Five Bloggers I’d Invite to New Years Eve

Hey there my island guests, it’s almost time of the biggest party of the year as well as the last. Yesterday we gathered my pokémon team and today we invite… you guys. The bloggers of around wordpress. Now of course you are allowed to have fun at the party and dance all night and you know all that jazz but for the purpose of this blog I will assign five people a role at my party. Everyone is welcome but these people I feel like could help make the party feel extra neat. So hop on in and take a peek at my guest list.

Guest Number 1: Megan “A Geeky Gal”:  THE DECORATOR

Since I have started blogging about half a year ago there are a few blogs which I have looked up to in inspiration. Megan’s is one of them. Combining her youtube and her blog makes it a bit of a special thing for me to follow. I had inspirations to start a youtube channel myself , however given my colourful style and usually fairly child friendly content I would never be able to build a platform to socialise with people because of that who COPPA thing.  So I gave that up. Megan managed to find her way and her market to do so. She is much more of a homey geek than me. Gaming with a husband on the couch, putting a geeky outfit on the dog and film it sleeping on the couch. I’d just have the couch and nothing exciting is going over there.. except for sometimes maybe some crummies of the cookies I ate while gaming or watching stuff.

(Not my actual Couch, still about as exciting as the real deal)

Megan her blog and Youtube channel feature a neat balance of what it means to be both human and geek. The down to earth tone makes it a treat to read and watch her content. Why I am really inviting her though is because of her special videos! No nothing dirty, she decorates her house for the season and finds bargains all across her area for the neatest little ornaments and knicknacks. I am not a very good decorator, well in truth I am fairly solid at it but I can over exaggerate, and I think some people at the party would like it if at least one of the decorations isn’t pink. So I would hire this geeky gal to create a nice atmosphere. She would even be allowed to bring her dog and husband, the dog can play nicely with the pokémon I brought along and the husband can help put up the decorations at the higher places and enjoy the open bar. Speaking of bars……

(For those wondering how those pompoms are held up… a flock of Pidgey

Guest Number 2” Irina “I drink and watch anime”: THE Bartender

I mean with a blog name like that and your  anime watching being dedicated to drinking cocktails alongside of it, who else could I have chosen as a bartender. With the exception of my friend Jilly ,  my only real life friend who reads my blog , occasionally #sadness, I think virtually everyone reading this post will know Irina . Besides obviously being a great bartender, albeit a socially awkward one, she is also an amazing blogger that continues to be an inspiration to me. I once discovered her on one of my older blogs before but back than I had no one following me, and no friends actually reading my things so that quickly vanished as I left WordPress behind me. When I returned it did not take me long to find her again. Her voice, (in a writing sense) is so unique and personal. We do not get anime reviews where we judge by regular standards, we are taken through the show through the eyes of Irina, her rational and irrational feelings on a show. As well as a new cocktail to play a drinking game with.

Yet it’s mostly her essays and her pondering about the world of anime that draws my attention. A sharp and witty mind that doesn’t take herself to serious and can tell a story that has been told a billion times and make it new and exciting again. Perfect qualities for a bartender as in that functio she will have to hear about all the broken hearts and misery of the island guests and offer them the right drink to forget. My new year’s resolution is to be more like Irina..yet also less like her since I do not want to copy her, but find my unique voice and portray it as well as she does. I better stock up on the absinth though, I got a feeling she might want to get my guests all liquored up fast, so she can talk to one of the anime guests I am inviting tomorrow. Since we are talking about green fairies right now I got a perfect bridge to my third guest.

(Now this is starting to look like a party)

Guest Number 3: Lita Kino “Anime Corner””:  THE Party Planner

Our little green fairy of the OWLS is such a busy bee. Doing a bit of everything. Formerly on youtube, still blogging still podcasting as well as being fairly active in keeping us OWLS together. She would be someone I need at my party to balance out my own chaos. While I can multitask I do get distracted a lot. Oftenly I end up reading everyone’s posts and forget to press the like button because you inspired me to search for something, to check out an anime or to go find this other awesome blogger. With this many balls up in the air , I am sure Lita is a lot more structured than I am, or else it will at least be very amusing for the party. Lita as a blogger and Podcaster? Is that a word or is their some slang term for it like Pod-God or Cast-Kid? I don’t know..but she would most likely.. all the more reason why she would function as a great planner.  I discovered her somewhat later on trough my joining of OWLS but I saw a very positive and passionate blogger and… uhm … .. but I saw a very positive and passionate content creator (nailed it) that definitely Identifies enough with Sailor Jupiter to be called a green fairy..justifying my bridge earlier.

(With all the absinthe at the party Lita can make some male guest so drunk to create her own Yaoi)

Lita has that aura of , that nice convention friend vibe to her. Appearing less antisocial than most of us would be. Lita would be the one that would cover Irina at the bar if she freaks out.. or is drunk by her own cocktails.
Reliability and support would be qualities I’d give Lita and her blog. There is this sensation of casualness in her content that appeals to me. She hasn’t seen all of Hero Academia, hasn’t read the entire sailor moon manga, but that doesn’t mean she can’t enjoy or is not a fan. It’s a sentiment I can very much relate too. Which makes her a blogger whose content I really enjoy reading. 

(My parties come with a lot of paperwork and big plans)

Guest Number 4: MasterMixMovies  : Entertainment

I do not really follow anyone who is capable of providing music.. but yesterday’s post showed we have Jigglypuff for that and I will see if I hire/anime or game character for it as well.  Not particularly moved by music anyway, I always prefer to have something fun to watch on in the background of a new years party. It has to be something you can talk through, yet can still provide a few good laughs or subject for conversation. If any blogger can help me find the perfect movie for that it would be MasterMixMovies , which I from here on out will call M3 because otherwise it would get very lengthy. This blogger has fairly similar tastes in movies as myself, so at least if they pick a movie I can enjoy myself. Which is also important as it is my party after all.  In brief but true posts he captures the spirit of a movie in just a few words. A skill I do NOT possess at all. With a hint of sarcasm in his tone and a refreshing bluntness that is more than just shouting that a movie sucks his reviews do manage to present a smile on my face as I see old classics pass by. Since I failed to watch Big Trouble in Little China at christmas this time, perhaps that can be a feature this year on our new years watch, but I would still have to ask M3.

Good entertainment can make or break a party and while I will serve up some bitchin board games myself there are always those who want to stay a bit passive and just enjoy themselves with a fun movie and a hearty talk. Plus everyone stuffing their face with delicious treats (need to add a chef to my guestlist somewhere)  of course. Less redundant and showboaty then Nostalgia Critic, way more objective then CinemaSins, M3 will take us to both the present and the past of movie history, mostly past though and will strike down the blemishes on our childhood with furious anger and only give credit to the movies who deserve it. Perfect to manage our entertainment of the evening and he can build the perfect bridge between my geeky/anime friends and the more normal once with his choice of movies. …. as long as that bridge is pink.

Guest Number 5: Fred “Au Natural” The Confidant

I will be honest and say I do not visit the Au Natural blog as often as I should, I can not get him to show up in my wordpress Reader and due to the nature of our interactions I usually don’t begin to read his comment right away after he comments on my site. He has no avatar so I gave him one. Satoshi iIshiki from Shokugeki no Soma.. because… reasons…. Fred still has made a big impression on me. His insight in mental self care and the way he tackles life itself is a very inspirational thing to me. You see I would hoist him up in a big Teddy Bear costume and let him cheer up everyone at my party with big bear hugs, but something tells me deep down he would not really like to be stuffed in a bear suit. So let’s give him the role of the confidant. At parties there is always someone who goes through an emotional rough patch. Last year sucked big time for me.. so this year there is a fairly large chance that I will be the one that breaks down. The advise that Fred has given me and the way he talks about  these things give him this trustworthy quality. Also a member of OWLS (As is Irina by the way) he knows about the struggle and importance of being yourself.

(Go Go OWL Rangers, we don’t have zords, help us get zords)

With new year’s you tend to reflect on the past and go over things and it can leave us all in an awkward position. It’s nice to have a listening ear around who hears us all and understands is in a calm and neutral way. I am usually pretty good at this myself, but like I said this year I kinda expect to break down and even if I don’t I’ll be so hammered from Irina’s cocktails that my advice would be as understandable as a monologue of Sylvester Stallone who got stung by a bee in the mouth. I know a great deal of the bloggers here, have some demons to face and sometimes all we need is some words of Wisdom. I have some, but sometimes I fail to see them because life gets in the way, Fred has them as well and even has them written down on his site accessible with just the click of a button! Pretty neat.

(Kind and wise words make Pinkie a happy girl)

The 117: The Inspiration

Of course everyone following me would also be invited to the fictional party on Pinkie’s Paradise. In your own way you all contributed to my blog still being here, whether it is your loyal support and constant consistent likes like Mallow and Lyn or you positive comments  like Anime and Fanfiction and Raist. Maybe it’s your own blog I like following like so many of you. Each view, each like and each comment has helped me find a home. A home that I have begun to lose after my best friend in real life moved away. In 2019 I have felt more disconnected from the world than I ever have before, to a point where I barely could Identify.. not only with my gender or my persona  but with my entire humanity. As Told By Carly gave me kind words on a super dark day, while one of Karandi her reviews really made me excited about an anime again.

So while these five have a spotlight today I would like to thank everyone for this past half year. I’ve reached my goal of 100 posts, I surpassed my goal of 100 likes and I even have gotten to over 1000 likes, and this blog I didn’t even like any of my own posts! So that is saying something.  I might be someone who will forget to press the like button, I might fail to retweet something but in your own way all together made 2019 way less shitty than it would have been without this blog. I hope 2020 will be my first full year with all of you guys and that I can continue to grow as a website (hopefully with the proper address) but also to be like the bloggers I look up too. To keep the community alive and like the OWLS strive for, create a place to be ourselves. Thank you all!

Come back tomorrow to see which anime characters I will invite to the party and should you be unable to do so, I wish you a happy new year.  Note that I could not name everyone in the 115 list by name. These are simply a handful of people who left an early or recent impression. You matter as well.

Published by

Princess Pinkie

A 34 year old, super pink, Geek blogger, from the Netherlands behind the keyboard. A 21 year old , Unicorn-Duck Princess VBlogger on the border of imagination and reality!

16 thoughts on “Five Bloggers I’d Invite to New Years Eve”

  1. Wow! I cannot imagine higher praise than to be invited to your party.

    I am really curious why you can’t get my posts in WP Reader or see my avatar. If that is a common problem then I need to fix it!

    Big Trouble in Little Tokyo is one of my all-time favorite Saturday afternoon movies! It is perfect for a party.

    After a couple of Irina’s cocktails, I might not be wearing any costume at all. Gray Fullbuster has nothing on me. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You give me wayyyyy to much credit miss pinkie oh my god >.< handle the chaos that would be no problem to take care of stragglers. (With all the absinthe at the party Lita can make some male guest so drunk to create her own Yaoi) ahaha lol I LOVED this comment because it's damn accurate ahaha. and I am humbled that you enjoy reading my stuff so much gives me a boost for sure 🙂 We keep it chill in the kino corner hehe

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well I have the utmost confidence you could handle this fictional party! Any chaos that does happen will just make the party more fun!. I am looking forward to read more of your blog next year miss Kino!
      Happy New Year

      Liked by 1 person

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