Is Pinkie a Powerful Female? Does she know any? The Powerful Female Tag

I shoot laser beams from my Antenna, I am immortal and I can flip cars with a single flap of my wings. Yet I also can not, this is only my V-persona! It’s still pretty neat in V-Reality though!  However does this make me a powerful woman?! I don’t think so.. yet Annie from Evening Tea Musing’s saw something in me that made her feel like I was a powerful woman! She nominated me for this tag and I am super grateful! Because I am a game blogger, in an anime world I decided to answer all her prompts with both a video game character as well as an anime character. Just because I Like to complicate things


  • Choose a female (real or fictional) for every prompt.
  • Tag at least one female blogger.
  • Pingback to Annie’s Powerful females’ tag.
  • Enjoy~

Name a Female Known for her Intelligence

Anime: Dragon Ball (and onwards) – Bulma 

No I shall not be calling her Bulma Briefs, because that is a dubismn, her real last name is pretty much unknown. The way her father is referred to as Dr Briefs in Japanese doesn’t mean it is his last name, in fact it seems to be quite the opposite. See.. I bet some of you did not know that!  Regardless, Bulma is a very well known character in the anime world and she is  smart as heck. She can copy technology just by glancing at it and in fact improve it.  From Saiyan space pods with artificial gravity chambers to building time machines, Bulma has the technical prowess that goes way beyond her years. Besides that Bulma is also very much in touch with her femininity and  she is clever in keeping her looks as well.  She abuses the dragonballs, using the radar she invented. However to keep her good looks, Dragon Ball Super Broly showed us that Bulma has been secretly wishing for youth as well.  To escape repercussions she has been wishing for alittle bit each time so her friends do not notice. This shows not only does she have a high IQ , her EQ and wits are up there as well.

Games: Breath of the Wild – Zelda

I do not like Breath of the Wild all the much. I think it should have been Breath of the Wild, a Hylian adventure..focussing on a new hero stuck in between times that Link is reincarnating and such…this adventure did not feel like a Legend of Zelda game to me and I did not care much for the gameplay. However this game easily has my favourite incarnation of Zelda of all times.. even though I think she should have been just a scholar with just enough of Zelda’s lineage in her blood to awaken her powers. That doesn’t change though that this character is an incredible scholar. Long before Zelda becomes useful as a Triforce user, her scholar skills help her modify and utilize the divine beasts. She is great at technology, but also botany and she also is a capable biologist. Even as a kid she was extremely gifted in polliticology , knowing exactly how and when to act like a princess. Her social skils and empathy could use some work though.. that’s not how you ask someone to eat a frog princess.

Name a Female known for her great Physical Strength

Anime: Flip Flappers- Papika

Originally my vote would have gone from Koto to Kyousougiga.. but the fact that I would need an entire paragraph just to explain who Koto is.. and which Koto I mean.. made me choose Papika instead. In many ways she is a better pick anyway! Not only is she strong as an ox, she fulfills many typically male tasks throughout Flip Flappers, while keeping her femininity still. And when I say.. Male tasks  I mean stuff like hunting, surfing, saving the damsel in distress. It is also implied that she is into characters of her own gender romantically.  Yet Papika never really falls into the tomboy trope. She still loves lots of plushies and bubbly stuff, despite having so much of the classic melee hero quirks, she veers from feeling like the classic archtype and that is why she is the one I respect the most. She does some respectable things, in her own unique way and I adore her for it. 

Games: The Witcher 3 – Ciri

Of course Ciri is more than just a woman of great physical strength, she posses ample abilities to exist alongside that, such as her abilities to travel to the world of Cyberpunk 2077 and not noticing the glitches!  Yet Ciri is above all an extremely capable warrior of great strength to me!  She can survive and adapt in any world and wield a multitude of weapons. Lifting an actual sword is heavy as heck, yet she swings it around like it is nothing.  Ciri’s physique also extends to amazing reflexes and she is rather durable as well showing once more she is super strong. Having access to royal blood gave Ciri a relatively easy way out.. but it is a path she never chose. She did things the hard way.  She honed her strength and depending on how you played through the game made some hard sacrifices as well.  Always enduring! She is a powerful woman for sure!

Name a Female who Powered through Difficult times

Anime: Sailor Moon – Usagi Tsukino

So.. this might be an odd choice! We all know Usagi is known for crying a lot and being comically frail at times. Yet I think I would like to mention her as a Powerful woman. Difficult times are often described with immense hardships, losing a relative, breaking up, losing your job. While Usagi also suffers through these, our beloved little crybaby also shows how difficult it can be at times just to power through a normal day. She demonstrates how painful it can be to fight with your friends, even if you know things will turn out alright again. She deals with a whole lot including small stuff! That is something I will always respect more than just someone being able to cope with one major thing. Usagi may be frail but she shows it that at times it is okay to cry!  It is okay to be upset at the tiny things! We don’t have to wear a mask.. if we stay trough to ourselves we can power through that way as well. That is why Usagi would be my pick!… Plus if we look at the major things happening to her… she earns it several times over anyway!

Games: Final Fantasy VI- Celes Chere

Not the only Final Fantasy Character on this list… and to be fair, I could have easily filled this post with just Final Fantasy characters.  I will stick to just two though! Celes Chere is a character that is unlocked around the ending of the first major story arc in Final Fantasy VI and probably my favourite Final Fantasy character ever.  She finds out that her loyalties have been in the wrong place, she has to deal with the terrible things she has done in the past and come to terms with her terrible history.  She could turn her conscious off for so long but now it is back.. we see Celes cope with a depression, a death wish even, thinking she is not deserving of positive things…. yet there is also a blossoming relationship in her life, which seems like a great thing.. but when you are in the place Celes is, getting affection can make you sink deeper. I have been there, where you feel so unworthy that all love feels like people are wasting time on you and you feel terrible for being in their live, for stealing their time.  Celes sees hope returning to her live.. just to see that very new world she had fought for be destroyed… literally! Then she has to fight to start over again. When you first meet Celes in the game.. she has no own theme yet.. unlike other characters.. she finds it along the way.. she is like a phoenix that rises from the ashes… and she does it twice in one game!

Name a Female you want to be Roommates/Friends with

Anime: Re:Zero – Rem

Irina had the right idea when she picked Tohru… who would have been my number one pick as well.. but Senpai beat me to this post so I had to adapt.  A maid of great physical strength and love… luckily I had two other options fairly easily available to me. Rem and Ram. Since I am the pink one , I would  really prefer Rem! The likeliness of me starting a romance from friendship is a bit smaller, but Irina told me not to give up hope and since she is a powerful female herself, I chose to believe her. Who knows!  Rem seems like a great friend, that needs to be won over first.. but then would die for her friends. She sacrifice herself in many ways… so I hope that this also applies to the moment the dishes need to be done!  I doubt Rem is as good of a maid as Tohru is, she is away from her duties a lot after all,   but she is still a great pick!  I would love to see her open up a bit more and she has some fragile traits which really draws me into characters.  I may not be able to be a hard worker but I can be a great listener and I can give good advice.. I think Rem and me could have a healthy friendship…as long as all the stuff wanting her dead doesn’t visit as well.

Games: Final Fantasy VII (Remake) – Aerith

I would love to have more plants in my house, but I am not very good at taking care of my plants.  Even if I love them they grow too fast  and die because they become too thin.. or I forget which plant is fake and which one is real and  scatterbrain that I am. I keep on watering a fake plant until the one dies. I need a flower girl in my life.  Aerith also can make you smile when the sky is grey and not the faintest bit of sunshine is to be seen.  She is positivity reincarnated… and in the Final Fantasy remake she is just adorably quirky as well!  Her swearing subtle when she almost falls from some slum rooftops.. her mimicking the horse like a laugh or a crime lord.  Even when she doesn’t intend to.. Aerith will turn your frown upside down. Now that the timeline can go anywhere.. there is even hope our friendship can last forever.  It is rare to encounter such a positive soul as Aerith so I think she would make a great roommate.. I can do the cooking, Rem can do the cleaning and Aerith can do the decorating! Our home will be awesome!

Name a Female who you think is a good Role Model

Anime: Märchen Mädchen – Hazuki Kagimura

I bet non of you expected this one to be on my list, did you know?!  This anime is very under-rated  in my opinion mostly due to production delays.. but if you watch it now it is a perfectly enjoyable anime.  It’s no masterpiece.. but not everything needs to be.. if you fill in the blanks yourself and try to see the positives it actually IS a very good show!   Hazuki on first glance doesn’t seem to be a great role model,  her power is kinda weird and she is your standard klutzy magical girl protagonist. I do not like the idea of Role Models all that much, it’s a slippery slope,  many people emulate role models and it causes this behavioural least towards the more common role models.  Hazuki however is all about the idea that you should not let others determine your life. Not destiny nor the will of others. You should write your own story and if you do not like where your own story is going , you should rewrite it.. even if people think it is a classic. Hazuki is a magical girl that draws her magical powers from the Fairy Tale Cinderella.. but to accept this power she must find her prince and go to the ball… she doesn’t want that.. she doesn’t want a prince!   So she rewrites her story.
So she can be the person she wants to be.. now that to me is a great role model! 

Games: Divinity Original Sin 2 – Lohse 

If you haven’t read what I said about the anime character, let me say again, that to me a role model isn’t someone to emulate.. a Role Model is someone who inspires you to be the best version of yourself. Irina is a Role Model because I like her style.. and I want to develop my own style just as much as she did hers, I do not want to BE Irina.  Nor be more similar to her.. I just feel inspired by what she does.  Lohse is a very similar tale.  She is possessed by a demon who is trying to make her into something she is not and her entire story is about overcoming that fight! How she can escape from her destiny and walk to the sound of her own ..lute. Lohse wants to sing and perform and through the magic of video games she can fight for that in any way she wants. She can be a warrior, she can be a caster, she can be a healer…. her journey is to become herself.. and herself alone.. but along the journey you as the player can determine who that is. She by far.. and I mean by FAAAAAR is the best character in divinity and I had a little crush on her as I played trough the game. I want to be like her.. not in the behavioral sense.. but our ideals line up nicely so she inspires me!

Name a female who deserves a spotlight


I can easily name some Niche female characters that deserve more attention.. but  just in being here as a female you deserve a spotlight!  You matter to me… the males do to of course.. but for this tag the females matter just a little bit more!  Whether it is because you came up with this tag, joined the tag or are curious about the tag,  you deserve just as much attention and love as the women I just shouted out.  By being here.. you  are a minecraft block in my house! If you think a single block isn’t all that important in the big picture.. build a pretty house in Minecraft.. then take out a random block and shove dirt in there!  Things do not feel right after that, and that’s why that block.. and you deserve a spotlight.  While we may only influence each other on a very small scale.. or while you may not feel you are relevant at whatever place you hold in this world… you matter!  You being there and being you matters.. in all your womanhood!   

You are a powerful woman as well, even if you don’t know it yet… well at least if you identify as a woman. Whatever the reason is I am not sure, it can be that you are a champion for following my blog for so long. Giving me a virtual hug on twitter, or inspiring me. It could also be your writing that gives hopes to others! We are never weaker than we imagine we are always more powerful!  It isn’t always easy.. and  it isn’t always fun.. but you matter girl!
Here is your spotlight!


So this one is optional of course do not feel obligated to do this.. but these are five absolutely powerful female bloggers that I think deserve this tag more than a few times over
if you aren’t there.. That doesn’t mean I think you are not worthy! I am just trying to keep the tag alive by actually name dropping a few!   If you want to partake.. read the last paragraph and know you are worthy too!

To me you are one of the biggest inspirations and maybe the epitome of powerful women bloggers! You deal with so much yet are always there for a kind word and your amazing blog.


If you read my post you know that walking to the beat of my own drum is very important to me and you are a credit to that cause as well. Blogging about what you love despite the gaming gate-keepers and the obstacles in your way! I respect you so much and I hope you have been tagged already.. but if not you deserve it 10x over.


I might be kind of making a mistake her, because Mari is non binary, but my brain can’t stop telling me that they should be tagged as well.. Of course if they aren’t comfortable being counted as a Powerful Female I have all the respect in the world for that but I still think they have plenty to add to this subject!  I am sorry if I made you uncomfy.. but you are very powerful to me!


Of course my blogging bestie would be on this list as well!  She is powerful, free spirited and physically strong herself.. as well as quite intelligent.. I could put her on every prompt and not be lying so that is saying something already on how much she is deserving of this tag.  I am also really interested in her answers to this so could be neat from that angle as well. She also supported my Patreon so by default she gets tagged for all these posts so there is that as well. Plenty of reasons to tag her!

Celestial Sparkles

I haven’t been visiting blogs recently much due to health crippling me, I just lack the bonus time to read around and do what I want to produce myself, but Celestial Sparkles is an amazing blogger that I feel pretty connected with, yet she is much more an anime blogger than I am and she is into a lot of different things.. but she is my Pink buddy! Gotta look out after that as well! I do think she is powerful! She struggled a lot and keeps coming back! That is power as well!

That is this post done! Stay strong women.. and men, you are pretty great yourself…sometimes! Shine on my little lights! Oyasumi!

sleeping my melody | My melody, Melody, Sanrio

Published by

Princess Pinkie

A 34 year old, super pink, Geek blogger, from the Netherlands behind the keyboard. A 21 year old , Unicorn-Duck Princess VBlogger on the border of imagination and reality!

15 thoughts on “Is Pinkie a Powerful Female? Does she know any? The Powerful Female Tag”

    1. She is great! But yeah for this reason I did games and anime as two seperate things xD since a lot of my gamer followers would know none of the anime characters .. except maybe Usagi xD

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Aww thanks for the mention, that made my day ❤ It's OK, I identify as female and non-binary, I'm weird heh. I'd love to do one of these of my own but I would have to think about it for a bit because there are so many characters I like

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pinkie shooting laser beam out her antenna whilst doing some power ranger pose, hell yeah go for it pinkie!! 😃


  3. Pinkie is role model and powerful female! And, as usual, makes her blogging bestie blush a lot. I really like your role models, and your take on role models – because I agree with that wholeheartedly. I kind of don’t like the “role model” thing because you should be yourself – not someone else. But it’s great if someone inspires you to be your best self by their own example. But the best part of this post was the spotlight. What an inspiration and perfect, wonderful choice 😀 I can’t possibly top that. Maybe that’s why I’ve been procrastinating about commenting, let alone taking the tag on, for days 😛 Okay, I’ll try…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The spotlight I found to vague to give any other answer to be honest… who deserves things more… I can’t rank stuff! That tears me apart xD so I just do everyone xD

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh my goodness, I just saw this. *hugs* I thought I’d done this one for a second but nope, it was the ‘underrated’ female tag. I’ll have to remember to do this one as I’ve not done a tag in aggggeeeees.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. *hugs back*
      This one is fairly new! It could be a good one! And it made me think of you! I’ll look forward to seeing you tell us about Powerful Women.. I am sure the clothing industry will have some interesting opinion on that blog as well!

      Liked by 1 person

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