Pinkie Splices Series: Buffy’s Bizarre Adventures (Part 1)

A while ago Emma from  Fanfiction Anime World challenged us to create a hybrid of two shows! In her she spliced Owl House and Pokémon to form a new thing! This inspired me to create a new series on my blog! I created Breaking Bad x Shokugeki no Souma like I promised her.  While it did not get many likes I really loved doing it so it is time for a second instalment. Today I splice one of my childhood favourites Buffy the Vampire Slayer with a very well known anime. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures.  I had a lot to tell so this will actually be a two parter with this me only describing the story up until the early second act!

Bringing the Bizarre To Buffy

Where Blue Food was a sequel to Breaking Bad and functioned as an Isekai Story to keep it connected to Shokugeki, this one however will be an alternate telling of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer story. The story starts with the original episode Inca Mummy Girl taking place in 1997. Two years before the events of Part 4 of Jojo’s. It has been over 8 years since the destruction of Dio. Where a chain of events will completely alter the story. The Jojo anime decided to focus on stand user’s  rather than vampires after that. This show would focus on the Vampire elements and keeps Hamon front and center. Stands exist  but will play a much smaller role here. The show would be modelled more after Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency to keep elements of both Buffy and Jojo relevant.

The show would most likely be produced as an anime as it could be made in the current day. The orginal Buffy Cast can reprise their roles but as voice actors of course. Characters that cross over from the Jojo universe, which will be very few can have their English voice actors. So in actuality it would be more a cartoon produced in the same anime style like .. think Avatar the Last Airbender.. but with more vampires and Bizarre adventures. Because it has more mature themes it will not be released on Nickelodeon, instead since Buffy was owned by the WarnerBros company  I would assume this would launch on HBO Max. Yet I would happily accept any streaming platform producing this! 

The Cast

The main characters we will be dealing with will be as follows

Buffy Summers

Main character of the show, she is an active Vampire Slayer. After her death and subsequent revival unbeknownst to her a new slayer is about to be sent to Sunnydale, however this might not be the Slayer you expect to see in season two! Her character is more or less the same though she will be a bit more extravagant.

Willow Rosenberg

Buffy’s best friend, she is very much her geeky self and much like Willow in the second season she has began to experiment with magic here. Unlike the real like counterpart though the magic is a bit less subtle, we are dealing with an anime version here. So as time passes Willow will have a few more offensive moves and she is able to do magic a bit easier. In this universe chain of events Willow is also a bit more clearly gay, but she is trying to hide it, pretending she is very much into the lead singer of the band Dingo Ate My Baby.  Secretly she has a bit of a crush on Buffy though and she tries to “be normal”. Why this change?  Well we can always use some yuri elements and taking that element from Willow seems like a hornets nest I would not like to poke in. Season 2 actually already strongly hinted at it anyway. So we will just say it is an ongoing struggle for her here. Besides that there is an element in Jojo’s this really adheres to so it’s fine.

Xander Harris

There are no real changes to Xander here, he has a crush on Buffy which is unanswered, he desperately is looking for a girlfriend and at the beginning of our story he might get his wish..that will not end too well for him though. 

Daniel Osbourne

Leader Singer to Dingoes Ate my Baby and love interest for Willow Rosenberg. During the season he becomes a werewolf. However since we will mostly focus on what DOES change in this story rather than what stays the same you can consider this story  as if he IS a werewolf already. It would actually happen as it does in the original show. We will change his looks up quite a bit though..because anime needs their pretty boy and instead of a normal band .. Dingoes Ate my Baby is now a boys Idol group! (I found now drawn artwork of Oz)

Faith Lehane

Originally the third slayer in the line after Kendra being introduced in the third season, this time Faith is introduced a fair bit earlier. Faith is shown to really love the call to be the new Slayer and has a tendency to go hyper violent.  This time her watcher Wesley discovers she is a potential and decides to offer her some training earlier. A plan that will backfire rather fast.

Rupert Giles

Buffy’s Watcher and father figure, he does not really change that much from his series counterpart. He is a slightly more uptight as Wesley, Faith’s watcher will never arrive to take that role from him. The influence of his “Ripper” phase is also diminished due to events shifting around.

Mac Fleetwood

An Original Character , he is an employee of the Speedwagon Foundation and reaches out to the group when he notices some strange stuff happens. He is a scientist on vampire diversification and was contacted by the Initiative (Buffy Season 4)  whom he refused for a job at Speedwagons. He is insanely tall and can match Buffy in terms of physical strength

Led Zepelli 

Another Original character. She will be Buffy’s mentor in Hamon and is the descendant of Caesar Zepilli’s  surviving brother  and idolises her heroic ancestor. She is another employee of the Speedwagon Foundation and very childish… She loves pranking Giles with bubbles. She also has a flirty character.. in a very playful way. Flirting with boys the guys and the girls..more intended to tease them as to pursue actual romance.

There will be other characters but they will play a much tinier role! Spike, Drucilla and Angel all play a fairly important role in the first half.. but they are exactly their series counterparts.  Feel free to look them up but you have been introduced to the most important once if you are unfamiliar with them.

The Beginning

We begin our story at the episode Inca Mummy Girl, in the original show the group visits an Inca exhibit and hears the story of Ampata, the Inca Mummy girl that would end  up sucking the life from a student to come alive, then fall in love with Xander. but would give in her desire to live .. eventually leading to Buffy having to put her down as her original body is restored. Much of the same would still happen but this time among the Inca exhibit. This time things would change a bit. While Ampata needs life force in the Museum she chases Xander and Willow a bit! Both of them hide themselves in a storeroom where some relics are exposed. Both pick some up to chuck at the Mummy girl.. in a desperate attempt of self defence. Xander picks up an ancient stone mask. It was not displayed because it was actually  an aztec relic that got misidentified.  Buffy comes in and saves the day.  Telling Xander and Willow to flee. As they make their way home.. Xander realises he is still clutching on to the mask! He stole from the museum!

Xander with the mask he found!

He wants to bring it back the next day.. telling them they sound it and that it might have to do something with the guy that vanished earlier or something. (The Mummy girl ate a guy who broke her seal) However they tell him the mask is not Incan and it does not belong to the exposition, if he wishes to donate it he has to fill in some files and wait for them to verify it. 
It will most likely not be displayed as they do not have any other aztec relics. This is when Xander decides to keep the mask. It looks pretty cool and if they say it’s not theirs.. he has a cool memory of Ampata whom he truly did care for.. but she could not live without killing and she was too willing to kill. 

Ampata the Incan Mummy Girl.. whom Xander sometimes fondly remembers

Meanwhile somewhere else in the world Kendra Young is preparing to travel to Sunnydale! She has been summoned as the new Slayer.  Suddenly she hears a glass shatter and some flames burst across her hallway. What is happening here?! She dashes through the flames to open the door but notices it is blocked. Someone is trying to kill her!  Breaking the window would cause the fire to flare up so she has to escape through the backdoor. She picks a suitcase filled with some of her slayer stuff and makes her way to the backdoor. As soon as she exits it though she feels a sharp pain in her chest. She stares at a crossbow-bolt sticking out of her chest. Then her consciousness is claimed by the black void by death. From a nearby tree a pale looking Brunette rates her shot 5 by 5.

Kendra Dying.. only.. wrong wound this time..

Faith and the Mask

We skip ahead a bit in the timeline and Faith is sent to Sunnydale as the new Slayer. Her watcher Wesley is mentioned but never shows up. Until then most events of the original stay the same. After it we take a rapid turn for the worse. Faith is much more relentless in hunting down Spike and Drucilla, than Buffy is. This  results in Spike feeling more cornered and creating a much more deadly trap. This results in Willow and Oz nearly getting killed who went on a date together and Spike and Dru using them as bait.  Here Faith is expelled form the group for being so rash. Pretending to be hurt she does get Xander to warm up to her and invite her in. Saying that Wesley kicked her out of her place for her misbehaviour. She plans to kill Xander and pin it on Spike to create a like minded soul in Buffy, but then she sees a mask on his bedroom wall. She read what it did in Wesley’s book!  Where  normal vampirism takes your soul this mask turns you into a vampire soul and all, you stay yourself.
She sleeps with Xander and the next morning he wakes up Faith is gone and so is his mask.

It happend in the show and it will happen here!

Here we move into Jojo’s territory, Faith becomes a vampire using the mask in the same vein as Kars and Dio. Not persé for revenge on Buffy but Spike and Drucilla were strong enough to give her a hard time.. if she can become a Vampire with her soul she can kill them all! She was destined to this.. all vampires must die. This mask made her the ultimate weapon against it.  She takes a zero tolerance policy on vampirism and goes to confront Spike and Drucilla.
Buffy and the Scooby Squad Chase after Faith to prevent an all out war on the streets of Sunnydale.  This allows Spike and Drucilla to get away from the scuffle, but the group fights Mask Vampire Faith. In this fight Buffy gets badly beaten and just about Faith is about to kill her having no response. Angel saves her. Him also not being a match for Faith he is then killed in front of Buffy’s eyes.  Faith thinking she is justified because he is a vampire decides not to kill Buffy but just beats her up badly! She is the new slayer, the ultimate slayer, one who still has her soul yet can wield the power of both Slayer and Vampire.. Buffy is old news.
The beating puts Buffy in an eight week coma much like Faith was when Buffy beat her in the original.

I wished this happend in the actual series!

After Buffy wakes up she finds the world has considerably  changed. Spike and Drucilla fled the town and ever since Faith has been some sort of terror slayer. Killing every supernatural entity she could get her hands on bad OR good.  This is how Oz is introduced to the Scooby Squad.. he was one of the very few they managed to save.  There is no real romance with Willow however, who was too worried about Buffy whom she had a crush on. Tough sometimes Willow pretends to like him if she looked at a girl or spoke to “fondly of Buffy” Being introduced to Faith before she went completely bad amplified Willow’s feeling towards women a bit.

Buffy might be restored now but with Angel dead she is very broken.  Giles does research into what happened to Faith and discovers that both her Watcher Wesely as the former slayer Kendra were slain by a crossbow which here everyone knows is Faiths favourite weapon.  In an attempt to excel at his job Wesley told Faith some traumatic events in her past were related to vampires, this way he could raise a perfect Slayer and be complimented for his work. He knew Kendra was not ready so he felt like it was his time to step in.. once Faith realised he would hold her back from her mission though she killed him off. 

She also looted his corpse and apartment for any books and weapons she might have use for

Hamon Training

Buffy stood no chance against the new Faith  and the council of watchers has basically avowed entire Sunnydale now in an attempt to keep their noses clean. They do believe Faith will clean out all supernatural entities in the region and then they will send up a clean up crew to deal with her. Until then all “good” paranormal creatures are seen as acceptable losses. Buffy and Giles sever their ties with the council and search more info of the mysterious mask when they are suddenly contacted by a group called the Speedwagon Foundation, saying they will send help and stay put until then. Feeling the scars of battle Buffy mostly abides, but killing her lover made her very determined to kill Faith.  So even though she knows she does not stand a chance now she will do everything in her power to annoy Faith and make her job harder.  Trying to save any innocent super naturals.   Willow intensifies her study in magic to help Buffy with her revenge.. feeling a bit of a call for it in her own secretly hoping if she is more useful to Buffy she might like her more. 

Willow even mastered Kaoiken I see!

Xander and Oz are much more sidelined than in the original. Oz is often used to help as he has a van that helps them get around with more people, but they very much feel like rebels in their own town.  Faith takes over the night club The Bronze.. and even goes as far  as recruiting people for her own “Scooby Squad” which she simply calls the X-Force.  X standing for Extermination. People fighting for her die.. but she doesn’t care as long as it cleans up the vampires. Her trait of loving the hunt now has been completely exaggerated, much how Dio went from a narcissist to having a god complex.  Episodes will much more be focused on the rescue of innocent supernatural creatures for what would be the remainder of season two.

The group has to take down some X-Force members and the season finale would be a big witch burning. With characters like Amy and Willow being captured to be burned at the stakes.  Buffy and Faith face off once more and Buffy loses once again .. gets knocked out and she is sentenced to burn as well! She is a super natural being after all. They are just about to be set ablaze when suddenly  a Blonde girl attacks Faith.. very flamboyant looking she poses as Faith’s hand seems to explode in a form of light energy!  The girl shouts Hamon as she then douses the torches with some bubbles. There is a big scientist guy with her who casually lifts up and tosses up some members of the X-Force . They save Willow and Amy  as well as Buffy and alongside other survivors they take Buffy and the Scooby Squad outside of Sunnydale.  The girl introduces herself as Led Zeppili and the big guy is Mac Fleetwood. The Speedwagon foundation is here to help them train in the art of Hamon.. and fight this particular brand of Vampires. 

Willow always found Buffy hot! But this was ridiculous

With a timeskip we of training we move into season 3. Sunnydale is now ruled by the X-Force and Faith. Faith has made three guardians with her mask. Having misread the story of the Pillarman ..since Wesley’s Books are so stuffy.. she dubs them the New-Pillarman.. two of them are youth delinquents who got into the vampire hunt and the other was a serial murderer she freed from prison. She keeps him in check  by allowing him to murder any vampire he can.. but she has fitted him with a detonatable collar three college geeks made for her. 

We see Buffy has learned the basics of Hamon and Willow has furthered her knowledge of magic.  Even Amy and Oz have mastered their quirks a bit more. Amy mainly helps the Foundation with espionage and Oz becoming much more a fighter who can use some of his wolf aspects. Xander has been training with a few special weapons made by the foundation. Weapons infused with ripple energy.  Everyone did drop out of school because most of them are Super Naturals and instead have been studying with the Speedewagon foundation. Their parents were all evacuated out of Sunnydale with some excuse by other members of the Foundation. Just as Buffy and Led are about to have a spar Spike shows up.. telling that something very bad is about to happen. Very powerful demonic forces are opposing Faith.. vampires with abilities bestowed to them by demons. They are led by a mysterious man using the name “Olvikan” which is the name of an “Old One”

Season 3 Prelude!

And with that as we move into a new Buffy Season 3 We will leave off! In the next season we will see Buffy’s Hamon, see some famous Jojo characters.. and Vampires with demonic abilities! Who will survive?! Which Side will win?! Subscribe to the blog to find out.. in the second part!

Published by

Princess Pinkie

A 34 year old, super pink, Geek blogger, from the Netherlands behind the keyboard. A 21 year old , Unicorn-Duck Princess VBlogger on the border of imagination and reality!

6 thoughts on “Pinkie Splices Series: Buffy’s Bizarre Adventures (Part 1)”

  1. Did I tell you that I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I have every season (including Angel)on deluxe dvd boxed sets, and a huge amount of novels, magazines and other merchandise for it😊
    That’s why I loved this post! Great story as well…when they are going to do an (inevitable) reboot for this, they should use your storyline! Also loved the animated designs by the way!😀😀😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think overall trough the show it would be Willow! I liked Buffy better prior to her Season 5 death but after she dropped in quality as a character for me.

      Willow for me always was a strong character.
      Xander I adored until his relation with Anya after he faded a bit for me.

      Giles I always adored as well. Big fan of Spike as well.

      Riley and Angel are probably my least favourites, Angel got better in his own series but Riley I always disliked a lot.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow, hmm – Buffy is awesome, and Giles and Spike are fantastic too! If we also include the spin-off Angel, the character development for Faith and Wesley across the Buffyverse is brilliant.

        Liked by 1 person

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