It’s a new format: Princess Talks – Episode 1

Greetings Pleasants, as people might know I had a recent spell of blogging Dysphoria that made me question if I even want to keep pursuing this blog. It’s a great world and community, but I am not sure if it is fully my community! I do enjoy myself when writing, but dealing with that other stuff has been a struggle, stuff like topic selection, or what I want to achieve with a post. Also stuff like editing efforts and such! So I decided to develop a format that would deal with my issues! And out came out Pinkie Talks.

Why Pinkie Talks was born

I always had a dream of a very interactive blog, focussed on creative content, rather than reviews. However for those topics I am in a niche that isn’t large enough to maintain that interactivity. Reviews would be received well, and I consider tose low effort posts for me personally, while high effort posts did not nearly do as well. When my closest chat friends became aware and pointed out that lots of times my comment sections end up empty I realised I was burning a lot of energy on formats that I could not maintain without interactivity. I can not turn people into conceptual Pokémon if no one in my comments said.. Wow I like this, do me next. I COULD write anime concepts based on random things using wheels and generators.. but again..I’d burn energy to update said wheel, while I rather have it from audience interaction anyway. That is not anyone’s fault , it is just me structuring my posts wrong. I became dependent on my audience, and with me often to find enough energy to make it trough a day I could not keep up with 70 blogs to ensure interaction either.

Is a Bad Dad Better Than No Dad? |

WordPress should be obligation free, for anyone. You do not OWE me a response, so I should not demand one. I might be a princess, but that was still wrong. I have no legal authority in your country yet after all! Still the passion to write was there.. so I wanted something that is more static in nature. Yet also something that isn’t what everyone else does. It’s not that I dislike reviewng or dislike all of your reviews… it is a much deeper issue. Whatever I attempted as a kid.. dad always told me I was not good enough in that… he still does! He recently told me I will suck as a streamer/VTuber. He talked down on the whole idea.. and when dad is a video producer/online content maker/web designer.. that stings.

Whatever sport I played as a kid, whatever hobby I picked.. he told me I was not good enough. What’s worse is.. I believed him. It nestled in my brain and stuck there…. so now whenever I do something I see the mass does.. my brain will ALWAYS tell me I am not good enough. I WILL be the worst streamer, I AM the worst blogger…not factually but in my head… in my dads voice that is a truth I still can’t deny! It sucks the joy out of things quite often…. but when I am unique and do things my way… . I might suck…but you also can’t compare me to others.

Now while Pinkie talks, is in essence just a log on what’s happening in my life and mind, and thus it is the very first defintion of blogs, I can escape that sense of judgement..because I am not reporting about Cowboy Bebop.. or Breath of the Wild, I am reporting about ME. I am the only person in the world who makes logs about me… so while I am the worst at it.. most likely I also am the best. I tried to trick myself into this by making my reviews personal…but I saw to many people write about what they wanted to see in reviews and adding standard elements to it.. I fell in that pitfall over and over again.. so I needed to find a way to cope! And doing my own little talkshow and log could work well so I made this a reality!

The Rig of my Dreams… and nightmares

My Vtuber dream is slowly coming to fruition, I am making steps to be the true content creator I desire, and I always admitted that blogging was just me settling, It was the video dream that I had as a kid… but surprise surprise, that costs money, which I did not have at the time. Now Covid helped me save a lot of money because I managed to break free of all those social things I do with friends for quite a while. They all say it costs nothing… it’s just a movie…, it’s just fastfood or it’s a ticket to a theme park but today it’s just … … Well , living on benefits I just realised how much money that costs. About a PC per half year! And that is in a market where scalpers have driven up the prices of pc’s very highly. I love my friends and I love doing stuff with them but my love for them kept my dream under lock and key.. and Covid gave me that key. I could make the sacrifice ..without it being a sacrifice!

Sharkoon VG6-W RGB behuizing met een doorzichtig zijpaneel en drie RGB ventilatoren

So I bought a great new PC! An “AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core (12 threads) 3.7Ghz (turbo: 4.6Ghz) Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060 GPU 256GB SSD 16GB DDR4” It even has rainbow fans.. it says on the box! It got delivered to me two days ago! … mostly! The Keyboard I ordered with it did not get delivered…. which is a problem if you have a Laptop! It got delivered in parts anyway and I can’t do the whole pc making thing so a friend of mine will come over to fix that..but I need all parts first so right now it is just sitting pretty on my desk! I proudly showed it to my dad..well the advert to it.. just to realise right after I purchased it .. it dropped 200 euro’s in price! … Frick! Even though I got it on sale, with a banner that said.. this sale will last for 12 more days! It did.. but the base price just lowered! … So that soured my joy a bit!

I got two 24 inch MSI HD screens with it as well! Which had the correct ports to hook it up ot my new tower without problems, and I got those on a fairly sharp sale as well! So I am quite content! They got delivered exactly on time and in good condition so nothing to complain about with that! I am over the moon! With two screens I can finally stream…….. had my microphone been delivered. You see I ordered an adorable Microphone which was supposed to be delivered by amazon yesterday. Including a boom!

Now Insomnia got to me that night so I did not sleep the entire night prior while I was waiting on my early morning delivery! Promising myself I would get a nap afterwards… but alas it got postponed till the afternoon, then until evening and then I got an e-mail saying it would be delivered a few days later. When I woke up this morning I got an email I send them back for a refund which if I did not do this myself meant the goods have been damaged. I will be refunded in 5 to 7 days…. so now I have to order this cutie again! It does mean I can get a capture card along with it as well though! So that’s a plus!

All in all I am super excited to get my new goodies.. but I am being very unlucky in the way I am getting it.

My first Stream

I am quite nervous for today as it will mark my first guest stream! My rig is clearly not set up yet.. but with my headset and an interactive PNG I will make my first appearance on the Twitch page of my new found friend VBI-Kun. Who is a blue cat spicy seiso V-Tuber. Spicy Seiso means … Spicy Pure. This means while the content technically is safe for work, you might want to reconsider showing your boss that this is what you are up to in your spare time. Unwise For Work.. I would call it!

Anyway VBI is a great streamer, who is quite active in the same community as I am and I try to pop by his streams when I can! Besides him I will be playing a game with about six strangers. So I am actually quite nervous! Mostly because it is my voice debut and I hate everything about my voice! I will be talking in character and overly accentuated Falsetto, until I get more speech therapy. So I am kinda nervous! For those interested in the cat man, you can find him at

Gartic Phone - The Telephone Game

The game we will be playing is called Gartic Phone, which is a web (and I assume mobile) based game where you draw a prompt another player has mentioned. Which can be something weird like “Wolverine eating cabbage” Then the next player is shown your drawing..and they have to make up a new tag for it. Then the next person draws THAT tag and so on! Like one of those old message chain games..but with drawing AND speaking! It’s a really neat game! But there is one problem! I can now draw to save the life of me! Let alone draw within a time limit. Now I know VBI isn’t as much as an artist as many other vtubers either.. but he still draws better than me! So putting my pictures on display for all the world to see is something I look forward to doing.. but I might stand out between artists! Because so many vtubers are artists!… and as people will see tonight (my time) I am not!

Spare Time

I have been pretty insomniac lately so free time is kinda blobbing together with moments of nothingness. I have been watching a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh online content lately which has taken up the slots of my pokemon content , which I am currently on a small break off.. well not really but I just assume less pokémon content. My favourite show to currently follow on the web is Cimooooo’s Progression series. Which is a Yu-Gi-Oh series where the content creator opens Yu-GI-Oh packs (a booster boxx worth of them in virtual form) builds a deck with them.. and then they move to the next set.. getting a new booster box to slowly upgrade their deck!

Man do I enjoy that series! Even though they have entered the horrible generation of pendulums it is nice to see some actualy strategies across the generations that do not involve total blow outs! I also am very much enjoying the History of Yu-Gi-oh series by the same guy! Which highlights iconic decks and Meta builds from ages past! So good! Recently a new series has shown up where he builds one time decks using booster sets in chronological order. .. but this time all the old cards are tossed out! I am hyped for the future!

The Ice Road: Netflix dropt trailer voor keiharde thriller met Liam Neeson

I watched a very generic movie about ice road truckers, miners and Liam Neeson… It’s called Ice Road and I did not like the movie. I wanted to watch something dumb… and I kinda got that but it was written al wrong. Exposition focussed on the wrong things, emotional moments did not hit their mark and Lawrence Fishburne was completely wasted in a movie that is very generic. The only thing I did like about it was the story!

After a mining accident, a cooperation hires three truckers to bring them the one thing that can rescue the miners… but unbeknownst to our heroes, that same company wants their mission to fail because they cut back costs and increase productivity by disabeling security systems… I do feel that this is indeed an evil of these times, much more so then all those gangs and human trafficking circuits Liam usually encounters. However this is basically a Steven Segal movie with a 70 year old lead. It’s bland and you are better of watching the Ice Road series on discovery… though that has less crazy antics and gunfire.

I tried to watch an anime but I lacked the energy! I tried to get back into animal crossing on Switch but I found myself less drawn to the cute characters and the tedium as before, I started a new island and I slipped up in a few placements and I realised I would have to wait about a week or so before I could fix that and it deflated my passion. I tried to install Beyond Good and Evil on my laptop which was gifted to me by Indigo.. but it installs in french for me… which is very obnoxious mostly because I dont speak french! It is impossible to change the language because that was selectd in the old launcher.. and that doesnt run on the steam version! If I get the Ubisoft Launcher THAT in english and then install the game clean with no trace files of it left it should play in english…but that means

Amnesia and Soma Developers Tease Next Game With Some Rocks and Eerie  Wailing | USgamer

I will play it on my new pc instead. I am trying to make my way trough Soma which is an submarine/machine based horror type game! It is really cool, but the fact that I am a machine and not a person does kinda suck the horror out of it! Still a cool game to play! I love making friends with the little lamp robots underwater and finding several ways to solve a puzzle. Quite good even if I am not very excited let alone be scared . It started out really scary though! It kinda makes me want to play Alien Isolation! I have also been playing some serious legacy of the duelist! A yugioh game I got on Switch.. I have nearly completed 100% of the GX matches and I can finally move onto 5d’s which is my favourite era in Yugioh!


To wrap this post up , let’s talk a bit about what I am planning next week! And to be honest, I am not sure! I hope I can get my pc working that week, but I really need my keyboard and he microphone set to come in in order to make that for work. I am getting some more gender therapy sessions which is good and I think I have an appointment with my psychologist set as well, so all in all it will be a great week for my mental health as having acces to said new pc is to be sure to heighten my spirts as well. If my Insomnia doesn’t break me down to much I plan to do one or two videos for my youtube channel as well. .. Again IF I can get my microphone delivered. I want to make a video where I explain the rules of my channel and maybe do one where I tell a story! I might even convert these Pinkie talks into videos at a certain point.

As for blogs go, will there be any next week?! I am not sure! The laptop had it’s backspace key break! Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t, blogging without backspace is quite annoying! So it depends! I will at least try to do something for the anniversary on saturday, but I am currently still unsure what to do. It might be a bit silly to celebrate two years of blogging anyway! So who knows! We might get something we might not, it’s all up to what I feel like. and that feels okay! I am happy with, I feel no more obligation to my blog, now I can finally blog just for fun! Freedom!

Mel Gibson versus history: how Braveheart got William Wallace so wrong

I am back! Sort of…. I think?

Good to see you again pleasants! It has been a while since I last blogged! I needed a break from it all because I wanted to focus on some of my greater ambitions! So what have I been up to? What is going on with Pinkie?! Well today I will tell you all about my pursuit to become a Vtuber and how it has changed things for me!

Why I took a break

10-hour clock | Fact# 3981 |
How my days feel!

So let’s begin at the start! Why did I take a break?! Well it has been no secret I have not been getting out of blogging what I want to get out of blogging! I really DO like the blogging community and you are all such kind and good people filled with passion and amazing penmanship… but for me this past year of blogging there was something missing from it! I have thoroughly enjoyed my interactions with the Paradise Staff and making up the stories in the blog is really fun. Yet on multiple occasions I have talked about how I missed something, and with my staff becoming less active and my Joy pointing out my comment section is often quite empty, I wondered what it was. I struggled to keep up with other blogs as well as I increasingly fell out of love with anime…. No wait that is wrong. I really do love anime, just not as much as you guys do?! I have several passions that trump that and I found them demanding increasing amounts of time.

I made a lot of Vtuber friends. Like the amazing Millie Fuwaffles, Nephillia and the always funny Patumbra, I also made friends with the amazingly talented and focussed Nini Neen, as well as plenty of others. I try to support them but this means watching about a 3 hour stream every day, I do pop in and out a bit but I want to offer them interaction! I want to be part of the community so that means putting in the hours. Through these interactions I figured out what I was lacking from blogging and that was … spontaneity I want to converse rather than just speak? I do like blogging interactions but compared to streams it’s a bit more “flat”. We say “nice post” .. or “you dumb pink cow, how dare you devaluate us by saying our interactions are flat.. you should die in a hole” or something in between. If I have an issue get good advice and my shoulderpads… but never (except with Joy… I love you for it Joy) you suddenly end up talking about something completely different. In a stream we can talk about the game the streamer is playing and suddenly end up in a conversation about the origin of taffy. All of you may know I thrive on randomness.. so this kinda thing is like my jam!

6 WordPress Issues (and what to do about them) | fjorge
Not bad.. but it adds a lot of tedium for the casual blogger

I do still have a passion for writing, making up stories and telling stuff, that is still in my blood so it is not like I will stop blogging or that I do not get anything out of it, yet WordPress itself made it less rewarding still. The struggles to get the edit right, the relative amount of effort for a small visual thing no one ever really notices…it took the spontaneity even further away. I have a super cool idea and begin writing and that part is fun, but then comes dealing with the editor.. and it becomes less fun. Glitches, text popping in and out, having to sort my colours every time, it enforced that feeling of .. ugh.. not today for me! So I needed a break and really focus on something I am super passionate about! And that thing was starting my Vtuber career.. and to do that I had to do one of the hardest things I have ever done.

Coming out as a trans-woman

So this one might sound weird to a few of you, as I have in the past spoken openly about this on other people’s blogs! I have always reacted to posts about the subject and in OWLS it was on my “profile”. I have talked in depth about subject matter with people like Mari and Irina as well as some others. Yet on my own blog I never did, so this fact may surprise some of you! Truth of the matter, confessing that isn’t hard at all. I’d tell the truth to all who’d ask. I just feel, and forgive me if this offends you, that you have no business in knowing my genetic make-up…. in all other ways than that I’ve been that girl I said I am.. in fact in the virtual space I have been more true to myself than my parents have ever seen me past the age of 5. You guys have seen the real me…and that is why coming out was so hard for me. I had to corrupt my safe space.

Transgender flag - Wikipedia
My flag kinda looks like an oreo with a layer of jam added

In the text based virtual space, I have no tells that my biological truth may be different from my sociological truth, and since non of you are my doctor geneticist or those who need to write me legal documents, the gender versus genetics thing has always been a non issue. However as an aspiring streamer, I need to be confronted with my greatest shame.. my voice. I truly loathe my voice so much so that I am actually afraid to speak up! I am so scared and displeased by it that in fact I CAN not truly speak up. Health issues complicated that even more so it will be a tricky thing for me to deal with.. but since content making IS a dream, I can not have that fear hold me back anymore… and since the internet is how it is “You sound like a dude” .. or ” I bet she is actually a guy” in comments and all… I decided to embrace my flag though it pains me greatly.

I feel in order to chase my dream, I am leaving a piece of my true identity behind. I am a true woman.. I know it! Yet recently it has become a bit of a “trend” or more “accepted” thing to be Trans… which is great..except it feels wrong to me. I just want to be the woman I know I am.. and the woman I in all but the genetical way am! That doesn’t need to be closer defined. I don’t specify my skin colour, my eye colour or my clumsy demeanour either. I am not a “clumsy” woman.. well I am a clumsy woman but it’s not like a subspecies or something. This might feel stupid but in calling me a “trans-woman” I feel like I will forever be denied “woman”. It’s not as bad as being called a dude.. but imagine if your life long dream is to see Disneyland.. but then you are denied entry past Cinderella’s castle?! It’s still Disneyland sure and you can hug Mickey Mouse all the same.. but it feels like you are missing out on the true experience. That is why I reluctantly wear this flag. Trans… is not a state of being, trans is a journey you undertook to finally become your true self. It is fleeting. I know I had to do this coming out to explain my voice and some other things I will encounter as a streamer .. but I am just very afraid Trans-woman will lead into the JK Rowling mindset, where the opposite of Trans-Woman is her “true-woman” or whatever higher level of womanhood she claims to be on in her tweets. It would deny me from ever reaching my destination… and it makes me really anxious… so I struggled with that.

Becoming a VTube

My overlay plus my model

Now let’s talk about cool things! My path to become a Vtuber! I have made some amazing steps on the way! I am learning more about streaming everyday, and I have found this amazing loving community filled with amazing people who support me and help me and are there for each other. Every time I visit one of their discords it feels as if I am on the floor of an anime convention or something, except we don’t talk about anime that much, we can literally talk about everything. There is a fair bit of anime talk but these people also care a lot about gaming.. much more in the same ratio’s as myself. Where in the blogging community I found people I look up to, and who are very eloquent and are equally as passionate as me , in the Vtuber community I have found my peers. People like me! Who much more share my humor and my quirkiness and a love for randomness. It helped me flesh out the character quite a bit.

For example I made the difficult decision to drop the name Pinkie for my Vtubing. There is this certain pony that completely drowns me out in any search results… except for weird questions like “are Pinkie and Goku in Love” which people apparently googled to land on my blog! I have taken on the handle of Yuni D’uque a japanese frenchie name that is based on my character being a uniduck. D’uque will perform fairly well in search engines once it is time for me to fully start streaming. Most elements are already in play for that! I have my stream overlays sorted out, I have made a lot of visuals, I have my amazing 3d model by Frisout (which kinda clips because she is just a Vroid but it’s an amazing place to start) I have made many new friends and even some collabs already planned. As a blogger I never fully managed to get that off.. because how odd it felt to me! I never felt good enough.. it would be fun but my part would be detrimental to someone else… I do not feel that burden as a streamer.

My New Logo

Basically I have everything I need to be a streamer..except for one thing! A rig with which I could feasibly stream. I need a new pc because I have discovered my system is NOT good enough for that! But that makes it all the more exciting to do this! I have found a system that I am ordering the day after this post goes live and then within a few weeks I am ready to start streaming. I am super excited! So I made a channel promo to highlight what I as a Vtuber will be about! I hired an amazing artist to perform some lyrics I rode to a song that means a lot to me… and of course Disney immediately claimed any rights to make money of that video… but at least they allowed me to use it! So yay!
So I will share that video here with you guys! It explains some new lore about the character.. but also shows she still has plenty of powers! I had a blast making this but you can see a lot of sloppy bits where my computer let me down a bit because I could not do something frame by frame, the laptop skipped a lot of things or jittered a fair bit! I am still kinda proud of it though!

So what about the Blog?

So what is next for my blogging career? Will I stop? Probably not! Will I be as active as I was.. most likely not that either. As much as I hate to admit it, the big issue is the overlap in interests is very little. Vtuber posts do poorly on here, as well as gaming posts (relatively speaking) so it will be a tricky thing to combine. Especially since this thing.. the video content creation thing is much more a passion than writing is. Writing is still fine but really WordPress isn’t.
I will still do creative posts! For example I still have Fred’s anime story about Nudism I need to make and do a Summer as a Pokémon post, as well as an anime story for her.. but again other than that I had very little interaction on the coming up with my own anime thing. So that format I will most likely turn into videos! Not as visual.. as I can’t do art and can only collage.. but somehow I want to do story writing videos where I just tell you stuff. I will also do interactive storytelling streams but I need to sort that out as well.. but let’s just say that some blogging content will turn “hybrid” once I get my rig.

Talking To Much GIFs | Tenor

I do not feel like doing anime reviews, I am not good at them, I still like anime but I always feel like I am late to the party, or I can’t compare Girl’s last Tour to that stage play thing Ian Mc Kellen did , so when say the story just gives me happy feelings where I want to wrap myself in a blanket with a bit of soup and look at it on a day I am feeling sick.. I feel.. inferior. Anime is something I love but to keep it as something I love, I feel I must keep it to myself because I do not care about a lot of things from anime. I do not care for studio’s, I do not really care for allegories, I do not care for animation fluidity yet in a review I can not help but feeling I need to include it. I tried to review anime MY way.. but I feel to make something a review I need to do something with it. You know as if a review is a too defined concept for me to excel at! I am more of a rambler! I know it is all in my head but I can’t turn that not good enough switch off. When I write reviews like that all I hear people being angry at me…because well there is also the toxic culture part and it’s just in my system so hard .. when I review I just hear myself go yapyapyap…. stupid insight, mildly funny joke.

I know most of my readers care way less about games, or about Vtubers but these are the things i am currently most passionate about. D&D as well. So honestly I do not know what I will do blogging content wise. I need to pay for my domain again soon and around that time I will make a true decision! It is unlikely I will fully be gone, but during my three week absence I will admit that I did not MISS blogging that much either. Well that is not correct, I did not miss it’s “static” nature, I did miss blogging a bit. So maybe with some exceptions of stuff that is already written I will treat my blog more like an actual weblog and tell you more about my days, my path of being a vtuber, what games I played and what stuff I watched. Or my general feelings on various topics! Less edit heavy, less pictures. I haven’t found out yet what I want.. and I think that is also okay!

Confused Anime GIFs | Tenor

In the end I still want to build a geeky community, so in that sense not all that much would change about the blog, I just want to bring more spontaneity to the table. We are nearing the second anniversary of the blog. Last year I had two give aways, both with one responder only and after that they became my most spammed posts so this year we will do something else at the very least. What it is , I am not sure yet! But I hope it will be fun. You will hear more about that! I am not done yet! I just thoroughly lost my way. I will admit that I am lost but also that no matter how things will turn out to be alright!

Pinkie does Random Stuff on the Internet: Random Question Generator Part 4

Hear Ye Hear Ye, Princess Pinkie is back with a Geeky Lifestyle post

Salutations Loyal Subjects and Sweet Island Guests, as many of you know I prefer the lifestyle of randomness and I like this random element in my every day! I try to include this so much that I for a while now have been even making a lot of my blogging content random!  Every so often I google for a Random Question Generator and then roll a few questions for myself which I then promptly answer!  Here is yet another Edition! I did not choose these questions! They got randomly generated

Random Question 1: What could you do with two million dollar to impact the most people.

First of all , that doesn’t feel like great english! So I am already dreading what else this thing might spit out of me! Secondly I would not use two million dollar to impact the most people. I’d look out for me! I’d turn myself into a V-Tuber including some expensive vocal coaching so I can talk better again and win over as many souls as I can that way and live my dream career for a bit.  But that is not the question, even though I lack plenty of resources to be the V-Tuber I want.. I HAVE to spend the two million dollar to impact the most people that I could. 

The obvious answer would be to give 200.000.000 people one single cent from my stash. Yet I doubt I could find 200.000.000 people that would be impressed by me giving them a cent. I could also get a big speech out to the public in which I talk about acceptance and belonging, however without leverage like a celebrity, that will not go far. Gilbert Gottfried might do that thing where he records messages for money now…but that might not be enough! Though I would love him to say Visit Pinkie’s Paradise blog…either way in any scenario so some money is going towards that. If we look at the question though… we do not have to do good! We just have to affect as many as possible! In that case Altruism might be to expensive! At least for good deeds to make a true impact. Honestly if I would have to impact people.. without context just as a way of a high score thing or something, I’d probably try to impact people in a negative way.  As the question is, I would have to answer what I think I could do with my money to have the largest influence on peoples live… and  that would be through evil.

Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’d by a bunch of knives and gank random people.. even though that will be a big influence on many people’s life I would not be able to do that. Yet instead I would spend the money on posters. A picture  or a little clip of me pouring a bottle of crystal down the drain while laughing. Text shows up…saying something like “You work hard every day… yet somehow I got two million to piss off a bunch of people! HAHAHAHAHA “    People would share how horrible of a person I am EVERYWHERE! I’d be cancelled and never find a job again.. but everyone knows I am that girl that randomly got two million and spent it on some petty stuff.  That would truly be the way to reach the most people. I’d hate it very much.. but in the modern world negativity travels further than positivity.. and strictly for the purpose of this question this would be my answer.

Would I do that?!  No.. would I spend the money to help others? Yes! Just never would I go out to help “the most amount “.  I’d treat my friends and my mother to all kinds of things and as  a VTuber I would spread positivity around, but I will reach who I will reach! I would never spend my money to “help” as much people as possible because I truly believe that the watered down happiness of the many do not outweigh a pure moment of happiness for a smaller group (Mind you.. group! Not individual). I believe that if I can make someone (that is not me) genuine laugh and have a memory they cherish for a lifetime, it would be worth way more than to give an entire army some breath mints or something.  I would never actively make people unhappier to get my or my friends happiness.. unless of course it is needed to answer a question.

Random Question 2 What do you strongly suspect but have no proof of. 

The Hat Man | Myths and Lore | Sinister Coffee and Creamery

So many things! Pretty sure there are alien among us! True vampires might exist and friendship may indeed be magic! However these are not the thing I most strongly suspect! I have written about this topic before. I am a firm believer in ghosts and there might even be something stronger than a ghost in my life right now! I am not even sure if it is good! I sometimes feel stalked at night.. by something ominous, something powerful. I have no idea what it wants from me, but I am not sure if it is out to harm me. I do know it is there!  It rarely enters my bedroom but stands in the door opening when I leave the door open, even though it doesn’t seem to use doors.  I am not sure on the how and the what but I have a general idea of its size and shape.    It is quite tall and husky.. if it  stands in my doorframe it  barely fits.. it has pointy ears and I associate it with “black and orange.. a dirty variant.. almost rust/earth like” Not that it has colours.. but they pop to mind!

I do not know what it is, it might be just a manifestation of my social anxieties, maybe it is the panic of my own mortality, but I know it isn’t bound to my house!  It sometimes follows me on walks as well. It seems to prey on me the moments I find peace and rest.  Like when I am watching ducks in my local pond I suddenly hear all sorts of twigs snap behind me and that sensation of someone standing behind me pops up. If I go for a stroll through town it is as if it is whispering my name, and at night it is kinda like a stalker giving me feelings of dread. I have not really pissed off any romani old ladies, or solved mysterious puzzle boxes, yet it kinda feels personal. 

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I do not know if it is a real “demon” or if it is a manifestation of my insecurities and anxieties.. but whatever it is.. it is present. I kind of feel it might be hate a person has towards me, that manifested. Maybe it is the entire world’s negativity towards me manifested in one. I do not know, but I do know that for now it can’t really hurt me! It can bother me.. but it can’t hurt me! Just like those looks on the streets when I walk by in something pink and lolitaish or if I geek it up. They world can stare at me menacingly but they can’t hurt me.. and whatever the thing in the night is, it acts in a very similar way. However at times it feels much more present.. like it is disrupting my aura or chakra, as if my body works less efficiently if it stares at me.. and it triggers some.. primal instinct.

Random Question 3 If you were in charge of Renaming things so that their name would be more accurate, what names would you come up with?

Alrighty! I like this question!  So let’s use a few words that are important for my VTuber/Blogging Career. Let’s start with the word blog! Being derived from the world Weblog it seems pretty perfect right?  Yet most of us do not really log anything. A blog now almost applies to any form of online written content… if we write a review .. it’s a blog post.. if Kotaku or IGN write a review, it is not?! What’s up with that?! Some blogs are even just pictures! So most blogs are more a form of Written Online Content. Or Wrontent if you want to make it a portmanteau.  Which is opposed to Vontent, which is video online content. Speech based online content would be Sontent. Though most Vlogs are actually logs so those can stay I guess.

Luigi is a BETA SIMP!!! - YouTube

Next word I would replace is the word simp. I still want one but it is very non descriptive and the definition of the world is less than set in stone.  A simp could be someone who is a fan who likes anyone you do (it is preferable that you present as female for this to occur)  or someone who idolises you so much they send you their money, treat you like a friend and potential mate and act according to that romantic availability while you have no interest in them at all.  The latter is kind of closer to the true definition of the word but loser-fanboy might be too negative , even though it pretty much covers the meaning.  Loser not persé in the life sense but in the fact that he will never win you. Since the name Karen has taken on a meaning of it’s own I have come up with a perfect name to cover the meaning of simp. The name of Luigi. Luigi always blindly supports Mario and even more so Princess Peach. While Mario gets a slice of cake and a kiss, Luigi often gets jack diddley yet when the princess calls for help.. Luigi is there. He is not even mentioned in the title of the game most of the time. He only gets mildly acknowledged.. so I think a Luigi is a perfect replacement word for a Simp

The final word I would like to replace is the word VTuber itself.  Virtual YouTubers for the most part DO NOT ACTUALLY STREAM on Youtube. Most of them are on Twitch, half of those are more active on twitter.  Vtubers are also often so much more than  just streamers. They are beloved characters and people seperate from their operator and creators. In a way Korone and Gura are more “real” than whomever is sitting behind their webcams. They mean so much to so many people! They might be closer to their truest selves as well. So I like the word Veople and Verson better for them. Virtual People and Virtual Person. The virtual person has their own life and can be an extension of the person but they can also co-exist.  Just because you are interested in Gura the Verson doesn’t give you the right to know what the person behind the model does.   This could also lead to Versons being able to just act out a persona on actual camera rather than requiring a model/avatar.  It could also encompass a person you like to be. 

Arty By PokeyPokums! But It Totally shows VTubers being Veople!

Final Random Question : If you were forced to create a new Dance move what would it be and what would it be called?

I kind of would get why someone would give me two million to try to make people as miserable as possible, that would qualify as a social experiment .. but why would anyone ever force me to create a dance move?! Maybe Gloria Estefan is actually evil and the rhythm IS gonna get me but I find that unlikely!  As well as me being targeted for the creation of a new dance move. I have no style , I have no grace, if you include me it takes THREE to tango..possibly four. I have zero dancing skill!  Most times I have danced I have fallen off something, concussed myself (true story)  or nearly killed some other people on a stage with me (exaggeration.. but still mostly true). I am so wooden that gym teachers excused me from certain gym events because there was such a large risk I would hurt myself. When I considered going to my school gala/prom, teachers asked me “REALLY?!”  So I should not create a dance.

However with whatever psychopath out there that would force me to dance, there is only one option available to me.  That would be falling down.  When I dance it is an inevitability that it happens  so I would create a limbo like move where I fall back first . Then when you get up, you do so in the most convoluted way possible to a beat! Think of it as a combination of break dancing and playing twister on the music beat.  Left Arm Red, Right arm Green… Boom-Boom-Boom- Push up… Left Leg Red, Leg Blue! Boom-boom-boom-Push up! Slide… get up– boom boom boom! Stand! Now I would not be able to pull if off with grace nor is that my intention. I simply wish to achieve that as soon as I fall again people will think I did it on purpose.

As for a name.. maybe the Bruiser?! The Slip?!  Or maybe the Topside Twister. Yes that last one seems like a good one! You play Twister.. to get topside! Maybe I try to tie in some fake hawaiian lore  and call it the Ah-Hau just so when I fall and cry out in pain it seems like part of the dance as well. I am not afraid that people who force me to make a new move will see trough the fact that I am bluffing up some Haiwan lore.. after all they really did not do their homework in selecting me to come up with a move , so I doubt they will know anything about hawaiian culture. Bluffing is all this move is about anyway! It’s all the dancing skills I got! So let’s do the Topside Twister.. on the island known as the Ah-Hau and let’s try to stay out of the hospital! Or at least let’s try to break as few bones as possible

What would you do when presented with these questions?! Any new words for us to use? Maybe you have a dance move I can pull off?! Or maybe you just want to ramble here about your daughter taking pictures of her cat with a new Iphone..before sending me to an extra Proxies domain?! No matter who you are I’d love to talk! Stay Random!

Staff Introduction: Cherry the Chef

Hear Ye Hear Ye, Princess Pinkie has returned with a general announcement! 

Salutations, loyal subjects and sweet island guests! Today is a day of celebration! No, it is not my birthday!  Not the blogs second anniversary either! Though we are drawing close! No today we have yet another STAFF-member join us! So all put your hands together, and give a warm welcome to Cherry the Chef! Thanks to imagination we can replace that old drunkard that did the job before now!  Sure we had Tadokoro Megumi work in the sushi restaurant but in the alla cart place we had this nobody!  Yay for more staff!

Who is Cherry

Like most introductions before, Cherry chose to be introduced by me!  Which means we will get a bit of character backstory! Followed by my experience with the person behind Cherry , her soul as it were, after which we will discuss the content she is going to offer to the website!  I would really love it if people would interact with this post and give her a warm welcome!  She is very new to the WordPress community and making friends is important!  So I hope you guys will be kind to her!  and that you will give her a warm welcome!

Cherry is the first character that comes from a somewhat tragic backstory!  It all started on the island of Kawadrago.  A fire dragon was anxious! She had to find a mate! But she wasn’t interested in the male dragons!  Nor in the female ones for that matter. Sure she would love to have some friends, but she did not want to be fertilised to lay an egg!  She did want that egg..but the whole procedure was a bit icky to her!  Many called this fire dragon loveless! But she knew that was not true!  Because there was one thing she loved more than anything else!  That was eating cherries!  She even had a favorite Cherry Tree. Because the fire dragon did not really have any friends.. she decided this tree was her best friend!  She protected it , she talked to it and was super stoked when the tree dropped her a few cherries. She would eat her fill and then cuddle up around the tree! A nature spirit saw this and blessed the dragon with her desire!  The next day she woke up she found she had laid an egg! 

From this egg, Cherry was born!  She was a half fie dragon .. and  half cherry dragon!   Or maybe a half fire dragon and half cherry! She never got an answer to that question! Her mother loved Cherry very much and until the end of her days, the fire dragon was never lonely again.  Yet when  the fire dragon had left it’s world Cherry was all alone.. and still in pretty much dragon infancy! Like her mother Cherry was an outcast among the more pureblooded dragons! Who’d only associate with pure blood dragons of the four elements! Cherry would get quite angry and threw hissy fits every time she was excluded! Yet her inner sweetness also prevented her from getting into a fight! So Cherry would  go into abandoned parts of the forest and set it ablaze.. watching the fire!

One one such tantrums Cherry discovered she was very hungry! She found a rabbit that had died in the fire as well as some vegetables and fruits that had not burned up.. but looked different then before! A delicious scent entered her nostrils and she decided to consume the fire touched goods! It was the most delicious thing she ever had! For many years Cherry experimented with this.. whenever she had the chance she would  tease the other dragons as well by setting fire to their favourite hide and seek hiding spots! If she could not play she would show them.. and get a delicious meal out of it! Yet despite her spunk, and her newly acquired skill to make food more delicious by cooking it the village kept alienating her! One day while she was trying to see if a fish could burn a bottle washed up on shore!  In the bottle was a letter!  After breaking the bottle and getting the letter out Cherry saw the message read “STAFF wanted”.. An island that was looking for a new chef! One where all the things you imagine can come true.. and where imaginary and real things live? She must go there!

Once arrived, she met Pinkie, the princess of the island! The two became quick friends!  Both loved eating cherries, and Pinkie preferred that other people cook her food!  When Cherry asked for the job Pinkie told the dragon that maybe some normies might be a bit scared of her looks like this.. so she could be like everyone else.. by just imagining her becoming human! A lot of Vtubers do this! Once even a glass of Milk-tea imagined becoming human!  So Cherry tried as well! Pinkie loved her both ways but it would be nice to fit in for a bit!  Cherry had a bit of trouble transforming! Two buns in her hair remained big ripe cherries and one of her eyes still looked like that of a dragon! While Pinkie and the staff was fine with it! Cherry decided to wear some items to cover it up!  Just so she can play and have fun with a lot of people!   And for the first time.. Cherry had found a bunch of misfits like her.. that all joined together! For the first time Cherry was happy!

Nowadays Cherry makes all sorts of meals on Paradise and when she isn’t cooking she is playing pranks on island guests! Or throwing a hissy fit somewhere! Cherry does not like it when something .. anything.. is excluded from something! She even stomped out angrily when Kuro said Pineapple doesn’t belong on Pizza!  She doesn’t even like pineapple on Pizza but people should never exclude the poor fruit!  Kuro is her favourite victim to prank!  She would sneak up to his house at night when he is asleep, then turn bag into a dragon and leave a big footprint in the sand.. making him think a Kaiju is close, and as he runs of in the forest changing phantoms she walks in his hut and flips his mattress or changes the clocks. 

What to do when the Housing Market (and the world) get turned upside down |  | REX Blog
And sometimes she uses her dragon strength to flip more than just the matrass!

Cherry and Pinkie

The Story of the Pink Sith: Sy'ra Delinda – Pinkie's Paradise

Cherry and Pinkie go back long before the start of Pinkie’s blog!  By now I think we have known each other for about ten years. We first met on the Roleplay server of Star Wars the Old republic. Pinkie had just made a Sith character that got tortured so much and mind messed so up, her brain could not really retain empty information anymore! Things like.. names would never stick.. so she had to refer to everyone.. with a depiction of a word.. a sound or making it concrete to herself. Very dangerous in the Sith community! Especially when you call a Sith called Darth Gaur, Lord Growl. Cherry’s first character did not like my Pink Sith!  My character had a hard time fitting in and had to fight to restore her mind!  Yet among the ocean of super negative Sith being a positive one.. created some magnetism! People  who did not want to play the super stereotype flocked to me.. and Cherry had a character she wanted to try to roleplay around my character as well. A shy Twi’lek who never could be touched.. met with my Sith who wanted to hug everyone!

From that an online friendship grew that lasted for way beyond the duration of our time on Star Wars, Cherry joined my online D&D’s almost every single time and alway is one of the most good spirited and creative players. She heavily veers into the archetype that is Cherry the character, so already she will do a great job in pulling that off. She is also a very loving mother, and that behaviour translates in her everyday reactions to everyone! No matter who in my roleplay chats is troubled, Cherry is always willing to hear them out and cheer them up with a virtual hug! So she in that matter she is very different from her character!

Smug Trap | Know Your Meme

We both have been through a lot together, shared experiences with our health and our family and while on occasion we talk a bit less, we always somehow end up drawing back together to become a lot closer again! Almost as if it is destined we’d be friends!  So it would be very interesting to see if Cherry will have some of that same appeal to our readers! Cherry has this beautiful fragility to her, almost like a baby bird.. but way less ugly than a baby bird!  She may not be as Seiso as me, if you look at her and see her talk normally you completely forget, you drop your guard and then BAM she suddenly surprises you!  

A mutual (former)  friend once described her as an Espeon, where he was Umbreon and I am Sylveon.. and wdo fit those archetypes pretty well! .. I guess Kuro is an Umbreon as well, Sunny is a Vaporeon , Periwinkle is a Flareon and Indigo… despite being kinda missing in action, is a Joteon!  So I guess we are just a Leafeon and Glaceon short of a full set now! … Maybe an Eevee.. so if you want to join…now that we have Cherry.. we finally have someone to translate our Ikea manuals for us.. so if you join you might get those benefits as well!

Warrior Espeon by ShupaMikey on DeviantArt | Pokemon eeveelutions, Cute  pokemon wallpaper, Pokemon gijinka
Art by ShupaMikey

Cherry Cooks up Content

FEATURE: Cooking With Anime - Dragon Tail from "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon  Maid" | Miss kobayashi's dragon maid, Best romance anime, Anime romance

My beloved friend and the most adorable Cherry-Dragon you have ever seen, will offer some quite unique content for Paradise!  She will be a bit like me , and do a bit of everything!  Some general talks about gaming, geekdom and of course her speciality.. cooking!   Having found a great hobby in creating the best meals, in both virtual as real form Cherry will bring geekdom and cuisine together in a lot of cooking game reviews and maybe even some geeky recipes!  Yet she is also not exclusively bound to this subject! Like I’d imagine a cherry based life form she is free to bounce around and offer content that is anything her heart desires! 

Pin by lisha1 on Anime | Animation, Anime, Teacher gif

For example .. in the past Cherry was known to go on big lore tangents and rambles!   Where we would just say … oh I saw a Priest with a Watch and someone said”Heh Tech Priest” and Cherry would go on and talk about the Origin of Tech Priests in Warhammer 40k… Now this particular example never happened but she did stuff like that! For example when I would ask what the correct name for Snorlax and Pikachu from Darksouls 2 was, she’d go on to tell a story that would last longer than a game of Civilisation! And I kinda love it!.. I did not process it all.. but still! I would personally love to see her do some deep dives in lore again someday! So who knows maybe I can convince her to do a series like that!

As for Cherry’s schedule, we need to figure that out still!  My dear friend , like me , is plagued with fairly regular migraines and moments of minor health failure! You know the kind that doesn’t exactly put you in the hospital or the grave but are enough to block creative writing! It’s why I moved to an every other day schedule! So how much Cherry will post will remain something we need to discover over time!  Those who are going to be mean about it.. even if you end up being a die hard Cherry fan, will have to deal .. with me! Well when I say me, I mean my fictional knights.. or me the cruel evil admin!  Let’s all agree that we will not pressure each other and just have fun together! This week her first post will go up though which will be a blog about…… I am already feeling hungry! So I will go grab a snack or even a meal! It’s already quite late when I write this! Give Cherry a warm welcome.. and look out to her delicious content in the near future! Stay random!

When a Uniduck Princess gets a random idea: Dungeons & Dragon BallZ

Hear ye hear ye Princess Pinkie has returned with another Geeky Lifestyle post.

Salutations loyal subjects and sweet island guests.  At night when princess goes to bed it always takes her a long time to sleep!   Thoughts run trough her head like crazy.. maybe she is insane, who knows. It was last night, from when I write this that I was working on a grocery list, while also thinking about Aquaman when suddenly a thought popped in my head! It was briljant and amazing! This is something I would turn into a thing!  That though was D&D … Dungeons and Dragon BallZ. A potential new Tabletop ruleset/world I would create Juuuust for fun. I thought I’d share that idea with you.

The Setting

Let’s start to begin my world, first of all it is NOT actually the world of Dragon Ball. It’s a fantasy variant of that world. Instead of being set all across worlds it’s a singular world with all the Dragon Ball races living in this world in “relative” peace.   There will be characters from the actual Dragon Ball world and some species will be renamed to avoid some confusion. Saiyans and Namekians for example will be renamed because Namekians are named after their planet and the terms Saiyan came from the off world as well.  However all quirks will be shared with the Dragon Ball Mythos… just in a “what if  Dragon Ball was high fantasy setting” Along with a tabletop ruleset and system. 

The goal of any given game of Dungeons & Dragon Ball’s is to hunt down the seven mystic orbs. Whatever the story is the DM chooses the story “HAS” to involve the quest for the seven balls of legend. Story suggestions that are given would be “to revive a hero of old, who knows the secret to defeat the final evil”  or to prevent a disaster like “the moon crashing into the planet” or to take away the “immortality” from a tyrant who has used the power of the Dragon Balls in the past. There would be a few modules for starting adventures, to help the rookie DM on their way. 

One of Dragon Ball’s  greatest assets is the simplicity of it’s world building, which allows a DM to basically build there own world to make every game different.  There is stuff like “Canyon”  or “The Ice continent”  Yet there is also “less” of a climate, you can move from Icy villages to tropical archipelago’s. So for world building I imagine something like a Catan tile system. You design your own layout using water tiles and land tiles of various elements  and each tile shows if it has a town, a hideout or  objects of interest.  Each tile is numbered  and in a manual the beginning dm can find some example layouts for that tile.  This can greatly help travel sections and encounters. Flight powers will be limited during a game of course and you will face some classic D&D encounters such as crypts or packs of ferocious beasts while out exploring.  However instead of  wolves and bears you encounter creatures  like dinosaurs. 

Races will replace the classic D&D races. Humans would of course stay humans but elves would be replaced by namekians, or slug-folk as they are called in this world. The Saiyan’s replace the Orc race as many of their quirks are quite similar. They will be called Ape-Folk   Maijin will replace the dwarves.  While seemingly not all that similar, their hedonist lifestyle and slightly oafish ways make for a good counterpart.  Just rather than ale they like candies and pudding. Majijn could keep their name or be called Magi-folk by common and less educated people, who only know of the common language. The demon race would replace tieflings. Tieflings have demon blood, many dragon ball demons have blue skin, like one of the more common tiefling colours. They are fairly similar. To keep naming conventions intact these people are often referred to as Demon-Folk as it will allow a DM to  create more “full blood” demons as well (think entinities like Janemba for example).  The Frieza race, would be called “Cold-Folk” and devoid of any empathic abilities the best comparison to use for these would be the undead.  Undead is not really a state to use in Dragon Ball due how after life would work. There are plenty of other races that could be replaced but the final one I shall reveal to you for now is that the Goblins would be replaced by Saibaman.. or Pod People.

The Classes

Yet how do we use all these folks and would it all be about punching?!  No!  While transformations will be a thing that play a role.. people can be more or less all the  classic D&D archetypes… with a twist.  Dungeons and Dragon Balls would force you to cross class at least a bit.  Each person has to chose a physical class AND a magic class.  To mimic Dragon Ball’s  style of fighting the best.  Each races comes with it’s own perks.. but what is more special each race is limited in what classes they can pick, this is to prevent people form only ever playing humans. Each race has three classes at their disposal within the real of magic and three more within the realm of physical.

For an example a Saiyan could be

Physical Class:

Magical Class:
-Blood Hunter

While humans could be

Physical Class:

Magical Class:

Depending on what class you combine it with you get access to new abilities. For example a Saiyan/Ape Folk  who builds as a Fighter Wizard, will act a lot like Trunks swinging a weapon while having some back up of blasts. Or the other way around, you can specialise in either magic or physical. (While leveling you can level up your specialty compared to your minor class with a 2 to 1 ration). Basically giving each race 18 playstyles/build types. 

A Druid Saiyan for example relies more on using their great ape form and can use techniques like the spirit bomb while a Wizard Monk focuses more on punching and deflecting.. while learning magical techniques such as the Kamehameha.The Blood hunter uses Ki/Magic to imbue their main weapon with magical properties and gets some neat tracking skills.

Humans can mimic the Saiyan’s most common build, the monk/wizard however they also often rely more on sneaky techniques and their agility and finesse. Thus they often are Rogues or rangers. The latter does not need to use sniping techniques but they can.  Humans often have animal companions as they are much more social than Saiyans and unlike Saiyans they often rely on the strength of others to fight with them.  Summoners have an archetype called Synthesis summoner, which basically allows them to fuse with what they summon, which is perfect for Tien’s extra arm technique but you can also think of a Rogue Summoner Yamcha, who is a bandit that can also summon a Ki based Wolf companion.  The possibilities are there to create some very interesting characters here.

The Ruleset

Normal D&D rules are quite complex with stats giving you bonuses to count many feats and other things. Dungeons and Dragon Balls will be a bit simpler. While there will be stats basically everyone starts at 0.  Every player gets 2 specialty points and humans get an extra one. These people can put on their stats which will most likely be something like. Melee, Ranged, Ki/Magic, Charisma,  Intelligence,  Mobility, Mental and Awareness or something.  Players also take a negative point in one department to gain another  specialty in another. 

The D20 dice will be replaced by 7 d6 and the goal is simple. You need to combine two dice to get the number 7. Per time you succeed you get one succes. (Easy tasks require only 1, medium tasks require 2 and hard tasks require 3 pairs). Say you are making a Melee check and roll 6, 6 , 6, ,5 , 4, 4, 1  You can naturally make one pair.  Yet depending on your speciality points you might get to reroll a dice.  Say your Melee is +1  you can reroll one dice of choice in the hope of getting a pair.  In this example you would reroll one of your sixes  or the double four because you can  turn it into a success by rolling either a 1, 2 or 3. Or you reroll that extra six so you can roll the same. However if you have a negative point in this stat the DM can let you reroll a dice, forcing you to reroll your 1 hoping it will turn into either a 6 5 or 4.  If you get 3 pairs in a single get a critical success and if you get 0 pairs in a single throw you get a critical fail.

In this ruleset the DM hardly ever rolls his dice. He decides beforehand if an enemy is either hard, normal or easy to hit. Damage will be a set number but is based on a number of factors that differ per attack.  Attacks like the player can be leveled up  and their level multiplies the damage.  This means you can go through the campaign leveling a single technique as your signature technique ..but if you are out uses you suddenly do no damage, or you choose a few techniques to give you a wider range of possibilities. Regular kicks and punches and weapon attacks  level up with the character level. 

As I said transformations would play a role in the game as well.  Each race .. and I mean every single one .. has transformation states.  Each working a slight bit different than the other.  Ape-Men might get a big damage boost, while Cold People will cause necrotic damage and negate damage reduction (necrotic damage will instantly kill you if a player hits 0 hp by it opposed to having a chance to be healed)  Humans transformed are allowed to reroll their entire dice pool once or  stuff like that.  However in a transformed state all spell uses consume double energy. At the beginning of each game all players will be given a destiny to fulfill.. a cryptic description of lines and if the story checks one of them off the player unlocks their transformation.. or the stage beyond. It will help the DM create stories for every character and make sure everyone has a spotlight in the campaign.

Dragon Ball Fantasy

It would be fun to build the world itself, as there is little to no technology there would not be a dragon radar nor a power scouter. Players would have to find tutors to teach them how to sense energies,  and discover rumors about the Dragon Ball’s locations. Each race in Dragon Ball would come with a number of roleplaying challenges as well.  The Cold-Race not having the ability to feel empathy for example could  make for some very interesting roleplay scenarios. Saiyans’ short temper would make them tricky to use and they transform during a full moon, losing control unless they are druids giving an interesting challenge with travel.  Though they can just prevent looking at the moon, it would allow for a whole lot of fun roleplay wise.

In the ruleset as well as abilities there would be a lot of focus on reducing your own difficulty or for the DM to give you negative dice. For example if you get attacked and the DM specifies targeting your arm you might lose a specialty in strength/melee while getting a death beam through the lung will hinder you from being mobile. In medieval times a broken arm is also not easily healed  so these negative dice can stack up later in dungeons.   There will be healing items like Senzu that heal you but how many penalties do you take before healing them all away?  You can not use them too early nor too late as damage output is relatively high and a character is fairly fragile.  A character needs to be finished off  which requires  a character to have the cruelty ability..or for the knocked out character being the only viable attack target in an area.  Yet overall there is a feeling of stamina… to this world.   Your attacks can run out, you can only take so many hits. Cloth will rip, armor will break.  

To mimic the style of Dragon Ball, armor and armored cloth is perishable. They have temporary hit points and  players can tap into them as a health reserve they can choose to  throw on their clothing.. but once gone the armor is destroyed. This makes resources more valuable.. players have to think .. I am in the wild.. I better take damage to myself rather than my armor because I might find healing items but there will not be armor around. In town armor and clothes will be cheaper than herbs and potions and the likes.  Slug-folks would often be healers but be a bit xenophobes, so while you’d find a namekian in big towns to help the people there, small towns often miss a healer like that. Maijin’s can heal as well but they would charge a larger amount due to their candy addictions. So the world would be quite interesting to flesh out. Demons would make for the best bard, their get a bonus in charisma and often take the more raunchy jobs like working with a brother.. or owning one. Saibamen are mischievous running around loving to blow stuff up.. fairly regularly blowing themselves up as well.

All in all I think it could be a fantastic setting for a D&D style adventure and I might flesh this whole roleplay set out a bit more!  What anime  would you love to see work as a tabletop setting?  Would you play a Dragon Ball tabletop adventure?  What race would you be ? Let me know in the comments! And after some Dragon Ball Zzzzz’s I will be back to answer as well!  Because remember, Friendship is Magic but dreams are even more wonderful. Oyasumi!

Pink Princess Uniduck Tagging the Rainbow! Tagging Stories With Colour Challenge!

Hear ye hear ye! Princess Pinkie has returned with a new Geeky Lifestyle and Blog-tag post

Greetings my loyal subjects and guests, Meg from A Geeky Gal tagged me for the Tagging Stories with Colour Challenge.  Be sure to check her blog out if you haven’t already! She is amazing!  Truly an inspiration to the blogging and vlogging community!   Her let’s plays on YouTube are very entertaining, she has cute doggo’s AND she can decorate her house very well! By the rules of this  tag I have to fear her superiority.. so I HAVE to make this post worst then hers…luckily I think I can do that. I think I was also tagged by Anime Rants for this a long time ago..or someone else tagged me , but back then I was going trough major burnout and writers anxiety… so whomever tagged me in this before! I am very grateful and let me know it was you so I can pay you some tribute as well!

The Rules

  1. Share your favorite stories—movies/books/anime/manga/drama/songs/games—by classifying them on these seven colors’ traits (listed below).
  2. Send this challenge invitation to at least one of your friends. Let them fear your superiority, as you—decide their fate.
  3. Link back to the original post here! And, enjoy!
  • red: passionate, exciting, invigorating
  • blue: peaceful, calming
  • pink: romantic, caring
  • orange: warm, motivating
  • black: mysterious, thrilling
  • green: fresh, unexpected
  • white: random

The Colours

Since I do movies, games, anime and stories on my blog I will feature them all in here. Pokémon is an odd one to place as it isn’t really known for it’s storytelling. I would place Pokémon Snap under blue, but it really doesn’t have a story and I haven’t progressed enough in New Pokémon Snap to tell you much about that story. Shadows of Almia is a funny and light story which I could place under white… but I talked about that in my previous post. So let’s focus on more story driven stuff for this one and I might do this one especially for Pokémon if I ever get tagged in it again.

Red is for Mirai Nikki

Passion at least in the lustful sense is an emotion I am severely lacking! I am passionate about things… but I don’t think we are talking about that kind of passion. So today I am talking about Future Diary.  I think the series is exciting as well but the story from Yuno’s perspective is one of passion. It’s not a romantic series by any means but the lenghts Yuno goes trough for her Yuki is certainly some kind of passion! Sakura Trick is another very passionate anime.. but a bit too slurpy for me.  Since I do not really relate passion to the physical , the actions of Yuno to me embody trough passion.. overly much so but passion non the less. She is willing to bend reality itself for her to be with the man *cough*  she is passionate about.  There isn’t even that much  connection throughout their entire time together.. but sometimes the heart just wants what it wants and that to me is why this story is definitely red.. the blood helps a lot as well, and made me fantasise about a yandere girlfriend! 

Blue is for Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley Secrets You May Not Have Found Yet - Page 5

So I know that Stardew Valley might not really be relaxing for it’s story! Yet sometimes.. the true story is the one we create ourselves.  So while I could say that the story about Stardew Valley is the story about a kid, inheriting their grandpa’s farm and they have three years to save  some pear like alien creatures called the Jumino’s in order to prevent your grandfather’s spirit being eternally everlasting disappointed in you, that is not the true blue story of the game. The true story is about you…or your proxy moving to a rural place.. building a farm back up, and finding your happiness in this new little lifestyle. Stardew Valley is that game I can play when I am super sick and lack the strength to do anything else. Stardew Valley is me living a life without worries, a blissful state of being. Me romancing Abby, who apprantely is very stinky… or Lea , the artist who punches her old love in the face because she likes me better. It’s about me helping my neighbour make some jam by giving him 3 apples I kept in a crate for 4 years.  Stardew Valley lets you be who you want to be.. if you don’t want to be a farmer you could be a dapper adventurer…if you don’t like working the land you could just have some cows… or become a full time fisherman!  It’s about something we have lost.. a bit of simplicity and it will always calm me down.

Pink is for Bloom into You

Floral Symbolism in Bloom Into You

The biggest problem with romance is .. it is over romanticized.. which is weird.. and sounds close to me saying that pink is too pink… But it is true.. the idea most of us have about romance is way to fairytale esque it’s. Love is great.. but it is not the beginning or the end of anything. One anime which got that wonderfully well was the anime Bloom into You.  A girl discovers she isn’t romantically attracted to anyone and feels alien. When she discovers a girl who is like her, that girl falls head over heels in love with her and lusts for her. While our protagonist doesn’t really mind most times and does appreciate this person… she can not feel that amazing feeling we all describe as love… yet trough the little things we do see her care for this other person, we see her struggle with expectations versus reality but trough it all there is this connection that shines through.. and I do think that is true romance and love.

It isn’t about candle light dinners, it isn’t about roses between your teeth. True romance is knowing things aren’t perfect.. but knowing that this other person makes it good enough!  To be it is a perfect pink as well.. it’s not the red of passion..but the cooled down version! Also this series has my main anime waifu… so how could I not mention it.

Orange is for School of Rock

School Of Rock! - School of Rock fondo de pantalla (25392514) - fanpop

I love Jack Black, not in the Pink or the Red form .. but in the Orange form!  He is extremely typecast, and he basically just plays himself. When School of Rock first came out I thought , this is going to be a super generic movie. In many ways it is.. but is something warms my heart and motivates me. It is movies like this… This one in particular. It’s about finding skills outside what is conventionally acceptable, it is about having fun in what you do and it is about being you even if it’s a bit odd.  Too me , being kicked out of his own band for being to much him  didn’t just provide Jack a lesson to learn.. it also  showed it was a place where he was not appreciated. While by the end he did  leave the spotlight to his kids rather than himself.. it doesn’t matter anymore because they already appreciate him as their teacher. That to me is what is motivating.. sometimes we are forced to move down a different life path, but that doesn’t destroy everything! Sometimes changing lanes allows us to find what we are looking for in unexpected places. That sounds like an orange story to me!

Black is for Layers of Fear

Layers of Fear Is A Splendid Haunted House Devoid Of Chills | Time

Horror lends itself perfectly for mystery and thrills, and many games lends themselves perfectly for exploring this. The Silent Hill series has some very good examples like with Silent Hill 2.  Yet there is a strength in experiencing this all in first person! I love these types of horror , where you solve a mystery through your own eyes. Few horror games impressed me as much as Layers of Fear,a very artsy game in more than one way, where the house you traverse is constantly shifting , you do not trust your own senses, did you really misremember or are the game playing tricks with you. Building up this sense of dementia to a grande conclusion that is great yet very subtly told through hints you find yourself. If you do not figure out enough, the mystery will consume you. While the story itself isn’t all that earth-shattering sometimes a story doesn’t have to be. Sometimes what matters is HOW you tell a story and it can completely shift how we experience it.. and because of how we experience it in this game I opted to make it my choice for Black.

Green is for Kyousougiga

Kyousougiga–Anime Early Impressions – FunBlog

In essence Kyousougiga is a story about family!  A very strange family! It is a story about how everyone is so different from each other that they often drift apart. It’s also about classic buddhist mythology and Alice in Wonderland blended all together in a very strange mix. There series has some action elements but also some weird slice  of life’ish mentality. It’s also an Isekai with buddhist mechas and two episodes that are kind of a travelling show with real  people, voice actors showing you all locations they used in order for the mythos to make sense or be appreciated more.  So it’s super strange and silly while deep and philosophical at the same time. There is very little rhyme or reason to the plot and there is no 3 act structure here. Not even the Kabuki 7 style structure. This tells a tale whose episode 0 begins at episode 4 then moves chroniclogically back up, makes some twists and it ends with a girl falling trough all sorts of worlds while her mother kisses her kinda in a way a mother should not kiss her daughter. Well it doesn’t end there stuff happens in between..but in the end all that matters is that family finds it way back together again.. and this was a very interesting way of telling us this.

White is for Curse of Strahd/Ravenloft.

Mists of Ravenloft | Curse of Strahd Campaign | Obsidian Portal

I am not a big book reader anymore, I want a broader experience and though I love making things up and imagining a fantasy world before my very own eyes, books don’t always do it anymore for me.. but there is a kind-of-book-like medium , that I reallly like. That is D&D , both homebrew as well as modules.  One of the most iconic D&D stories is. Curse of Strahd.  Otherwise known by the name of Ravenloft. It is this D&D module that actually serves as the inspiration for the Castlevania video game series.  I had the pleasure of playing trough it once, and the characters that are there, the side stories and the twists and turns truely were amazing.  In Ravenloft , a group of Roma, known ast the Vistani task you with defeating an evil in the great country of Barovia.. a nation you find yourself trapped in with endless mist. By finding relics and traversing the region you discover the secrets behind Strahd and his castle and of one of the coolest vampire campagins ever! I love vampire stories and because of the D&D format the story is yours to give shape.. like a blank sheet of paper.. Which is white! 

The Tags

And that my loyal subjects are the colours of the rainbow!   Now I have to tag a minimum of one person, but do a few! 

Iniksbane is the first person I will tag. His website has featured me a great many times! I used to do this with my sunday posts  but do summaries anymore..because I heard people might not be wished to be associated with bloggers at times. Though  in honesty chronic migraines and large energy dips made it tricky for me to constantly browse the blogosphere anyway. I read a lot, but I might hurt people by thinking someone’s post is better than another. What I am saying is.. I really respect what he does, and even though I can’t do it myself anymore I want to show I respect him as a writer and think he can turn this tag into a clever story! So even if I can’t repay his kindness directly, maybe this will help.

SushiRainbow is a website that deserves more love! It has a lot of very personal style updates and that is actually my favourite style! I don’t interact with Sushi enough because when I read their posts it’s always on mobile and WordPress won’t let me interact on there properly! Same goes for a few other people, the ones that are part of my morning routine. I guess I gotten my life long dream, Sushi for breakfast.. anyway with Rainbow in the name, how could I not tag them.

SpaceWhales is a blog WordPress won’t let me follow without e-mail subscribing. I thought I subscribed but you know how techy stuff works! I haven’t seen much blog tags from them before, so I wonder if they take them on but I would like to give it a try!

Winst0lf is an amazing blogger that loves video game stories and I think he can turn this tag into something neat that is a bit less on the anime side of things! He deserves it and he comes over to shuffleboard on Paradise very regularly…the only problem is he always brings along Barry Manilow! So maybe by giving him this tag we can talk less about Copa Cabanna and more about his answers!

Naja is someone who I just know will nail the pink and the red colour… but are there Otome games that follow the other colours! I am curious! Of course she could go with a different route and answer those questions with anime or other stories…but then I will forever be left to wonder if there are those who meet the colour requirements.. so I challenge her to a special version of this tag with otome games only! Of course is free to ignore the challenge, but it would be a fun way to see the tag be used.

Olive Unicorn shall be my final tag! She is a make-up blogger that is pretty geeky herself! So I would really love to see her take on this. Maybe it will help a few new people connect more and we can expand our community a bit beyond just staying in our niche! Olive often has fairly similar tastes , except she looks quite a bit better in bright make up! Yet I would love to see more of the person behind the make up! What stories touch her! That would be a neat thing to behold.


Tag done! Princess fatigued! Time for you guys to make yourself heard about my picks in the comments! What is your favourite colour, would you like to see a pokémon edition of this tag? I’d love to talk to you about these because remember! Friendship is Magic! But dreams are even more wonderful! Oyasumi!  *Quack*

It’s Transformation Time: The brand new “You Are Magical, Girl!” Blog-Tag-Award-Thingy!

Salutations, guests and loyal subjects! The time has come, I have regained a lot of my former strength so I want to interact with you a lot more!   Since I haven’t fully been able to regain my strength , I decided to reach out through a new blog tag! One I created in my head a few times. One that is easy enough and one that reflects what is happening on my blog very well now! It is time for the You Are Magical, Girl! Blog-Tag-Award-Thingy! I even made a logo!

The Rules

1.  A Magical Girl is always polite!  So be polite! Display the Magical Girl Tag Logo, thank the one who tagged you and if you want tag creator to thank you for participating, tag Pinkie’s original post as well!  That last one is optional though!
2. A good magical girl gets the job done! Answer all the prompts! But do it like yourself! Come up with your own ideas, or compare it with other anime or video games! Anything goes! Just get the job done!
3. A good Magical girl always makes friends! Tag at least 2 people!  More is optional!
There is no 4! That would be bad luck!
5. A Magical girl is not defined by gender! Feel free to tag anyone!

The Questions

A Magical Creature descended from the skies! It is telling you , you are a magical girl!  Describe this magical messenger! What is it.. where is it from?!

My magical girl story begins at my home, my real home here in the Netherlands!  It is late at night when I hear a tapping on my window.. out there is a little coconut! Much like the ones I have as my Kofi supports.. but this one has a monocle and a little bowtie as well as a tuft of hair groomed neatly in  a two parted wave. He also carries a little cane.. he looks very posh!  He says his name is Butternut and calls me Hime.. he has an important mission for me! As well as a very comfy job!

Your creature tells you about an evil force from afar! What is this evil force?! What is their goal?!
Art by Hicham Habchi

Butternut tells me that he is stewart of the island of Paradise an island that is on the border of fiction and reality!  I am it’s intended ruler, but two evil fations seek to use the island to destroy the balance between reality and between imagination!  Yes that’s right! I will go above and beyond and make two evil forces!  One from the land of reality and one from the world of imagination. From the world of reality it is some military force.. probably an american sub division called “Deep Dive” .. they want to use Paradise to gain enough resources to police the world keep the island out of the hand of people who would use it for worse..yet at the same time.. they will use it to keep America dominant on the world stage. Enemies of Deep Dive would take “class” archetypes.. such as a Sniper, A Commando and a John Wick like Assassin among other things. 

Krampus: Jack in the Box by thewebsurfer97 on DeviantArt
Art by thewebsurfer97

On the side of imagination there would be an organisation called “The Fallen” This organisation is made from villains of imagination that have already been defeated. Enemies of old tv shows, manga or other things.. that have since lost their face and became monsters they called “Ideas” creatures that have lost their essence but still remain as concepts and blue prints for future generations. “Ideas” will mimic classic villains in some ways or another but have more monstrous shapes. Think of a Jack in the Box monster  that represents “The Joker” or  a “Crocodile” made out of sand and Golden teeth, that has the power to dehydrate. The Jack in the Box along with a Changeling in the colours white and purple would probably be two of the elites! With lesser known villains working as monsters. Their goal is to spread fear in reality so they are remembered to take shape once again.. if they do.. they can breach into existence.

The creature then tells you , you hold a great virtue, it is the reason you have been selected! What is this reason!
My first and easiest foe!

As a VTuber/VBlogger I already  walk the line between fantasy and because of my content , where I blend reality and fantasy quite often I become  heir to the throne of Paradise. Yet there is  more.. “Ideas” have a corrupting effect on everything that is sort of like them,, while Deep Dive manipulates people to be normal citizens. The chosen ones that Butternut selects are truly unique! They do not strive to belong! I do not strive to belong or to adhere to a simple concept. This is my strength and the source of my power! This item Butternut presents to me next is said to reflect that power, and push it through new heights. Yet suddenly a huge storm blows open my windows and the item flies to the room as a Tornado with spiky white hair.. red eyes and huge eyebrows show up!  Some dolls float around in the storm as well.

After the exposition , a monster shows up at your doorstep! It is time to transform! What is your transformation item?!

Well this one is not that hard to guess! As I crawl through my room and under my bed, I find a royal scepter.  One that feels classical, yet also immediately shouts magical girl!  At first I have trouble actually lifting the item because one of these royal scepters is quite heavy!  It is also quite garish!.. With gold and red and some heavy jewels. As I get flailed around through the room by wind Butternut tells me that this is not a real item.. I need to cross from reality into imagination and grab the imaginary one. I reach again and pick up a rod  that has some rainbow fur and can talk through a duck beak! As I pick it up suddenly some snow begins to fall!

Transformation scene time! How do you look as a magical girl?! What is your power and signature attack?!

I pick up the staff and since it’s the first time this transformation scene happens I do not utter my code phrase yet..  the transformation scene has me set against a sky of pink clouds while a bunch of moths made of pink light eat my old clothing.. yet I do not look naked.. the moths made of light form the new shape of a much more regal outfit , lengthy.. then  a snowflake falls on the light and the dress takes shape!  It’s a princess gown filled with hearts!  The moths form a crown.. and a snowflake falls on that.. as the crown becomes a real object as well.. they form my twintails and they become tufts of rainbow fur twintails.   A horn is formed next in the same way.. and as I yell Quack.. duck feathers sprout out some places as an adorable duck purse appears on my hip! Of course also in pink!

My own transformation scene! Yay!

From this purse I can pull out several attacks, as well as items that are too large to fit in there. Elementally my powers reflect that of ice and light.  Usually depicted as sparkly powders that trap my foes as I bonk them on the head with the heavy princess rod!   My way of fighting is less direct than that of most magical girls. I blind with powder snow, I freeze to the ground and then I bonk!  I am not that physically strong.  My finishing attack is summoning a giant snowflake from the sky that I charge with rainbow energy, then I throw it like an energy disk at the enemy! It’s called the Special Snowflake Special! 

My Finisher attack, the Special Snowflake!
Catchphrase time! Name some of those lines you repeat in every episode.. and tell us when you use them!  This can be a transformation phrase.. or just something cool you keep repeating!

My transformation catchphrase is a portmanteau  of Transformation and Imagination!   It is just me shouting “Transgimagination with later phases of transformation keep using the latter word but adding a deeper phase of imagination in it .. like Imagilucination or maybe even Hallucinarium. Who knows how long I can keep my series going!  It might just get really trippy!  Other catchphrases I keep using “Friendship is Magic” and I will have this  anime girl speech thing where I use the word Royal a lot. “This  monster is gonna be a Royal pain in the but”. “If this attack goes through we are Royally Fudged”  stuff like that.  I sometimes try to do this with princesses or queens as well but it rarely works out.

Sometimes Royalty based puns do not work out for this magical girl

My hero catchphrase is Villains repent!  We can do this the easy way or the nice way.. I prefer the nice way”.  .. which isn’t very catchy but it does sum up what I am about! I will try to redeem enemies. Transformed I will be a bit of an Ojou-Sama and display arrogance so this is my way of saying.. I can beat  you easily..let’s talk it out  instead! Neat huh!

Get the 'I Am Amazing' song - Judi Cranston
Ojou Sama Arrogance will be a part of the character
Are you a solo magical girl?! Do you work in a team?! Are you the first recruit or a supportive one?!
Chibi Pinkie will join the fight later!

I will be alone for a fair amount of episodes!  There is the coconut and me facing some enemies and the lore of enemies and my transformation will be explained thoroughly before I get allies! But they would come!   Their transformations would take the form of other royal court members that wield staff, such as the Royal Advisor.. who also wears a staff, the Jester  and perhaps a knight whose rod is an actual club!  Later on in a second season we could even get a support magical girl.. kind of similar to how Rise works in persona!  She would be a chef and her scepter would be a ladle! She would function as a healer who can cook up buffs with monster parts!

Every magical girl  has a goal in her normal life as well! What would your goal be?!

I would want to be a VTuber and of course manage paradise.  I’d open up Paradise as a resort where people can come face to face with their imagination!  A vacation of reality of sorts!   But that is kind of to be expected.. I do have my trustworthy staff there..but lots of monsters would be tied into the problem of paradise.  Say we run out of food on Paradise , we get a Gluttonous monster, if some guests would get into petty fights on the beach..maybe I fight with a Jellyfish.. whose Jelly stands for jealousy! So in that way we have a goal as the manager on Paradise. However I will also be trying to make it as a VTuber.. keeping my show relevant and all! This leads to some spider man like shenanigans where I sometimes try to stream while fighting monsters or soldiers!  Which can lead to some fun situations and make fights more interesting!  Offer extra challenges and really help with power scaling.  We can add an extra tension in fights that should be easy because I need to stream.. or make a fight go faster because I try extra hard to be home in time for a stream!  Sometimes I am a genius!

My Steam Dream will bloom up again! Both in reality as well as in this story!
What is the dark twist to your being a magical girl?!
My dark secret.. I can’t wear shoes!

A lot of magical girl series have a plot twist that is revealed near the end of the show! My element of despair however is revealed immediately You see every time transform and cross into imagination , I do not come back fully!  After the first episode a lock of pink hair is shown.. after the first general is defeated I will have duck feet forever!  I am becoming less human and my imagination is becoming more vivid.. I see things in the real world that are not there.. just that other people imagine being there. Thus reality and fiction begin to blend more.. I begin to fit in the real world less and less and have to spend more  and more time  on Paradise Island.. there everything is in balance and I can keep my sanity.   So as I become stronger in my magic.. I lose my humanity! So will the other magical girls! So rather than seeing us all transform all the time.. we try to balance it out.. look out for each other!  Yet we all know.. that saving the world means that eventually we become stranded on Paradise and can not see our loved ones anymore! We are really becoming our magical girl identity.

The Tags

I will be a good princess/magical girl  and help you out by reposting the questions that way you can copy and paste them more easily!

1.A Magical Creature descended from the skies! It is telling you , you are a magical girl!  Describe this magical messenger! What is it.. where is it from?!
2.Your creature tells you about an evil force from afar! What is this evil force?! What is their goal?!
3. The creature then tells you , you hold a great virtue, it is the reason you have been selected! What is this reason!
4. After the exposition , a monster shows up at your doorstep! It is time to transform! What is your transformation item?!
5.Transformation scene time! How do you look as a magical girl?! What is your power and signature attack?!
6.Catchphrase time! Name some of those lines you repeat in every episode.. and tell us when you use them!  This can be a transformation phrase.. or just something cool you keep repeating! 
7.Are you a solo magical girl?! Do you work in a team?! Are you the first recruit or a supportive one?!
8.Every magical girl  has a goal in her normal life as well! What would your goal be?!
9. What is the Dark Twist to your being a magical girl!

Now for my Magical Girls!

GeekGirlJoy: She did this amazing thing! She made a game based on my island so I repay her her with allowing her to go completely crazy and quirky with this post!

Summer Foovay: Whom is my bestie and she is already a witch so let’s see how she is as a magical girl!

Geeky Gal Meg: I tag her for all new tags so this one will not be an exception.

Senpai: Who already speculated she might be a magical girl once so I give her the chance to become one!

Lynn: I have almost always tagged him in new tags as well and he might be a sweet magical girl!

Fred: Now that is a magical girl story I really want to hear

Roki: Because than my tag will be reactivated in a few months time … just kidding Roki, I love you as a community member so I just really wanted to tag you.

Cele: Because you are kind of my Kohai in a away and I really love your visual style!

Allysa: I would love to see this tag with a more manga minded angle! Al has read so many stories, something good would have to come out of this should they take up the tag!

K: Because I think the world wants to know how K would be as a magical girl!

Annie: I think Annie might actually be a magical girl.. transforming with a teacup! And I REALLY REALLY want to find out how right I am!

If you want to do the tag but I have not nominated you please type “I invoke the powers of Kyubey” in the comments and magically .. in a few days or so your tag will appear on the list! It’s not like I did not nominated you… we just need a bit of extra power for all the nominations to appear! Now I hope you will pick up the tag and I can read some awesome magical girl stories.. but first I have to face a few strange creatures that live behind my eyelids! Because remember folks! Friendship is magic but dreams are even more wonderful! Oyasumi!

Pinkie does Random Things: Playing Never Have I Ever – The Varied Edition

Just after I transformed into a Moth I created a post about me playing Never Have I Ever. I found a website that spouts random prompts at you and for the first part I took on “the Embarrassing Edition”  but I never was really embarrassed. Now that I have transformed again, I decided to visit the site again and play another round of Never Have I Ever. This time though I will answer one prompt for each of the categories available on this website!

The Rules

Never Have I Ever

The categories for this particular site are, Adult, Everyday, Embarrassing, Illegal, Travel and Work. For each category I will generate five questions before picking one that seems the most interesting to blog about! I can not generate more than five prompts and I am not allowed to skip one for being too embarrassing or too illegal. I MUST choose the one I feel will make the most interesting story!  We will deal with the most boring ones first. So the order will be. Work, Travel, Everyday, Illegal  Adult and Embarrassing. I am sure many would find adults more interesting why it is up so high..but there is a big chance this will be a dead prompt and I just have to make a story out of it!  

I also wish to make a part 3 of this post, but this time with reader questions! So if you like these types of posts, please ask me a Never Have I Ever question in the comments! That way I know people enjoy these random life snippet things and I can do more OR less of them!   The Third edition will go up in a few weeks.   Maybe around the blog anniversary!
Who knows! I am a Princess and I will do it when I feel like it! *Princess Noises*  With that out of the way let’s get into the post.

Work: Never Have I Ever Gone to Work in a Mind Altered State from Drugs or Alcohol

The Walking Drunk: Zombies invade Bay View bars – Marquette Wire
No one will notice the Uniduck is drunk.. when other guys look like this!

False(ish). I worked in a hardware retail franchise and every last Friday of the month we would go to a Club with the young members of the team to a Dutch 90’s party. With very tacky music and just lots of fun. Lots of drinks as well. Unfortunately lots of drinks as well. So the Saturdays after the team was usually pretty hungover.  I never did though.. but one night was different. I was hurt emotionally, stuff happened and I needed an escape so I drank a bit more than I normally would if I have to work the next day. I can be a bit overly cautious if I have to work the next day, being too careful. That night I did not care as much .. and the next day I felt… weird.. not hungover … but still kind of drunk!  I went to work anyway and since a few guys were so hungover they actually were sent home .. looking like a corpse no one really noticed my state.

These exact red bull shoes/heels #heels #redbull #shoes #bull
Guess it felt like working on these!

I made it to break time and hobbled to the grocery store. Perhaps some energy drinks would help me! However.. high sugar on Alcohol.. isn’t a good idea. I felt so weird.. I had to stack paint cans using a ladder and I felt the ladder sway extremely much! So much  I felt it was falling over. I could think.. clearly.. more or less but my sense of balance was intensely disrupted.   I was so scared of being fired for being drunk.. but no one thought I was drunk, I had a normal colour (for me)  I talked cohesively and reacted quickly, just  my senses were so elevated I could not function properly. I am not even sure if I was not slipped something in the club back then… but I felt like that person in Limitless.. I suddenly spoke better Spanish then before helping a spanish customer, by describing colours in other words.  Yet I could not hang up an item because very milimeter it shifted I felt like it would come crumbling down.   The clacking of a keyboard at the main desk was soooo loud. It was super weird yet I was only in the mid range of useless of all the staff! So yay me!

Travel: Never Ever Have I been Seasick

On boats I stop being pink and end up being green!

FALSE!  SO false.. I am extremely.. and I mean EXTREMELY prone to seasickness. As a kid I still could be on the water.. but now. No! I know I have talked about this before.. but among my five travel prompts this one came up in two different forms and it is by far the most interesting tale to tell so what can you do! I get so sick.. on the waves that I get sick on an air matrass on the water. I get so sick.. that I even can feel queasy on a waterbed. I can even get seasick in the pool by being on a random floatation device.   I have two tales I want to tell you about my seasickness.. one happened on an actual boat at sea. 

My friends and me signed up for a party with free drinks and free food and all we had to do is take a small boat ride to get to a private beach…back then I could be on a boat for a bit  So a 20 minute boat trip or something “short” wasn’t that bad.. but SHORT in this case meant 90 minutes! THAT’S NOT short!  At the 30 minute mark I felt sick… at the 40 minute mark I wished I was dead and at the hour mark I really lost the will to live. We had a small swimming break because we were in some super clear water bit. I jumped in and refused to get back into the boat.. so sick I felt.. meanwhile the water was super cold So I was in to long already.  I got back in the boat.. and  waited out the last 40 minutes in despair.. I did not throw up..but  when I got at the beach and threw myself on a towel.. people asked if they needed to call an Ambulance boat thing.. I was that pale and unresponsive.  I began crying when they mentioned boat.. so they figured I was alive and left me alone… I did not  enjoy a single bit of food.. and only drank water. Luckily the boating rew decided to take the non scenic route back and that only took 20 minutes.. I only needed to recover an hour on the beach after that to be able to walk home.

Drowning Psyduck | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgir
This .. and like Psyduck.. I could not swim… I can.. but I was to sick for it

The second incident happened on a vacation in Lloret De Mar, a party holiday.. fairly trashy place, but parties.. me and my friend bought something cute and white to wear while going out but that would look much better if I had a tan.. so I knew that on the water I tan a lot faster and I bought one of those silver air mattresses.. for maximum light reflection!  I was talking to this friend when I had a short nap .. my leg was wrapped around some rope so I could not float away.. when I woke up however… I knew something was wrong. I was not sunburned at all.. but I felt terrible!  I felt so weak and sick  that I had no more strength in my body! None! I felt so sick I litteraly was a towel.  And even though we were in only belly button deep water , the life guard had to come and drag me out of the water. He asked my friend if I had been using drugs.. and I just said.. no I am seasick… and all he asked me was really?!   I was dragged on land…and I could just see him talking to his colleagues pointing at me.. they never saw someone so seasick before.. let alone on an air matrass in belly button deep water.

Everyday: Never Ever Have I been Stalked

False!  It’s partially the reason why I never would use actual photos unless I specifically take them off the blog, and never of me in person!  It happened when I was very young and just got into MMO’s.  I did not know I was into girls yet, and mostly connected romantically with very feminine minded boys.. in fact to this day I might be more Sapio Sexual but I love.. feminine energies and thought patterns….but the male body kind of repulse me so .. complicated.. anyway back then I was too young to fully grasp my sexual identity and on occasion would flirt with a boy a bit… or try. 

The Face of my Stalker

So I also flirted a bit with the guys I played my MMO Tales of Pirates with.  To me it was mostly an in character thing. I played a little magician girl that used magical seashells to cast magic and he played a big beefy pirate guy. So whenever the guy saved me I would say “My Hero”  as a casual joke. We were  like a mini guild of four people and we would talk to each other a lot. We had a brit..who played a swashbuckling scoundrel.. the brute from was a really nerdy guy from the Philippines and we had another girl, who was our healer. She was Australian and I knew her from an older game.  But she did not love the game that much so she was rarely on.

The Swashbuckler had classes and was on and off again.. but the Philippines guy was on all the time. This was the first time I began struggling with my health  So I was playing a lot and staying home a lot. So we talked a lot.. he told me he was in love with me and I rejected him. Telling him I would not commit to long distance but he seemed like a swell guy! To let him off easy… of course this was a mistake! Even though I told him I was not looking for a relationship anyway he found a solution. 

Without notice he was offline for three or four days.. and then he popped back online.  First he mailed me he was in Amsterdam and asked me if we could meet. I told him no, game and real life are seperate for me. The next day he was a lot closer. Booking an hotel near my town. He knew how the front of my house looked like due to a photo I shared.  I told him I was sorry but I really did not want to meet.. but he was crazed.. he told me I would change my mind if I saw him in real life.  He never found me.. but I had to call the cops.. who as far as I am aware made sure to put him back on a plane. I don’t know however, I quit the game, I changed all my emails and destroyed all my social media back then. Mom and Dad handled  the rest. I never really meant to flirt..and I always told him I was not looking for romance.. yet he only heard half. I was really scared as I never shared specifics but he figured so much stuff out!  Image searching and other stuff! You live and learn.

Cop Lights Stock Footage ~ Royalty Free Stock Videos | Pond5

Illegal: Never Ever Have I Smoke Marijuana

Living In The Netherlands, Where we all smoke weed - ArnhemLife Blog
Happy Birthday to me!

True, I know this makes me like the most boring Dutchie ever, but hey I tried to smoke it! Marijuana is not as illegal here as it is elsewhere, so using it is rather common and it was something I would really like to try!  My Parents tried it on my 6th or 7th birthday and told them they had a bad experience, I did not notice they did this. I think I was off to bed already or playing video games but I heard the story later. Maybe I was just busy playing with my gifts. So when I got older.. I figured on my birthday, I want to try some Marijuana as well. A friend gave me some, and he advised me to  make a fake bong out of a water bottle, he even showed me how! On my actual Birthday I invited some other friends ( I saw him before)  and we were about to do it.. we were finally smoking the Dutch green stuff!  But two people chickened out already!

This Is Fine | Know Your Meme
Face Reveal photo!

I did everything as was instructed..but and rolled a sigarette, but for some reason even though I used tabaco along with it.. it caught fire.. rather then slowly burning.. the entire filter, paper thing caught fire first and then all the smoke got sucked into the little bottle. But istead of white smoke .. it was a fair amount of black smoke as well trapped in the bottle. I tried to take a drag but as soon as I wanted to take a drag I noticed the bottle was now on fire as well and the plastic was melting. .. In my enthusiasm I forgot to take off the label of the water bottle and the hole I made in it for the cigarette went straight trough the label.. so when my sigarette caught fire.. it also set the label on fire…slowly!  We were pretty drunk so we stumbled a lot..  I ended up pouring a bottle of soda out on top of it to put out the fire.. and instead of getting high.. I ended up getting low..mopping all the soda from the floors. 

Adult: Never Ever Have I been approached with a Hooker

False, so as some of you may know, the Netherlands besides weed is kind of know for it’s Red Light District in Amsterdam. Lots of hookers out there!  Lots and lots of them!  What a lot of people don’t know is that there is a Japanese temple and a Manga shop in Amsterdam… and to get to that you need to pass the red light district. The Red  Light district isn’t something you can easily avoid. To get to many locations in Amsterdam you need to pass through it.. but mostly for me to get to the weeby stuff. 

Amsterdam's red-light district: What it's like to live there | CNN Travel
I kinda like the ambience! Almost pink!

Now most times as a woman your pretty much left alone but I got into a verbal fight with a hooker fairly recently for reading a map in front of her window!  And using my phone to get me there because the map sucked!  She snarled at me and I snarled back… however one time I was skipping school and just wanted to walk around Amsterdam, maybe get some Manga or a cool figurine and visit that temple.  When a hooker approached me!   She told me I could get a discount cause I seemed like fun… I refused politely and she told me to come back if I change my mind.. or if I had some money left after buying manga! She read me good!

There was also the time I had relations with one… kind off. It was on a vacation with friends in a british party location called Magaluf. My friends were in a discotheque enjoying the music of a man called Scepta or Skeputah or something which wasn’t my cup of tea.. it was this british “hood”  rap stuff that was very unfriendly to women.. and not very musical I did not enjoy it so I went back to the hotel and back at the bar there, which was still open, cause it was fairly early  when a woman called me over. She asked me to have a drink with her and I decided I could still use a quiet drink and decided to go with it. She was slightly older than me, a bit heavy on the make up and she smelled like she worked in a perfume plant. But a nice one..apples or some kind of fresh fruit..but like how it smells when you turn it into a candle… then rather than letting it burn slow you spread the scent with a flamethrower.

Magaluf Looks flashy..but mostly is just fleshly!

 We talked a bit and she was this very clever and pretty girl. She was still studying and had a lot of stress, but  studying was expensive so she went on this long vacation which she paid for by…well sleeping with people.  The hotel apparently was semi in on it..and kept her safe. Magaluf is a “classy” place. Trashy street hookers everywhere, and fairly regular while at the pool, people would hang a banner from their hotel room saying Orgy in Room (Number)  Tonight… So the hotel would let a few girls work, that  weren’t street hookers that would stab you,  She was really open about it and noticed I barely reacted to it. She asked why and I told her sex doesn’t really mean much for me.  It’s just like eating when your hungry, you do something against that urge when horney or bored. 

She then said she was bored a bit..I pretended to be offended she laughed, we talked a bit more, we talked about boys and girls, about life a bit. When she asked me why I wasn’t partying with my friends I told about not liking the artist and that I got bored. She said she knew something we could do to fix that boredom. It was nice, and no I did not use her services.. this was a mutual thing. Just fun nothing more. I was a bit drunk, so she dropped me off at my room! My friends aren’t home yet so we played a board game I carried with. I had more fun with the board game!

Embarrassing: Never Ever Had I Been Thrown Up On

Sheldon Cooper | The Big Bang Theory
He even looks a lot like my friend

False, same vacation as my apple-candle friend but a few days later. We were with four friends, me, a girl and two guys!  The girl went to us with the clubs.. but most times we would not see her again till breakfast. She.. was one of these people that spiced up a night, but when you think about it now that she is out of your life..she never really did anything for you.  She  never bought drinks, she never bought gifts for your birthday. Then there was my gay best friend, and this guy who is pratically Sheldon Cooper. Only.. he tries to be a chad. He tries to pick up girls by saying “Wow I heard a lot of rumors about you,  but the rumors don’t do you justice.. you look waaaay more like a slut then people make you out to be”   or he picks them up by asking what they think about “the economic state or Euro coin, now that Russia has done .. something”.  

Most nights when we would go clubbing we could find him by finding the sea of emptiness he creates around him by weirding people out!  But because of the fact he is so bad at picking up people, gay best friend likes to taunt him and get him in situations that are funny!  Because Gay best Friend.. is kind of like the flaming movie gay.. without the sexuality! He just likes to see chaos and is a smart manipulator into getting there… So he heard rumors of this sure fire bar.. If you can’t get laid there you can’t get laid anywhere and he decided to take Sheldon there. 

I am talking about a place that is so trashy thatI saw a drugged up girl being groped on the dancefloor and I reported it to the bouncers and they just shrugged before only reluctantly saving her.  I saw a guy talk to the girl that was standing next to me and he said “It’s 1 already and I see you haven’t found anyone to fuck yet, wanna go to my room and fuck” and she looked at her phone to check the time.. checked out the guy, checked out her friends and she agreed. I got a similar clown after me told me if I wanted another Cocktail minus the tail he had a really good one for me. Another guy I could not understand properly but I am pretty sure he asked me if I wanted to be unable to walk the next day.  Gross!  

Geordie Shore - Wikipedia
I felt like I was in an episode of this show..

It was an annoying club  and I wanted to leave.. maybe see if my new friend was at the hotel (whom I spoke with every now and again, but she also had to scout for customors of course)   .. when I was approached by a girl. It was drugged up girl from before that I got free from before. She was quite grateful…apparently the bouncers told her I’d given them the tip… and the boys who were groping her woozy mind payed her friends to let this happen. Happy their friend was saved by someone else.. but having money to burn they refused to leave with her.. So she was wandering about  intoxicated by everything possible! She smiled at me hugged me and told me I had nice shoes! 

 She looked at them again…..and then my shoes were not as nice!  Luckily the club was at the sea so I was able to rinse off.. but my shoes were ruined.  I left those at that beach and walked home barefoot! Sheldon refused to come home as he was sure to pick someone up here.. and me being vomited on was not worth it.  He did not pick anyone up! I took a a few more showers at the hotel! I do not know what happened to intoxicated girl..I told her to take a cab to her hotel but I was also quite angry with her so I snapped it at her. That was one horrible vacation over all.. and I haven’t even told you the story about the Magaluf Barcrawl yet.

My theme song for that night

And that is another post revealing my normie past done! Do you have any fun : Never Have I Ever questions for me?! Did you do any of the things on my list? Tell me! Drop a Question in the comments and I will honestly answer it in my next edition! Don’t be afraid to ask weird stuff! I will still think you are awesome…though I might have to sleep on my answers..because remember guys: Friendship is Magic, but Dreams are even more Wonderful! Oyasumi!

Sleeping duck. : duck

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The Knights of the Pink Table: The Powerful Females in my Court

Hear  Ye Hear Ye,  Princess Pinkie is back with another post for all you loyal guests and subjects! A while ago I addressed the Powerful Female Tag created by the majestic lady Annie!  After this had been done I was  been tagged not once.. but two powerful females of WordPress. Meg and Mari, both ladies who I very much respect! I wanted to honour them by doing this tag… but I did it already and I felt I could not really redo it without invalidating my first picks! So.. I mutated it… I needed some knights in my court anyway. So this time..instead of doing a Powerful Female Tag, I do a Powerful female Recruition!

The Rule of the Pink Round Table

Large Rosette Flower Tablecloth Blush Blush and White | Etsy
Really cosey using this table with 6 others!

So the original tag had some rules but since this is a bit of a quick repeat I decided to spin it a creative way. For the original rules please visit my original post, or visit the amazing posts of Mari, Meg or Annie. Since I tag people recently already I will also not be tagging people, however I invite people who already have been tagged and get tagged again to keep the spirit of the post alive by showing some creativity!  I know it sometimes is hard to be tagged for something a lot of times, and when questions are not randomised it is hard to be fresh.. but clearly you have been tagged for a reason!. So if you don’t want to do just a single repeat.. consider yourself tagged to come up with a way to do the tag without doing the tag… or any other tag you have been recently double nominated for. 

In the original post Annie made for Woman’s day we had to talk about a woman of great Intelligence, Great Strength, One who Endured a Lot, One who we would love to spend time with, one who inspires us and one who deserves a spotlight.  To keep the spirit alive I will recruit women who embody those aspects. To keep it fresh though, I will this time really be looking from a perspective of who can be a knight . We will give them a virtue since I discovered I am part digimon and virtues is an important thing for their knights and all! 
All virtues will be based on the official prompt. 

The Knight of Knowledge:  Samantha Carter

When I read Meg’s take on this post, I already had been tagged by Mari for a second go! I was working on an idea that could work for a second go around. When I read Meg had tagged Samatha as her first prompt “A Woman Known for her Intelligence” I got an idea!  Because it is indeed true that Sam from Stargate SG1 and onwards is a very smart character, but she is also a competent leader, a great friend and a soldier.   And since a soldier is kind of like a knight.. I think she would do well in that role as well.  Of course her virtue would still be knowledge because that is where Sam shines. She actually compliments every other character really well.  She compliments Daniel Jackson, she compliments O’Neill and she even compliments Teal’q.  While she has also been put into a position of leadership for me Samatha’s strength always lies in how well she pairs with others thus making her a great knight. 

PK1-Gatekeeper! Ready

I’d make her some very cool blue armor , that resembles her navy officer outfit and she would actually be second in command of my little army of knights!  Paradise lies between reality and fiction and while it is not possible to be violent on Paradise Island.. Many people try to illegally cross realms and my knights will help me keep the balance.  Samantha is even experienced in traveling to other worlds. Her designations would be PK-1-Gatekeeper. PK stands for Paradise Knight, the 1 a batch of honour and a call back to that team that brought this amazing woman into our lives.  As  a Weapon I’d give her some wrist operate crossbow guns.  Which resemble pistols a lot! They seem to be Sam’s weapon of choice. Because Sam is so skilled in protecting against bogeys from other worlds.. her nickname will be gatekeeper!

The Knight of Strength : Erza Scarlet

The Knight of Strength would be my Barbarian type knight. Someone who could wear ridiculously huge weapons, like an Axe.. No A HUUUGGE Broadsword.. No big spear! Oh it would all be so cool!  So why don’t I just take it all!  When I look for a knight of  Strength I want her to be able to wreck stuff.. so Anime is an obvious go too!  These women are stronger than most, and very few are as badass as Erza!  Taking on an entire tower filled with monsters and coming out on top!  Besides how cool is it to have your Mage cast fist! She is an S class Mage, that in those stat magazine thingies scores the higest in almost every single category and only in intelligence scores 4 out of five.  She is strong as an ox already and can even ENHANCE it on top of it! Besides that she is super versatile and can be super speedy as well.

PK2-Titania Ready

If it is all the same to her I’d prefer her to be in her Armadura Fairy armor!   Which is her pink armor! It is one of the  strongest armors in her arcenal and allows her to do energy attacks as well , and you guys know how much I like Dragon Ball so energy attacks are hype!  Plus she is probably one of the two knights I want to keep close. Probably my right hand knight! So it has to be in a colour the compliments my outfit! I don’t like crosses as a Symbol so her iconic Heart Kreuz Armor would not be the best. She can switch in her free time but when I am in court I think the cute armor looks best!  Her nickname would be PK-2-Titania! Which is Erza’s nickname!  She can’t hold her liquor well so I have to keep an eye on Kuro. But most of the others knights won’t drink a lot.. maybe the last one. I am kind of afraid that she will be kinda angry at me for making her wear her pink armor! But hey! A princess gotta do what a princess gotta do!

The Knight of Fortitude: Bastila Shan 

I am a big Star Wars fan, mostly of the old republic, one of the characters that impressed me always was Bastila Shan, she is a Jedi KNIGHT, kinda, of the old republic who has endured a whole lot. The daughter of treasure hunter Helena Shan was “given” to the Jedi Order at a young age.  Here it was found out she was exceptionally gifted in the force and she mastered a power called Battle Meditation. With this power she would defeat one of the  most scary and iconic Darths in Star Wars Extended Universe Lore.. Darth Revan, whom she later would redeem, try and save the world with, only to be driven to the Darkside of the Force trough intense torture. She fell in love with Revan and that bond allowed her to be brought back and enabled the pair to save the galaxy and to finally get married. Only for Bastila to lose her husband two years later. Vanished into thin air. Yet even losing everything AGAIN she endured and became a respectable member of the Jedi Council and her great great great or something  granddaughter would end up becoming Grand Master of the Jedi Order. That’s one strong knight and I want her on my team.

PK3-Dreamer Ready

Bastilla isn’t a flawless character, she can be a bit stuck up and she is not that easy going, but that is what endears her to me! She isn’t the type of Jedi that is completely stoic and a near Vulcan, she is a human with her own struggles.  Her Battle Meditation boosts her allies and hinders her enemies,  one of the most powerful force abilities ever..which can also help keep the peace on my beautiful island. Because this requires a translike state, I will give her the handle PK3-Dreamer.  An capable negotiator, with a pretty face, combat skills and the ability to boost her allies. Her mind has been forged in the irons.. tempered by making herself break! Nothing can touch her now!  Her weapon would be a double sword. Much like her iconic yellow Saber Staff!  And I really like her dress style as well!  

The Knight of Kindness:  Kaede “Maple” Honjou

 Okay so.. I do not particularly care about the schoolgirl that is oblivious but quickly gets addicted to MMOs! When I will talk about her I will mostly talk about her alter ego, Maple!  Not that   Kaede isn’t any fun but as a knight Maple would just work a lot better. So let’s just assume we have the option available to us. The original prompt is people you’d want as your Roommate or Friend and Maple definitely has those qualities. She is all about being kind and making friends and just having friends. Despite being a guild leader she isn’t very much a leader and can follow really well as well. No dominant personality here which makes her a whole lot more compatible with me because I have big trouble with dominant energies, It makes me shut down. Maple seems an energy I can handle very well though…plus she is the tank! She protects.. so she goes on the other hand as Erza does. So my left hand?! I forgot which one I said earlier!  


Maple would wear her iconic black armor and would bear the handle PK4-Pancakes. Now I would not come up with that name but she would. She named herself Maple, based on the translation of her name, and her pet Syrup.. which she would probably take along.. in fact I’d ask her! I wanna fly on a turtle as well! Either way Maple has the tendency for sugary names that in some shape, way or form have to do with maple.. and maybe syrup.  Maple Syrup is good on Pancakes!   With her defence capabilities Maple is quite scary.. but she is super funny as well!  If I am in a life threatening situation and I am rolling on the floor laughing because demon Maple is Talking.. I know I picked my knight well.

The Knight of Courage: Jen Scotts

Jen Scotts, Pink Time Force Ranger - Morphin' Legacy

So this is most likely a character that not many people will know about!  Jen Scotts is a power Ranger.. a Time Force Power Ranger from the year 3000 to be exact. She is the Pink Time Force Ranger..which already makes her an excellent candidate to be one of my knights.. but she is a very special pink ranger. You see in the world of Sentai, character traits are colour coded. With Red being the leader, the black or green ranger being the very supporty one, while the blue often works as a second in command or rival to red.  There are some nuances there.. but a good written ranger shows their colour without even wearing matching clothing.  I bring this up because Jen Scotts was a  great Pink.. she would make an even better Red.  She is a leader, and a pragmatic one.  She has passion but can also set it aside to get the job done. Jen Scotts is one of THE best female rangers ever.  While not my favourite one, she takes the number two spot! And since this tag originally was one to be a role model.. definitely beats out my favourite pink Ranger Kendrix out in this one.

PK5-Time Walker Ready

I want to give Jen the chance to be the real leader, the recognised leader and allow her to  take the reigns.  Using the name Pk5-Timewalker she would do the red armor  that also comes equipped with some goggles. Jen had to say goodbye to her love but did so, for the sake of her job! So it means she is loyal and she will make logical choices. Her job comes before herself at many times.. but she has this amazing strong character behind it. I do not like zeal in general ..but I will need someone like that to keep us focussed.  Jen and me in some ways are too different to be friends, and maybe in some ways we are also too similar to be friends so I think of all the knights I’d get along with the least.  Yet she would also be the knight I would rely on the most!  She is a bit the opposite of me while having the same  motivators.. and a sense of drive and spirit! A great role model that may look at things differently from me, but deserves to be called a role model anyway.

The Knight of Hope: Grell Sutcliff

By the laws of colour coding Grell should be a Red Knight..and maybe many will deny that she belongs on the list of strong females.. but the last item on the original list was a powerful woman that deserves a spot light. Grell fits that bill!  Some may not agree Grell deserves to be on this list because Grell was born with some Y-Chromosomes.. but she calls herself a lady, wishing to bear children but  knowing it is not possible since she was born a biological male. Still Grell dreams about dreams about  having a sex change so she can have a sex in line with her gender. That already is something that makes her deserve a spotlight.. but there is more to it! Grell lives in 1888, this means the first sex change was over 40 years away.  Making her choice and desire all the more inspirational. It doesn’t hurt that she is a very capable fighter as well and how cool is a knight with a chainsaw!  

Ara-Ara Sebby Chan!

Grell would be my green knight… because if you haven’t figured out by now .. these knights all have Sentai colours and Grell is not a leader.  Grell is the wild card, the sixth ranger that is a bit different but really cool. She is also everything that Paradise stands for! Being your own person, despite what words society may use. Not letting yourself be defined by the limited vision of others… you are the only person who knows yourself. So if Grell says she is a she… SHE is a she, simple as that.. and so she qualifies as a Powerful female!  She might not be the most fit for the title of “knight” but her living in the 19th century is close enough to be one of the “last generation” of classic knights. She is pretty cooky but can play in a team and she would probably be the one who can help me do the V-Tuber think the most! I think very naturally she would understand the “bonk, go to horney jail’ thing. Grell is amazing and I already have a few loons in my staff! And one day I hope to be embraced by a Malkavian Vampire… so these things are not an issue. I really think she’ll be a good fit.  My Green knight, PK6-Shinigami.

And so my tag has been completed yet again and some powerful women have come together for the same tag in a new way! Like I said no new tags for me! But feel free to join in the fun! Do you like my pick of knights? *Quack* let me know in the comments! Who would your knights be?! If you will pick up the tag, drop a comment as well so I can quack it out! Now my knights! It’s Morphin Time!… In Ye Olden days that should take them a few hours so I will go take a nap! Shine on loyal subjects and amazing guests! Oyasumi *Quack*

The Great Change: A Paradise Restyle

Hear Ye Hear Ye! Princess Pinkie is here with a new post! Her first post in the capacity of supreme regent of the Paradise. Salutations loyal guests and subjects! The time has come! Paradise has evolved from a corporation to a nation! A nation under no god (You can pick one if you so choose, but not a single one is right)  and one princess! Located between imagination and reality! Welcome to the new Paradise. So if you are reading this in WordPress Reader, do take a look at our website over on

Pinkie restyled

As you may know Pinkie is a name for not one, but two entities. The Homo-romantic-demi sexual woman of 34.. I mean 21 years old living in the Netherlands who types and styles this blog, as well as Pinkie the name for the virtual entity and avatar. The one who manages the tropical island of Paradise as it’s manager. The author Pinkie sends the character Pinkie on a quest to find an item that would allow her to reach her Mega-Evolution. You see the virtual Pinkie discovered she was a virtual life form that evolved multiple times and as such she discovered she had.. at the very least… one transformation left. Hopefully being rid of the moth toxins would help her feel better and healthier.. which in turn may help the real Pinkie feel better and healthier… but for that whole story click the link here!

Rubber Duck Pink Unicorn Duck buy at Hollandwinkel.NL

If people here really read my blog, or those who chat with me in real life people would answer one of three animals for my spirit animal. A panda, a unicorn or a duck. I figured that the panda elements are always intrinsically tied to me due to my lack of libido or grasp innuendo. Since a duck model might be too hard to make I chose to go with the only feasible possibility that will probably mean I am one of the very few people who uses a totem animal like this! I chose for the totem .. that is the majestic unicorn duck! Yet something else needed to change. Over the past year or so I have always portrayed Pinkie as the manager that blogs daily and works hard. I had very much trouble letting that image, I needed something a little bit extra. Someone who is not afraid to coast from blogging every now and again… a flavour excuse ..against my morality saying skipping a day is wrong as it were.. it turns that flavour was changing her from a manager into a Princess.

Which brings us to the new model of Pinkie which is displayed here!

Yay at least virtual me could get a haircut!
My Bag of Holding

Look at that, aren’t I adorable?  As you may see there are several elements to convey all the elements. Let’s first discuss my lovely new dress!  It has a cute frock with hearts, and looks quite a bit more regal! I have a gold crown.. but also a silver crown If I want to look a bit more subtle.. you know.. for when I attend a funeral or something. If you hear some cute little pit pats behind you! There is a chance that it is me on my adorable duck feet! Yes I know that will be hard to model in VRoid ..but you’ll never see that part  in videos so it doesn’t really matter.  There is also duck feathers growing out of me on random places.. but we have found a way to make them all pop out at my diaphragm so it works like kind of a belt.. just below where my corset goes…. the trick is tying the corset so tight I can barely breathe! Another duck element is the cute little duck purse! It is actually a bag of holding so good for all sorts of stuff I need to take out..including power morphers, my magical girl transformation item etc.

Unicorn Mane Twintails

The unicorn-horn holds most of my magical powers..but the duck feather pops out there because I am not an equastian unicorn! I am a duck-unicorn. I can fire lasers from it.. like my Mothra power.. but this time rather than use it for sheer destruction I can also turn everything I hit into marshmallows. I have most of my mothra powers. I can fly, am immortal and can create gust of wind.. this time by plucking a feather and tossing it.. it will create a kawaii tornado. The toxic scales are gone though! Instead I can use the magical heart gems on my outfit to heal others.. or make them play nice with me!  This is also why violence on Paradise island is not possible at all!  Love and peace!  I can switch between my forms.. but I really like this one!

This amazing new avatar was made by the great artist Jezzychii!  For just about €30,- let’s say $35 dollars I had this full body commision within two weeks after ordering! She is very versatile as well and very soon I will commision another piece with her to get acces to some emotions! If you want to check her out please do at:

Redesigning the blog


A new era comes with a new banner. Yet both Sunny and Periwinkle had a bit troublesome designs to use in a banner. Sunny’s design was made in a variant of the software I used to make the first Pinkie.  It looked close enough to Kuro and Indigo though to use as their actual avatar. However it gave me a lot of trouble composition, as it was only a face I would always be locked into a banner where everyone was in that pose.  Which will become an issue with STAFF if we ever grow. Periwinkle made his character in the days that Chibimaker was no longer playable and found a similar piece of software but it was too simplistic. Which resulted mostly in linework issues.  So I downloaded the program called Flashpoint which allows me to play Flashgames still! It indeed had Chibimaker and thus I created Chibmaker counter parts for them. I had one for Sunny already but now I could unify the style of my staff. This is what I came up with in the end.

A new banner with all my Nakama
New Favicon

I wished to incorporate magical girl and tropical elements in the banner. So I chose a backdrop that feels like a tropical sunset.. but added some sparkles and hearts to also make it feel like a magical girl transformation background. I used a new more princessy font for the title and implemented my brand shade of pink #ff89cd Which is also used for the palm trees.I added the staff and myself to the picture as well as the coconuts.. which also represent the reader and I had a banner I could feel happy with! It feels busy… but very on brand. The border around it is a princessy photo frame that will now be used in several other assets to feel as if separate elements in the blog are all part of the same image, yet also separate.

Jester Pinkie

You may also have seen the chibi version of me hiding behind .. me!  I decided to bring her back as a character on the blog. Mostly she will feature in Paradise stories but she also will double as a Mascotte that  may appear in pictures I make or in general tomfoolery. Maybe she can be featured in some posts from the past! Or overly jokey posts! Oh the possibilities! She does to bonk people on the head with her jester-wand-scepter thing a lot though so she is oftenly in bonk jail! She keeps escaping though and thinking up pranks! I dread the day that she runs of to K and cooks up something really devious!

The frame used in the banner as said will be a recurring element in most assets. Such as the new cocktails/featured images.  Cutting out a round shape for cocktails can be a bit of a hassle and these pictures really did not perform well in my new theme. Instead I opted to go for a more stretched variant, with a cocktail in pink as well as the frame. With an icon depicting what kind of content it is like before. This looks a bit more clean and can be saved as JPEGs rather than PNG’s which also saves me on tons of storage space. I am considering making uniquely coloured variants for the staff, with a cocktail of their own.. but I decided to make these achievements.  With a custom coloured frame unlocking after say 50 posts, your custom cocktail at 100 posts! It gives the staff something to strive for! I think that should be fun!  The icons will be:  A SNES controller for gaming content, a movie reel, for movies and series, a smiley geek for geek content, the crunchyroll logo for anime (open for suggestions for another option for that)  a pokeball for pokemon and a typewriter for fan fiction.  Not much changes in that aspect. The cocktails that will be posted into every category rather than having a rainbow will have no logo and are deemed universal.

Sweet Sweet, ability to edit in featured thing more easily! Also yay Pink!

Finally I changed the blog theme to Chronicle, I needed a change up and really liked some features this theme had to offer. Such as highlighted content per category.  The ability to use banners of any size and just feeling right for the princessy theme I am now going for. It’s a bit busier than my old theme but it has that “sparkly” feeling for me. Just something new to wear for the next year or so. It still lets me use featured images in the way I want it too but now with stuff zooming and stuff happening. It all feels just a bit more… Pinkie! It doesn’t hurt that this theme can utilize my signature shade of pink either!

Redesigning Paradise

Like I said in my 500th post, content from my end my shift a bit to more lighthearted whimsey. Cartoony.. which applies to my “reviews” as well. I will react to them like a spoiled little princess.. or the sweetest magical girl and look at it from a more raw emotional angle. So think at a sarcastic princess talking about burning down a Uwe Boll movie… or a sweet little girl protecting the childhood memories of a movie that is deemed pretty bad by the internet.. but that she kinda secretly loves. Also a lot more weird “my brain” things where I wonder how pokémon taste and such!  For now I have dropped stories like “What Bad Luck, I got reincarnated and now I am a Side Character”. I have Elle’s journey mapped out and one day I might return to it, but it really lacked an audience. Instead I will be doing more stories set in Paradise.. much like how Sunny does, written as stand alone stories..almost comic like. For this very reason I have designed a map of Paradise, which will show you the general layout of Paradise! Which will also be featured in our new About Page. (Pending at the moment of writing)

The Map of Paradise is handed to you upon checking in..and shows up on that weird tv channel hotels have!

What doesn’t change though is that we are still welcoming to Staff Members. I post every other day, with Periwinkle having one or two posts every week and the other staff posting incidentally. I will keep looking for STAFF until we basically can consistently put out a post every day of the week again. So mostly in the anime department I am looking for someone who’d like to join the STAFF still, so if you are interested in joining a lovable band of goofs!  Feel free to give us a shout!  YouTube will be less of a focus for now as my health is recovering, but in time will be implemented more in Paradise. Existing as two sides of the same coin rather than being something separate. Of course Staff members can integrate their other content as well if they wish. I have this dream of people creating content together, all getting a penny of Kofi money or likes in their own way.  Everyone is doing their own thing yet doing it together as well. That to me is Paradise.

I am trying to become more active on other peoples blogs again as well and come back to OWLS as soon as the relentless migraine attacks let up. I am pretty active during my daytime but in the evening I get downed pretty hard. So right now I only have half days!  My blog comes before OWLS right now.. because to be part of OWLS I need to be able to blog to begin with. So there is that. By all means I should get over this soon though, normally this is a seasonal health thing..but with how weird things have been it all has gone on for much longer.  But yes I do plan to be more active in both gamer and anime blogger environments!

Recharge GIFs | Tenor

Energy is returning to Paradise and I hope to let it show.. both on blogosphere and on the fictional island itself!
I thank you for your hard work reading this posts loyal subjects! I would really appreciate interactions, likes, and of course comments. What do you think of the new theme and look? Do you think Unicorn Duck Princess Pinkie is a better fit for me?! Now I worked hard enough for a princess.. so I shall retire to the royal chambers. Shine on my subjects.. Tata for now. Oyasumi!
Oh and did you know I have a new Kofi Banner as well?!