So Guess I am writing a blog today! I was nominated for the Let’s Blog award!

Sweet Island Guests! It’s time to b-b-b-blog ! This time with a sparkly brand new award!  I only have to break one rule!   And only kinda! It’s time for the Let’s Blog Award.

The Rules of Let’s Blog!

1. Mention the creator of the award and the blogger who nominated you.
Okay so this award is made by a person called Renee from Renee’s Corner!  She makes a lot of chibi comics and stories! So be sure to check that out!

EggSandwich04 From KS BLOG nominated me for this tag! 04 is apparently not the year he is born in..are sandwiches even born?!  I found out through this tag!  Does that mean there are three others?!  EggSandwhich is a super fast growing blogger who nearly surpassed my blog size in like a month or two!  He is active in a lot of scenes! So I expect him to become Egg-Baguette before to long! That’s bigger than a Sandwhich!
Check out this amazing Aniblogger
2. Copy paste the rules.
Whoops I made that a bit harder didn’t I? All the more Reason to visit Eggy then!
3. Answer the 10 questions sent by the nominator.
4. Write your 10 questions for the nominees.
Did So
5. Nominate 5 bloggers for this award and let them know via comment on one of their posts.
I won’t comment but I’ll tag specific posts, they should get a ding ding thing!
6. Keep the thumbnail as the thumbnail of this post.
Can’t do that, it would mess up my site!  I will put it on top of the post though! Just on my home page it will be in a cocktail!
7. Answer your own questions.
Cool post feature but this should have been rule 5, Pinkie is a good girl though so I will go back and answer them! Speaking off Answers!

EggSandwhich Questions

So Eggy asked me these! In these I will be a bit more trough as I assume he would really want to know my answer and that is why he asked me! In one I dug really deep in a bit of a self analysis (it’s amazing how Insomonia can lead to self discovery as I had nothing better to do as i lay awayke) so feel free to first paragraph skim trough!

3 songs you recently discovered

Oof … I am not big on music.  I don’t listen to a lot of music for music sake so for me to discover music I have to stumble upon it through another way. This question is better viewed on my site as it will display Youtube videos.. reader doesnt show that! So one song I recentely discovered would be Lohse’s song from Divinity  Orginal Sin 2. I really liked it.. it feels quite poplike! At first I thought they just stole it from something! But I could not find where they would have gotten it from.

I guess the second song that I would have to nominate is Serendipity, the opening to a show called Flip Flappers, It is a very catchy song with a nice power spike! The show has become my favourite watch of my Saturday Anime Adventure posts so this opening has me pumped!
Since I watch it as if it’s on tv I want to skip them either ! Yeah! 

As for a third.. this is going way .. way further back. to the 5th of june.  When I discovered  Megami 33 and her amazing cover of the Dragon ball Broly song.. main theme.. Blizzard. I love her voice in this  and her interpretation of the song  Pretty sweet over all!  

What’s one thing you don’t like about yourself?

Oh there is plenty! The shall talk about the most noticable one for WordPress though. I do not have a whole lot of self confidence, even while I logically can see I am not disliked at all and am generally well accepted in the blogging community, I have what I call this demon on my shoulder. As soon as someone who likes me on a daily basis suddenly doesn’t leave a like I think  they actually do not like me.. that they finally lost the ability to stomach me. Many people in the anime community are very important so if someone of the big people ever does so I actually have nightmares about losing my blog.  I recently did some self investigation and I think I know why.

I was a fairly popular girl when I was a kid. My dad had a company and made a fair amount of money so I had a NES and SNES, I had some pretty cool toys, I was smart and the only thing that was really wrong with me was that I moved weird. My motions were stiff and it seemed i was stiffening up. I was good friends with the popular kids.  One day during gym class my friends began exploiting my physical limitations. We played knock out soccer, which I loved .. but I wasn’t given a single moment to play.  As soon as I came in again I was eliminated by physically fit soccer players so they could score the highest elimination number.  At one point I got intensely frustrated and told the teacher they were exploiting what was wrong….

I should not have done that.. the teacher did indeed see that they were doing this.. and me being smart made me somewhat of a teacher’s pet. So he disqualified their score for just hounding the weak and ruining their fun.  Poor sportsmanship at all.  It turned my classmates to pick on me.   It resulted in 4 years of intense bullying. Friends were people who threw worms at me..that was 2….since those other kids we so popular 16 other kids tormented me day in day out. I could not play outside anymore cause they would throw trash at me.. or trap me in a trashcan. They once even tossed me in barbed wire. Yet I never blamed them.. I blamed me.. I made the popular kids hate me. So now whenever a Lita ignores me, Irina disagrees with me or Scott or Jon do not understand my point of view.. I feel terrified it will happen again… it’s been 25 years and I can’t let that go… So what is bothering me most?Maybe its my self esteem issue issue I have, maybe it’s that demon, maybe it’s my fear of losing everything yet again.. but that part of my life is something I really do not like about myself.

Name one thing you like about your blog

Awww just one?! I love my blog! It’s very precious to me! I think my blog is really my own, I mean. I share it with other writers now.. but  there is a uniqueness to it that I really like. I really walk to the beat of my own drum. It is a mix of everything geeky and everything me.. and I think writing for this blog is the happiest I have been in years.  It really feels like my geeky resort where I can finally relax and let things go. It reflects so much of my character, with the bright colours, the random elements and the blending everything together in a bit of a chaotic mix! This is me! I need to update that tagline though as soon as the others being posting their writing.

One thing you want to improve in

Focus, ever since my  burnout in 2018  I have had a hard time keeping my head straight. Sometimes I have some many strains of thought in my head I can barely keep them separated. There are times where I am working on a blog but also think on what groceries I need to buy and what I am going to do in the evening and it blends.. I  end up looking in the supermarket for stuff to make cocktails with even if I went there to get some flavoured water. It’s worse when I try to sleep. Sometimes I have to sort through  video game menus to “save” just so I can get the compulsion out of my head, usually there is a song or two playing as well as a lot of blog ideas going for the next day.  As a result I work incredibly inefficiently during a day and I struggle to keep everything in order.  So a bit more focus would be nice! I should be able to do that. 

What TV show/anime could you watch over and over again?

There aren’t a lot of shows like that. While I have no focus I do have incredible memory. At age 33 I am not as good at it as I was anymore but I used to be able to identify CSI episodes by soundbites or fairly standard sentences like “I parked and sat there for 2 minutes crying then I got out’  Or by one of those Horatio can glasses phrases. I know exactly if we saw an episode or not while playing a game of Quake III Arena and if it was a new one I would come and watch if not I would tell my family we would have seen them.  Remembering something phrase by phrase makes it a whole lot less enjoyable. I can watch a show on repeat as background noise.. you know to have someone talking in the background so I don’t feel as alone in my house.. but I rarely focus on something I have seen before. Friends in an exception  from a kid on my sis controlled the vcr and she would watch friends every day. To socialise with her I had to watch that as well .. we watched it a lot and to this day I can still repeat that with friends.. and series in said style. A family super power of sorts.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I live in a tiny bungalow.. lot’s of pick pillows on grey elements. A white wooden floor and a fireplace is lit. A spectacled woman is sitting on the couch reading a tablet. I come in with two cups of tea, she smiles at me and tabs a spot on the couch next to her. I put the tea on the table and fold my entire legs onto the couch. She wraps a little pink blanket around me and puts a grey blanket around herself.. she then hands me my tea and while both hold her our tea with both hands she gently leans her head against mine. “I read the thing you wrote today,” she says to me. “It was really funny, that new artist is really good’ 

I live with a woman I love and make my money writing or promoting something, my health cleared up a bit but is most likely still somewhat frail so I got into a low effort job while she makes a lot of money doing something techy. We aren’t that rich but get around well enough.  Suddenly Fish comes waddling in the room, he is our pet duck. We live in the city outskirts but close enough so I can do all my grocery shopping by foot.  No desire to have kids. We sometimes geek out and we have a nice library of comics and Manga. Every thursday we receive friends and I DM for them.. with an official and neat game table, otherwise we go to parties of friends a bit like barbecues and every so often a trip to the pub but it’s all very low key. We put a silly hat on fish. We have a drawer of silly hats and put on the tv. We watch the Mandalorian Season 10 or that feminist Star Wars show.. after it is over we pull out a retro game console the NES as we play trough Ducktales together. Where she sings Della Ducks version of the moon theme to me.. replacing some words to sing them to me! So no Darling Baby Boy.. but Darling Pinkie Girl or something! We are happy! Also it’s been almost three weeks since I inserted this sone somewhere!

Your most desired place to go

Tokyo, the Pokémon Café. While the Mew Fluffy Marshmallow drink is on the menu!
Nuff said!

If You Could Change Your Name, What Would You Change It To?

For real to Pinkie.. maybe.. or Elle I really like Elle.  She is a beloved character of mine who I identify with very much. She’s super weird and very much asexual  and clumsy as heck.. but in a way she is just a characterised version of myself.  So in a way she is almost more like an ;ess nuanced me.  More pure me! So that would be a great name.  Pinkie of course would be great because when I inevitably (this is a joke)  reach internet fame everyone knows me by my real name. .. In fact when  I have been writing a lot.. I sometimes address myself as Pinkie in my head. Pinkie don’t forget to go to the store dear! It will be rather crowded if you wait any longer. Don’t forget you have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow Pinkie get a bit of an early rest. I am using that handle in games as well makes it even more convenient. Most mortals and fleshy people I know call me Denise still though.

If you’re an actress, which one movie would you like to play?

I am a little old to play Ramona Flowers in Scott Pilgrim or Ramona’s lady love But that would be a role I would very much like to play.  So does voice acting count?! I count it as action so I would count it! I would love to voice Webby Vanderquack in Ducktales.. but that is more of a series. There is a character in the Lego movie I would love to voice as well.. so perhaps that one! Which character that is I will answer in the next question.

Name one fictional character that resembles you the most.

That would have to be Princess Unikitty. While she is more of an extravert we both love random stuff, we both love pink and we both can have a fairly short temper.. We also cry a lot more than we let on. We love to fool people and we both rule over our own Paradise. Both of use move a bit awkwardly and are quite stiff but we have a metaphorically good heart. We also both get sea sick super easy!  So she is also a voice I would really like to do if I was an actress. Pinkie Pie from my Little Pony as well long as the character is pink I will voice it ‘Jigglypuff!’ 

My own questions

So I will answer my own questions briefly as this tag makes you answer your own questions.. That is pretty awesome! I love that feature! I won’t have to dig that deep for an answer though so these answers are short ones! I would love to explain more if you ask! Remember these are the ones YOU have to answer as well if you get nominated… also saying it here! If you are not nominated You can ask for a nomination and I will make it so!

1.If you could live in any other country in the world where would you live?

Tokyo Japan of course, though Spain would be a second great option..if I could live in some comfort of course. Japan I would never go to without speaking the language at least a bit but there is so much I would like to explore there. From a fairly new cuisine and ruleset to an almost alien culture. There are also of course my favourite things in the world there. Heck it would kinda feel like an Isekai.. and I am at a point in my life where I really would love a start from zero. If I land in front of a truck there I might even actually be isekaid. Also I heard Tokyo has a really neat café!

2. Do you believe in ghosts

Yes I have had several experiences, I saw a man in my house whose picture I only later saw on a nearby graveyard, a woman named Melanie reached out to me in my flat.. I got a piece of paper and asked her to make me write something. I wrote out a much clearer message than I thought which was information I later was able to verify. It had to do with town history stuff i was not aware off (consciously)

I do however not believe that ghosts are apparitions of the dead.. I do belief they are memories of other people like them.. So for example a school teacher tells the kids a story about Melanie.. they vividly imagine her and for some weird reason I pick up that memory As if I am receiving a brain wave of someone else sort of. 

3.  If you’d reincarnate as an animal of your choice what animal would you be.

A tamed duck!  Just waddling, making cute sounds..and being an actual duckling at some point in my life! That would be grande, I could swim, I could fly, I could have a family that makes me wear silly hats. I love ducks! I do not know why but they endear me so!  I would also not mind being a Micro Pig.. I mean I’d be too small to eat and I’d be a pink pet so that would be a great shout out as well. In fact I’ll go with the Micropig and the duck can be my best friend!

4. If you could learn any skill instantly what would it be?

The Japanese language, it takes five to ten years to develop that skill fully and I have only dipped my toe in the water for a teensy tiny bit! If I am ever to reach the pokémon café in Tokyo I would need some magic! It would be pretty awesome! Plus I might be able to make a few bucks out of simply that skill here in the Netherlands! So please Arceus make that happen!

5. Do you ever use Weeaboo speech?

Yes I wish people Oyasumi instead of Good night on Twitter, I use terms like Tomodachi and Nakama and sometimes use Nani! I am inclined to start posts with Konichiwa but as soon as I did that one guy on WordPress made a post on how much he hated such antics.. so of course my demon told me I would be outcast if I kept it up! So now the terms are only used on Twitter and Tomodachi and Nakama are only used for award tags or if I really do not think there is a fitting english word for it!  Please do not exile me!

6. Is there anything you are passionate about , that isn’t a subject on your blog?!

Hmm I made this very hard on myself since my subjects are very broad.  Something I rarely talk about on my blog , but I have mentioned is that I love Board Games. Just with my boardgame friends having moved away and Covid running rampant there is a lot time for me to play it. My favourite Board Game is Dead of Winter! That game has everything for me! I am also quite a big foodie! My current kitchen is a bit small to cook properly but I love experimenting in the kitchen! To varying degrees of success I might add.

7. Are there any bloggers you take inspiration from?

Obviously one of them would be Irina for me, but I also really like how Ospreyshire and Blerdy Otome do their blog!  Then there are Lita and Scott as some figureheads for the community! I do like the quirky bloggers a lot so K from K at the movies is also a form of inspiration. Do your own thing and what makes you happy as a blogger. I really get that from all these people and they all helped me mature as a blogger. No tags! No pictures! Just love!

8. Name an experience that would be on your bucket list

For those who do not know what a bucket list is.. it’s a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket/pass away. For me the biggest one and most obvious one would be a trip to Tokyo.. one where I do not really have to hold back financially either. A fourteen day trip at least! I would like to do so many things!  I want to go to Sanrio Puroland, I want to go to a shinto temple, I want to go to an Izakaya and of course I want to go to the Pokémon Center and the Pokémon café.

9. If you were a flavour of Ice-cream what flavour would you be?

Raspberry! Everyone sees the punk frozen paste in a bin and thinks I am Strawberry! Because that’s the first thing their mind goes to! But I am a little different! Slightly more of an aquired taste and way way waaaaaaaaaay less erotic.  I mean what’s up with strawberries in that perspective!  I also am a little awkwardly shaped. I am not oftenly people’s favourite but every once in a while I am really appreciated for who I am. I am actually quite enjoyable if you pair me with champagne..but heck..that goes to strawberries again! So if you get me drunk or get me chocolate you’ve got a friend in me…but if you want to wrinkle your sheets stick with a strawberry or a pineapple!

10. What is the next thing you have in your agenda/planned after writing this post.

Oh I am going to Mamma Pinkie for a day and a half! We are going shopping together, and having dinner together and sharing a few drinks together and talk about a very mean man as we gossip! Other than that I do have an appointment with my psychologist scheduled on Friday and a dinner with possibly a walk with my friend. It will depend on how much energy I have in my little body! I am plagued by Insomnia so I am running on fumes a lot of these days! In the agenda is Dinner +?. So we will see about that +?! I will tell you about it sometime I am sure!

The Nominees

As for my five (plus one) nominations here we go:

A Geeky Gal: While you are on Hiatus it is my mission to give all tags you haven’t done yet! Since this one is fairly new! This nomination was an easy one.

The Otaku Author: Lyn is also someone I want to give as much sorts of tags to as I possibly can. He is a collector as well!

Celestial Sparkles: I saw you were searching for content recently so here you go! Pinkie provides for her friends.

Foovay: I know I tag my blogging besty in a lot ,but I need someone who doesn’t call me weird for believing in ghosts. Even if one question she answered in a recent tag already.

Geek Girl Joy: I need to thank her somehow for making a Pink finder bot! Even though I am scared she might be scared for believing in ghosts!

7mononoke also gets nominated: I know it is a sixth nomination but I can’t help it!
I had great fun with their recent tag post so I want to do something in return!

Oh of course if you want to partake feel free to ask me for a nomination! All Coconuts are always nominated so this includes: MikeKelyy666, TsubakiKuro, Indigo, Ospreyshire and The Multifacted Ocelot. You are very important to me guys! If you want to be a coconut as well, consider supporting me on Kofi! Cause that is how you become a coconut!

Published by

Princess Pinkie

A 34 year old, super pink, Geek blogger, from the Netherlands behind the keyboard. A 21 year old , Unicorn-Duck Princess VBlogger on the border of imagination and reality!

14 thoughts on “So Guess I am writing a blog today! I was nominated for the Let’s Blog award!”

  1. I agree with Irina, your 10 year plan really does sound great 😊 Also…there a lot of relatibility here: especially the self confidence part. I recently left a comment on another blog, and the next day I saw that mine was the only comment that didn’t get a like. I freaked out, and even went so far as to apologise if I had said something wrong. It turns out, apparently he didn’t hit the like button properly on the comment. So yeah….self confidence can be way too annoying 😢
    I love that through these posts we get to know you a little bit more each day. Thanks for sharing,and of course congrats on yet another very well deserved award!😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the nomination. I was just wondering where the next tag post would come from…

    Looking forward to answering your questions and will have to think up some good ones for myself.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh boy, more tags! I love tags! Your ten year plan sounds very cozy and perfect. I loved all the songs! Can we go to Tokyo together? I love your questions, too. I’ll look forward to making the time to answer them properly 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Of COURSE we are going to the Pokemon cafe. And I want to go to a cat cafe. And a maid cafe. And… yeah, best not to even get me started LOL.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, that is really flattering company to be apart of in terms of inspiration. I’m glad to hear I could have left any positive impression. Though I know if you asked around what blog exemplifies quirky personality, and vibrant fun they ain’t going to be saying K at the Movies they’re going be saying Pinkie’s Paradise.

    I think you’re in that blogger inspiration conversation and you’ve definitely pushed me to elevate my game so that respect is certainly mutual.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ” suddenly doesn’t leave a like I think they actually do not like me..”

    Well, as far as I am concerned, I don’t leave a like unless I’ve read and sadly I can’t always read posts right away so sometimes they have a tenancy to build up and then I have a reading marathon. 😛 Thanks for the Nomination Pinkie, I’ll do my best to answer your questions ASAP.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, I know way to well, I know your like patern and that of a few others, so its only when you deviate the devil tells me you hate me xD

      The devil tells me other stuff about you, but most of the time you do not trigger alarms! So good on you.


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