Am I Blushing? Or is it the heat?! Sunshine Blogger Award 5 A Love Story

Hello Island Guests! Welcome back to my blog! Right now we are in a HUUUGE heatwave which is has me deal with temperatures between 35 and 40 degrees Celsius, which is in between 95 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit.  So this week I decided to take it a bit easy! I am catching up with by blog tags and not sticking to a rigid schedule!  So expect a lot of tags and fun light stuff. In this post we tackle yet another nomination for the sunshine blogger award.  Number six or so!  But this one is special! Not only was I nominated by my Senpai! It also it is one of the most creative version I have seen of this post!   So here goes!

The Rules

Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog so that other people can visit them.

Irina is a very important blogger to me! Her unique voice and her passion really make me look up to her and call her my blogging senpai. I doubt I even know anyone in the bloggosphere who doesn’t know Irina but if you haven’t go check out her site! If you do, you probably visit her daily anyway because that is how awesome she is! I feel like I pushed her away a bit recently.. so I do hope things will become super bright in the future!

Answer the 11 questions put to you by the nominator

I did this with great joy I loved this question line so sooo much! So thanks Senpai for offering this sunshine!

Nominate 11 bloggers of your choosing and provide them with a new set of 11 questions to answer.

No I am not going to do that! I will follow Rini’s style of questions and will nominate 3 people to keep the tag alive.. and if you want to play.. you can do so by telling you want in. I will edit this blog than to have relative links in as well! I have a feeling some of you would not like a post this quirky!

Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their blog posts

No to this as well, I do not like promoting my blog on other peoples posts by saying “you have been nominated” I do not mind saying stuff like “Oh recently I wrote a similar post” as it invites for talks..and exchanging ideas and saves on space.. but self promoting my tag posts is something I refuse to do! Also I want people to have their comments relevant! I tag a post instead of a block which means people SHOULD get a notification.

List the rules and display The Sunshine Blogger Award logo within your post or on your blog site.

You see a job offer for a job you didn’t even know existed but is your dream career. What is it and how do you prepare for the interview?

Well clearly I have moved to the United States in that case because that job would be crew member of Critical Role.. with pay!  So social stuff surrounding it and their twitch as well! Basically what Marisha Ray does but less power woman.. more Pinkie!  Someone needs to play an adorable trickster gnome.. or a shy young elf girl who is afraid to socialise so instead she sends out a duplicate.  Critical Role for those who do not know is THE D&D webshow featuring Matthew Mercer and his team of nerdy ass voice actors playing Dungeons and Dragons!  Now they are looking for an extra cast member that gets to do a lot of fan interactions! Wow I am so game for this.  

I would prepare by having build just a ton of amazing characters and introduce them all to them! Now that I gave up my position as a DM the need to roleplay has never been higher and come up with a few good promo’s as well. Perhaps even make something of a bit of a trailer so highlight what I could bring to the table.  Both as a player and part of critical role! With a bit of humor.. kind of like Barney Stinson’s video resume but geekier!  I do feel these guys have a lot of humor and most of all they have their hears in the right places and truly are fellow geeks! that is what I would like to appeal to with them because I think I can still shine there! Now I do need to invent a new word and tie it to myself! The video will not show up in WordPress Reader.

On your way to the interview, the most beautiful person you’ve ever laid eyes on trips and spills the contents of their bag all over the place. They are looking around obviously hoping someone would help but you don’t have a minute to spare. What do you do?

She is a Dojikko, probably slightly older than me, because I am done being the oldest.  I really need an energy that pulls me instead of me pulling them. She is lanky,  a bit awkwardly tall. Brunette with a tainted lock.. white , blue or purple.  er  bag is filled with knick knacks. Like Gachapon esque keychains.  Tissues but one in very colourful boxes or that have the picture of cute animals on it. She wears a long sleeve but embarrassed that I have to help her she pulls the sleeves over er hands and now it’s just sleeves. Her hair slightly dishevelled, eyes that are really pale underneath her slightly darker dominant hair tone. She is pale but a bit red with fluster. She wears glasses that really should have been thinned but she could not afford it so now it slightly warps the size of her eyes. Making them look bigger.. like anime eyes.  To me there is two kinds of beauty. 

There is the easy beauty and contains people I do agree are gorgeous.   People like Liv Taylor, Megan Fox.. the “I would not kick it out of bed”  type of beauty! Symmetrical, healthy looking and if you walk across the street holding their hands heads would turn.. I can appreciate that beauty but I experience ZERO attraction that that. True beauty to me.. is when you love something you know is a deviation of the status quo. Like how I like girls that are to tall or wear thick glasses. I want a girl that is too much of something. To chubby, to skinny, or whatever because that is beauty I know I am really drawn too. I could build a porn body.. but I prefer to love  something real.. something specifically would like.. this amazing person would probably be described as flawed in the common eyes.   

I definitely would help her, because I read ahead! I read question 10! I can be late! But yeah I want a job that thinks helping a person in need and showing up a minute late because I did is a good thing. We aren’t machines! I should not be a minute late because I stopped to smell some flower sure but if I helped! People should be like.. well done .. rather than.. YOUR late.  I would rush to help and look at them to see if she is embarrassed and if she is I would pick up a few things and tell a story on how I dropped my groceries and got tomato all over a dog.. or how I had this really great treat for myself and a dog ate it.. so I look like bigger fool than she does.  Groceries can be easily replaced and I want to make them feel better about themselves! It is quite beautiful to see that happen in a person. That chuckle and smile.. that regardless if you made a joke or were for real shows appreciation and hope that they aren’t the idiot they thought they were.

That evening, while you are casually walking home, you meet that person again and something compels you to go talk to them. What do you say?

If a am to be  myself I’d probably stare at them a bit dreamily and walk into a hedge, this time prompting her to save me.. I genuinely feel I am might not add value to others as they would to mine and that is something I can not talk myself out off. It’s a fear but people have confirmed this. Friends told me I stood in the way of their career.  I’d choose friendship over an career and that made them do the same.. and I was holding them back like that. I think I could to to someone’s party and nobody noticed I’d was gone.. but I do have a charisma I deny myself… but it’s a reactionary charisma. I respond well to people I don’t reach out well to them. Part of why I blog is because I would belief I have things to tell as well! I can talk to someone back no problem..but initiating a conversation.. is going to be difficult.

So  I’d probably place myself in a reactionary situation .. by purpose or accident and draw their attention to me.  If I HAD to act first..I’d probably just say Hi probably looking scared like a deer staring into approaching headlights. Then making inaudible noises or saying “nice weather for a walk.. in a way like I am reading a script as a really bad actress”   I’d not say Hey It’s you.. the girl who dropped her stuff.  I’d embarrass her again. I’d probably stutter a bit and ask her if she’s out for a stroll or something innocent.  I probably would not be Pinkie but Tomato right now though.

You suddenly realize you should introduce yourself and ask their name at the same time – what is it?

I really like names like that end with vowel sounds. Lucy, Mara, Erica, Charlie etc. I would however not take away that magic of hearing her name for me.. I caught the name.. but for onlookers and readers that is secret.. I just hear her name and introduce myself as Denise,  but her name it’s hidden.  

A Dutch singer and attempted politician Henk Westbroek once wrote a love song describing his perfect woman in super vague terms.. but he describes that feeling of being in love perfectly well. Saying that his girl seems so bright.. that even her shadow can blind him. The best line in that song.. and one of my favourite descriptions for being in love however is about names. Translated (so it doesn’t flow as well in English)   it says. Even your name is Beautiful. More Beautiful than that of anyone…..who shares that name with you. I LOVE that line. Whatever my new acquaintance name is..   let’s say Charlie as a placeholder name, her name is the most beautiful I have ever heard.. among all who share that name with her. Also Y.. I do count as a vowel sound. 

Your new very attractive acquaintance is chatting away happily and you can’t believe your ears. What are they saying?

Well judging by question 6 they aren’t talking about anime yet so that is out! So let’s say she mentions she was heading home from her walk to watch the Critical Role live stream which she then realises she overshared with and when I react like OMG did you see what Jester did .. she takes my hands and does two excited hops! OMG YES! I can’t wait to see what happens next.  Or maybe that she is hosting a D&D game herself that night.. something in that nature. I like it when girls have a hobby of their own .. something that isn’t particularly interesting to me but if they talk about it through great lengths because they are so passionate about it! Perhaps she can love plants and be ranting some amazing plant facts. Like how my dress would remind her of a pink flower and flowers become pink because it actually shares genes of red and white plants.. like it’s one of the few plants that actually can be crossbred. .so animal crossing is right? Something like that would be super cute.

Turns out they like anime. No way? What are the odds of that. Here’s your chance to appear all cool thanks to your deep anime knowledge. You lean in and confidently recommend this series.

School Live or Sweet Blue Flowers/Aoi Hana


I do not know her well enough yet because we have only talked for a few minutes based on the next question.  So it is hard to recommend something so I need a hook!  Sweet Blue Flower is something I can hook onto er earlier topic of gardening and it would further my agenda of putting a little yuri into her mind.. in a very cute and innocent way. Hoping they would identify with Fumi.  I could just go like “speaking about flowers” …  if the conversation doesn’t flow that way I’d probably recommend School Live. Because  reasons! I can’t spoil it without ruining the show! It offered such a unique viewing experience for me and I really loved it for it.  It is a great conversation anime and it has a few sad scenes that might prompt her into letting me cheer her up! Like me coming over for a hug.. or watch the rest with her so she has a shoulder to cry on .. or at least someone to share tissues with.

After a few minutes, almost 60 of them, your companion excuses themselves. It’s getting late and they did have some things to take care of. You reach around for an excuse to see them again. It worked as they are agree. Please tell us how you managed that!

I passed my charisma check?! Wow not sure how that happened , pretty sure I would convince her to go flower shopping with me.. like .. I do not have a lot of plants in house and I’d ask for er advice what plants I can put there with low maintenance effort. Like I would say.. we could go to the city together and she can help me pick out a few plants and I would buy her lunch for her time. Something like that.. that is kinda a date but not really a date. Like should things not really work we could just do our chore and I would gain at least a nice plant out of it. She could rant on her hobby and would get a lunch out of it. I know I am interested in her and I think she is in me.. but when I go on a date, date.. I always feel super insecure.. so I give her a purpose.. if things don’t work they can leave after without feeling awkward. If it’s fun we can both look for excuses to hang out more and we make our intentions pretty clear. 

I will go into a date mostly thinking.. what about if we fall in love and I have to kiss.. how would I approach that.. or thinking of a positive angle. I found out penty approach a date from a negative angle.. so if I give them nothing to lose. At worst they can feel good about themselves as they helped me cheer my place up. At best they notice I am clearly making excuses and just really want to see me as well. When you go out for drinks and are expected to woo each other, things feel very wooden and there is this awkward dance.. but if you have a secondary purpose.. you flirting is optional.. and the romance effort is less.. obvious so you can read intentions much more clear. Way less awkward! She would appreciate that as well.

It’s finally the day to meet them again, you have to make the perfect impression. How do you do that?

I’d probably find my pinkest dress, and put on a very nice perfume!  Like the expensive stuff.. not the cheap stuff I use when going out for minor things.  Lots and lot’s of time go in my hair and make up then as well.. I am very sucky at initiative taking or so I want to give off a signal that I dig her and I definitely look more dressed up than I need to be for buying plants. Not something overly sexy.. as that might push her away again.. but clear enough that I cleaned and brushed myself up a lot lot!..If she can read a little between the lines she’d know I probably did that for her. I’d also tell my friends and social circle.. to not bother me during that time.. so  I can give her my undivided attention.  It’s a shame but the number of times someone watches on a phone is a pretty solid  interest meter.. I want to not have to look at my phone.  I would make sure I am very much me though! I am not trying to look less weird than I am. I am not going to lie about my career.. I am jobless for the duration of this question and I would be open about it but tell her I might join Crit Role… which hopefully leaves a great impression as well.

Bean a friend of mine  really tries to cater to everyone when leaving a good impression. Wearing a decent dress, a social acceptable colour.. driving a car that makes you look decent and hang art on your walls even your mother in law finds respectable. I am not like that. If I had a car it would either look like a Duck or a Hippo, all art on my walls has some deep personal ties to me.. so it’s not just that hotel lobby art everyone has in their house.  On a first date a lot of people treat themselves like hotel lobby art as well. Talking about very standard things like “So do you have any pets?’  “What are your plans for the future”  En Masse we don’t ourselves in classic colours and socially acceptable outfits. I don’t want to make you like that false impression I want you to like me! I am prone to the little gift trope though.. like a cute plant she really liked.. or a adorable d20 dice. Like a nice personal little gift.. perhaps something geeky for in her garden.It symbolises willingness to put energy into the other for me.. and having things she associates with me in a good way does leave a good impression!  If we work out she could look at that dice and miss me.. or water the plant and think… Oh I should hang out with Pinkie again.

Turns out you miraculously got that job. You’re not entirely sure how that’s even possible but you’re not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. How do you celebrate?

I had to move to the US for said dream job so I probably do not have much friends there yet so I would call Charlie and take her out for dinner and drinks.I probably would break my twitter as well! The day I get my dream job will truly be celebrated… hungover the next morning style.  So maybe I’d actually play one of Irina’s drinking games with Charlie.  She’s into anime as well so that could be a great way to celebrate. I’d also treat myself to something I really want, like a game I desire or a figurine I always wanted. Maybe some crazy expensive steel dices. If possible something that fits in with the job I would get. So.. I most likely would play Irina’s drinking game and drunkenly order a figure I always wanted not thinking about the cost! I know I am going to need aspirin in the next morning.

Now that you have your dream fantasy job and a great relationship with the most attractive and surprising person ever, what’s your next move?

I finish my blog post and sigh! Ah would that not be wonderful?!   I walk to my bed, hug all my unicorns and Miss Luckybutt the Giant Micro Pig and put her on my lap as I write this final piece. One day we will meet our Charlie and if not I will always have this unique cute little fantasy! Now it’s time to eternalise this dream with some images and think up some questions for my nominees. Thank you Charlie you were a wonderful dream!

My Questions and Tags

Now it is time for my questions and I do like Irina’s narrative style so I  am blatantly copying it! It is a nice twist on the tag.

1. It’s a very nice day , you are returning home from doing something special, that you like to do but can’t do at your house! What is it? (Convention/A Date/ Shopping etc)

You are whistling a jaunty tune when the camera suddenly pans away from you.. unknown to you of course and we as an audience see it.. the famous anime truck! .. Or truck in anime… if you ever seen an Isekai you know exactly what I am talking about.  The Isekai truck!

2. What would happen that ends with you getting hit by said truck?!  (Save a kid, thinking to much about Yaoi, a Meteor struck and cut your leg off ..making you fall in front ot the truck etc)

You open your eyes and you are nowhere.. a warm glow appears in front of you and speaks with a familiar voice to you.. an almost indescribable.. but to you very familiar and pleasant feeling  entity appears to you.

3. Describe how this god of the new world looks like to you and how do they sound?!

Like always in a deep respectful voice they tell you, you have died but it was not your time yet so you will reborn in another world! But in trade for the inconvenience you can pick a boon! That will help you in your next life!

4. What is that boon?!

You are then send to your new world, it is a world you have always dreamed living in.

5. Describe that world!

Immediately you hear a squeaky voice.. in being teleported in you stepped on a tiny creature.. which is now sunken in the mud a bit. This will be your animal companion!

6. Tell us how it will look like and what you will call it.

You notice you have a bit of a warrior(or a fantasy class more accurately)  like outfit on.. an anime protagonist outfit.. h

7. How does the outfit look and what does it tell you about your combat abilities (Are you good with swords, axes, daggers, magic, laser weapons etc)

After seeing your new outfit you hear some towns people cry… their village is under attack.. being the newly reborn hero that you of course rush over towards the town!

8. Describe the scene you see there and what is the first enemy you fight in this other world?

You saved the town and are hailed a hero! You are recruited into a group of heroes or mercinaries that allow you to travel across the world and do quests for them

9. What is the name of the organisation you join and why do you join them?

After numerous missions with this group and losing a few of these people in very emotional anime series they decide to give you a nickname… based on your fighting style and how you have grown as an anime character!

10. What is the nickname and why did they give it you. (This is a bonus question you could skip it)

Oh no! It is revealed the guild master… your boss was evil all along… or good if you decided to be evil.. anyway this DEFINITELY will  be in the Top 10 anime betrayals.They clearly  are your antagonist..even representing.. something or someone you hate in real life very much! There are strange parallels at work here!

11. Describe your Antagonist!  Give us a name a look and a motivation!

After a long and hard fought battle your anime series comes to a close and your antagonist lies defeated. Along the way you have fallen in love! But now that there is no more need for you, you need to make a decision.

12. Where will you go from here?

A) Will you go back home and find your worlds counterpart of the person you fell in love with?
B) Do you stay in the Isekai world and settle down with the person who stole your heart?
C) Do you keep wandering this world or a next one.. in search for evil or good to vanquish.. remaining ever alone .. but ever vigilant!

Since this tag is super strange.. I am not doing a lot of nominations just three! For reasons!
If you want to join! Just let me know and I will edit you into the list! Including links to your blog. So I nominate EVERYONE! A lot of people really only want to do this if they are tagged but just leave a comment and you can do this one!

Celestial Sparkles DOES get nominated because I promised to get my “revenge” for bouncing a nomination right back at me!
Anime and Fan Fiction gets a nomination because I am taking one of her..sorta tags but I am going to do my own thing with it so she can do that with this as well!
Raistlin gets nominated because he is sorta back! People should know! and rejoice!
Foovay gets a nomination as well because one of my pillows told me, she would really want to partake in these questions but would need to find a way and courage to ask for a nomination otherwise!

Of coursel like always all coconuts get auto nominated! A coconut is someone who supported me on Kofi.. so if for some reason you are to scared to comment you can also get yourself nominated by supporting my Kofi!

Published by

Princess Pinkie

A 34 year old, super pink, Geek blogger, from the Netherlands behind the keyboard. A 21 year old , Unicorn-Duck Princess VBlogger on the border of imagination and reality!

15 thoughts on “Am I Blushing? Or is it the heat?! Sunshine Blogger Award 5 A Love Story”

  1. Irina, Irina…hmm…the name sounds vaguely familiar. Is she on WordPress? 🤔🤔 (Oh man is she going to be mad at me when she reads this😂😂) I could not agree more with you with the things you wrote about her. She is one heck of an impressive blogger, and an inspiration to everyone here.
    That said…with posts like these you certainly shouldn’t count yourself out either. This sentence especially: “ True beauty to me.. is when you love something you know is a deviation of the status quo“ really got to me. That was simply put very beautiful indeed😊
    Thanks for your nomination and of course the kind words. I appreciate it😊 Will try to write the post for it, somewhere in the upcoming three weeks. Especially because the questions are truly fun!😊 Good luck with the heat….it truly is horrid…ugh😞😞

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Aww thank you for the kind words and I am looking forward to see what you will do with the tag! This was a very fun post to make! So yeah when I said that thing about true beauty I did not mean that as something deep.. but more like.. thats legit how I fall for girls .. as I often hung out with guys in pubs they can tell me.. look at that girl she looks amazing.. and then you get this super generic pretty girl.. you know the type that lays on cars to sell them.. that doesnt do anything for me.. it’s like.. when I see someone chipping her nails nervously or wearing a slightly to big sweater..and then I like them that I go .. Wow !

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are very welcome, and I could not agree more. I guess I’m not the typical guy either in that sense. Sure I’m not a hypocrit, when I see a good looking girl of course I notice her. But it’s not the type of girls I fall for in that sense. I fall for personalities, and beauty doesn’t do it for me😊 But hey, as I said I might be pretty unique in that sense 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Pinkie should be a dating senpai. You do truly have your head on straight. I like that in a person. These are great questions – the best use ever of this tag! I loved reading this post and I do hope someday you find your Charlie! And get that way cool job! Cause yeah, that would be a way way cool job. I’m working my way up to ask for a nomination. I just did a Sunshine Blogger tag – but I love this set of questions! LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Senpai is taken though, Also I look up to her. I do not think that’s a good personal relation for dating as I would see myself as an inferior. I would date her but I ship her with Crow 😛

      Maybe I will find my Charlie some day , I will all keep you updated when I found her!

      As for working up a way to ask for a nomination you do need to! Bam You are tagged and nominated!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Hahaha! xD Knew I would get tagged!! I will get working on mine as soon as I can, just work is in the way and I’m in the middle of installing new PC parts! (quite excited that my pc will be going super fast!) I loved reading this and loved the way Irina made the questions follow on from one another! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I told you you would get tagged 😉
      Yeah I loved Irina’s thing as well so I made one for you like that in a bit of a similar style. There are a few other tags out there so if you rather participate in those check out those! You can choose between them (last one will go up tommorow :P) But I think I nominated you for the best one!


  4. So much sunshine going on you might as well walk on it. Reference intended. It’s great reading these award posts. I can tell you’re loved by so many bloggers here in the WP blogosphere.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m going to steal that “True beauty” line!

    Or maybe I’ll give you something in return. This is by Keats from “Ode to a Grecian Urn”

    O Attic shape! Fair attitude! with brede
    Of marble men and maidens overwrought,
    With forest branches and the trodden weed;
    Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought
    As doth eternity: Cold Pastoral!
    When old age shall this generation waste,
    Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe
    Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say’st,
    “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
    Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”


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