My Geeky “Firsts”

I originally wanted to talk about board games with you today.. but then I realised those aren’t really relevant right now.. So I was beginning to crack my poor brain to stuff in my past that I could use for a blog!  Before I could even start I was like! Oh I could talk about my first steps as a geek!

My First Cosplay
(sort of)

I do not remember getting my NES or Ducktales so in my memory it was always there… at least my years of sensibility. I know I was still of the tricycle age so I assume I was about 4, when I got Turtles 2 the arcade game. It was the first game I remember getting. It could not have been my birthday because I was playing outside, grandpa came over to visit and he had a gift for me. A turtle bandanna (the purple one) , with a turtle horn for on my trikey a compass and even the turtles NES game. It was nice weather outside and I was still horrible (AKA) a child. So I wanted to play outside first. Now that I had the turtle headband I was like a turtle.. but I needed a shell as well. So I made myself one. I found myself a dish tub below the sink and got my colouring pencils out and made green blocks which I pasted on the tub.. they did not stick very well but it half looked like a shell.  I am pretty sure I had help from someone though because somehow the tub got four holes in it with some string or ribbon so I could now wear it as a backpack. 

Now Donatello had a big Bo staff so of course I had to go out and find a stick. Luckily I lived super close to a park so off I went. Navigating with my new compass! But not Really I just knew where the park was. I think my uncle came along.. I do not remember. What I do remember is finding the perfect stick! It was just laying their in the pushes so I climbed in.  Now I forgot to mention this but at first I just rode my trikey with a mask and the horn for about an hour or so , I think I got the idea of making the shell after my parents got annoyed from me honking all the time. I was kinda tired in my legs and unstable so I fell. Into a big pile of Poison ivy. Turtle Ouw’er. I managed to roll onto my shell until I was rescued. Maybe it was my aunt..because I remember a woman. I do vividly remember coming back home and grandpa trying hard not to laugh at my misery.  Which made me angry! My first quest for cosplay ended in failure, and mom needed a new tub to do her hand wash in as well! Luckily when I was covered in cooling cream, I could play Turtles 2 the Arcade game ..which made up for my first cosplay attempt.

My first cosplay
The Real One

My first actual cosplay would not come until way , waaaay later. My first actual cosplay was just about 6  years ago. While I planned to go maid, my awkward dutch size made that kinda hard. So I ended up with a Yukata version of Megurine Luka, while my friend cosplayed a Yukata version of Hatsune Miku. It was a cute cosplay but I was a bit flat for Luka. So I had to stuff.  That didn’t go to well initially. I overstuffed which led to several wardrobe malfunctions as well as causing me to drop about a  half a toilet roll worth of toilet paper in the pond like stuff in front of Europol headquarters. Whoops! Luckily I managed to clean most of it up and go into to toilets of the con to restuff and dry my wet yukata.

After that I stuffed less and I had a blast in the cosplay, it was super weather appropriate, my foot was stepped on only once that hurt, and I could walk on those Japanese slippers I bought surprisingly well.  It was so good I cosplayed it again the next day. I had a weird golden sort of nail polish with it cause I thought it really matched the cosplay well.. what I did forget was that I did not plan on putting on nail polish through the weekend, I thought I would be a maid so wear gloves after all… so I ended up without nail polish remover on a Sunday! My friend also did not have any on her since she wore a normal colour. So when we sat at the restaurant on the way back, I sat there with tacky nails that matched with my outfit as well as my personality matches with a Gothic lifestyle. It shined so much I kinda liked like a Bottom Bitch or something. 

My first time in a game store

I was a bit of a loner kid after the bullying started, which meant I never really had a nice shopping experience for games. I had no one to browse with and compare with. Mamma Pinkie usually went with me. Well I would go shopping with her and as a reward I would get a game or a toy.  On rare occasions I got a great report card at Pappa Pinkie would go with me to look at games in another city. He was the only one he could drive so he was the one who chauffeured me if I did something deserving a reward. Pappa Pinkie was not a very patient man though, I should pick and run out.. he gave be about 4 minutes to browse because he wanted to be in and out in five minutes. Which did not really work. One time I got sold something really sucky in a toy store.. just by listening to them. We returned the game the next day and Dad suggested to me I would look at a store called Game City.

This store was run by a woman named Patricia and she is the one who gave me Pokémon Gold before it even launched here.. It was not region locked or something or she got it ahead of europe launch. I had it before everyone else. Beside for everyone who shopped at her place. However the first time I got there was in the days of the SNES. I had no idea what game to get and as usual Dad was very impatient and I was getting flustered, saying I did not need a game I could not find anything so fast. Yet I was close to crying for losing something I really wanted . Dad went more annoyed saying Mom would not allow that so I had to pick when Patricia stepped in. She asked me which games I liked to play and she recommended Mickey Mania for SNES. I followed her advice and it quickly became one of my favorite games. Patricia was a great sales person as she was the one that got my dad into racing games and flight sims. She did not really sell the hardware he needed and he ended up pirating a lot of the games instead of buying them but in her store I could finally look around a bit for games while she could talk to him about stuff he liked as well.

Such a great store far until into the Gamecube age I got nearly all my games there . Nowadays it doesn’t exist anymore. It got competed away by a big second hand game retail franchise. While in some towns the service is great.. they clearly do not always hire gamers for the job.. or at least no Patricia. She was our patron saint of gaming in our local area! Now.. there is just a random guy in a green shirt.

My first geeky romance

I did not have a lot of Geeky romance encounters, though I got a few romantic interests to play Mario or take a look into gaming which was nice but never did i really have a romance who was a geek as well. One day Pinkie was in one of her grocery stores as she saw a beautiful girl with hairs as black as ebony and eyes as blue as the tropical seas. Her name is to difficult for non dutchies so my friend the Multifaceted Ocelot dubbed her Lauren..which is the name we will use for her. I giggled and stumbled in front of her cash register and was trying to figure out where I knew her from. I could not figure it out for a while, back then I had PonPonPon said up as my ringtone which she recognised. Suddenly she recognised me from seeing me at a Con and we got talking. We started meeting after a few talks and just geeking out. I had known I might not have been into guys before but I never had a female love before either and well Lauren. . made me feel things I did not feel before. Especially when we decided we would do a pokémon act together. She said we should make it kinda Yuri.

She came up with an act with a loving Sylveon trying to win the heart of a cold Glaceon. As she explained what I should do things we get a bit flirty. Eventually we went a bit of scene and I kissed a girl. A short romance blossomed up it was fun and it felt way better than another relation in terms of.. well it was more right.. yet that did not last to long. As I become more and more infatuated with Lauren, she become more and more obsessed with the cosplay act. In the end I was more a means to an end to her to give her the act she wanted.. but she cared about me enough to realise this. Eventually Lauren recast me with a straight friend she had. She also broke up with me after about two month’s being a thing. She was more into guys and with me it was something more spontaneous for her. While I do occasionally talk to her she has since become a bit preoccupied with what other people think of her and things and can very much not be herself. I know her and this isn’t her and that hurts. We still bond over new pokémon stuff from time to time or talk about cute stuff..maybe one day I can defrost her icy heart!

My first geeky stalker

On the opposite side of the spectrum at a Con I also met my first following admirer. My first follower, even before I had a blog. Apparently I talked to him about Power Rangers on either an earlier con or an earlier day but on a con saturday I was suddenly approached by a guy in a Harry Potter Cosplay.  It was one of those awkward “Hey it’s you again “ talks and me just going “Harry Potter, It has been to long,  the last time I saw you you did not have that scar yet”.. which probably was true since he laughed He totally fell for my bluff! He just talked over it. He brought Power Rangers up again which is why I know I talked to him about that before.. still I could not remember it.. In fact I am not even sure he had the right person! I mean I DO like Power Rangers so its plausible.. but either I was drunk before or not very interested.. based on what happened next I would guess the latter. Though since it was at a con.. probably both!

Harry began asking me how I have been so I stuck to events of the day to keep safe and when I asked how he had been he suddenly kept complaining. I am in a hotel room with some random con people! Can you believe they want to  stay up after 11 at cons?! They keep playing cards after that. Meanwhile last night I stayed up until 3 with some friends visiting various events on the con late at night and then drinking and playing cards in our airBnB. I said “Well sometimes I do that do.. you only live once right?” He suddenly completely agreed with me before he went complaining that one of them played western music in the house which annoyed him. I don’t care for music either way so I just shrugged and gave him a backpad. “There There”. I should not have done that.

After that he kept meeting up again the entire day and the day after. He wanted to buy me lunch, he wanted to talk between the two of us and while I had no issue with him following me it did not take him very long to become possessive and demanding. I was oblivious to his interest I was just thinking he was a bit socially awkward before that.  I told him I was into girls.. but he did not believe me.  Things grew a bit scary as I asked him to back off a little he apologised and backed off. Then suddenly I began getting texts. Apparently he followed a friend of mine and asked them what my number was since he lost his old phone.. like he completely lied. He began sending me texts that he hoped I was not to mad. Way past his self proclaimed bed time.

I wanted to resolve things because I felt like I did not want to block him. The guy was nice enough so on the con I took him apart just before I went home and told him it was never going to happen but that I liked talking geeky with him. We ended up taking about our favorite power ranger villains and we even parted with a hug! Yet after the con the texts kept coming. Growing increasingly delusional , eventually constantly mentioning.. If only would be into guys. We had a real moment there! He never met someone who understood him as much. He hoped that we could still be friends and eventually one day.. things might happen.

He found me on Badoo, which I had to delete because of that, by pretending to be a girl and some other red flags. At one point he started adding all my Facebook friends and asking them if I had a new number.  He always used geeky references because I said I liked that in him…. in a friendly way but eventually he pissed Pinkie off. I told him I would block his number and never wanted to talk to him again. If he bothered any of my friends or me I would press charges.  Two years later he comes up to me again and apologizes and he has a partner. Very clingy but a cute couple. I talk to them occasional if we walk past each other but only if they are together… For all you potential stalkers out there feel free to talk.. but if I say no it’s a a no! Never will be a yes either. If you can accept that we can be friends! If you can’t .. i’ll be angry!

Published by

Princess Pinkie

A 34 year old, super pink, Geek blogger, from the Netherlands behind the keyboard. A 21 year old , Unicorn-Duck Princess VBlogger on the border of imagination and reality!

4 thoughts on “My Geeky “Firsts””

  1. Loved reading about your amusing cosplay experiences – both the first and the formal ones! Geeky stalkers…can be a problem though. Ick, I’ve met one myself, but I had very protective friends around me so it wasn’t as bad as what happened to you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, well my friends are very guilible on a con everyone has many friends so mistakes are easily made. Nowadays it would not have happend to me anymore as a few friends have since grown more protective. In defence of the guy he was just desperate I guess.. we see that often enough, once he broke his delusion he was an okay guy!


  2. This was fun to read – well, except for the stalker part. Stalkers freak me out – but then I had a rrreeeeeeely creepy one that scared me and my friends to death because he started telling them he was going to kill me. You know, if I can’t have her, no one can type stuff. (shudder) Anyway – I LOVED the turtle cosplay. One of those things that is only funny year and years later and mostly to other people. Makes a great story, wasn’t much fun to live through. I am so glad you had Patricia. The world needs more Patricias. You only get them in those little mom and pop type stores. I kind of hate the corporate world for schmashing them out of business like they do. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can laugh with my own bad luck and i think every kid fell into poison ivy at one point, or got caughy in barbed wire or am electric fence or something.
      It happens to us all somehow somewhere. I haven’t had lots of encounters with Ivy afterwards though because I steered very clear of it :p

      My stalker was still kind of tame.. yours sounds a lot scarier. It’s a shame but I think it kinda comes with the territory. In the Geeky Domain that is a lot worse because of social akwardness makes people a bit more broody and held back. My friend who works in PR has a lot of problems with it.. simply because being friendly is so often misunderstood in those circles. Shame

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