just KNOW when someone has “hurt me” printed in invisible except to pests big letters on your face. You poor baby. The worst I can come up with is I ran around barefoot as a kid and stepped on a bee. That was not much fun. Fire ants! We had fire ants in New Mexico and several of them got me one day when I was doing yoga outside. Right on my knee. OMG – it hurt for HOURS! I wasn’t even near their nest, really! And Pinkie is Pinkie. Pinkie is perfect 😀 I actually had ducks, and they are cute. They were outdoor duckies though and were never as tame as the duck on Friends. McMurray hatchery has this super cute “runner” ducks who stand up right like penguins. Maybe I’ve had too much sugar today. But I enjoyed this post 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The cats stuff is more because they usually freak out when I make a sudden twitch but yeah not very lucky with those. The wasp on fire sting was the worst xD.. though I did have a spiderbite once that paralised my entire hand for like 8 hours and it hurt like it was dying.

      I always thought fire ants were evil so I stayed far away from them so I got lucky! Poor you though!

      Thanks for the response and kind words as always

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Stung by a wasp? In both ears? Excuse me, I need to faint. That sounds like a horrid experience!

    Thank you for the nomination! This sounds like a lot of fun… especially the final tag question heheh…I’m already conjuring my evil plans

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I look forward to those evil plans! Perhaps I am simply seeking for evil geniousses to conquer the world with and this question is your trial! Who knows! But getting stung in both ears was pretty horrible. Perhaps it was that which drove me to evil.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It was pretty painful indeed, the post mentioned I was unlucky! I felt like one of those cartoon characters with an all swollen face.. it wasn as bad but with my ears all close up and being stung on the nose as well it sure felt like it :P.

      Liked by 1 person

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