Pinkie Made a New Award : The Kore Wa Watashi Award

Hello Island Guests and welcome to the penultimate post of my catch up week! I would like to end with an anime related post and I promised Megan during her Hiatus I will create a new award for her to come back too! My first award was all about love in general, my second one bombed hard and was about our beloved community and this one will be about our love for anime and ourselves. This is the Kore Wa Watashi Award.


For this tag I shall not ask for a mention of the blog creator, nor do you have to display the logo if you do not want. In fact I am even keeping it optional if you want to tag the person who nominated you. By not forcing you.. the gesture of tagging and thanking them or the creator for that matter will be that much more sincere! So I will leave that up to you!

-The Purpose of this tag is very simple! Describe yourself through anime! To do this you will answer all of the following questions:

  1. Describe a hobby or passion you have through an anime series! For example Shokugeki no Soma if you like cooking or Initial D if you like cars.
  2. Simplify yourself to an Anime Archetype (Tsundere, Dojiko, Shota, Shounen-Protagonist etc)  don’t overthink what an archetype is, go with your gut. Name a character that is also that Archetype.
  3. Describe your looks through comparing it with anime characters, you can decide how many!
  4. Describe your romantic bias and or sexuality through anime characters you find attractive.
  5. Tell us about your day to day life and what anime that would fit into! You can be creative here!
  6. Describe your hopes and dreams through an anime character.

-After this is done you will tag 6 people to pass the tag onto! If you’re tagged for a second time you only have to tag 3 in your next post and 1 on your third attempt and should you so choose beyond. Tell us why you nominated these people!

-People who ask to be tagged should be added to your tag list with a link to their blog!

Tell something nice about them as well.

-Remember to have fun with the tag and be proud of who you are, you are an amazing person and the fact that so many anime and anime characters share traits with you shows you are pretty breathtaking!

Now to describe myself trough anime as is the purpose of this post! Just because I go on long about these doesn’t mean you have to! I am just long winded!

Describe a hobby or passion you have through an anime series

I’ll start off straight away with a weird one and describe one of my biggest hobbies trough Konosuba. Konosuba is an Isekai show where Kazuma gets transported to a new mystical world. The goddess giving him this chance mocks him so when he is allowed to choose a divine weapon.. he chooses her to go this new world with him. There they have misadventures with the most broken adventure party ever. While I do enjoy drinking and being useless that is not the reason why this represents my hobbies. D&D , that being Dungeons and Dragons has been a big passion of mine for the past seven years or so and Konosuba captures what makes it great. It in fact is basically one big D&D. 

The party you have will always be as broken as that in Konosuba because in D&D every game will be that random bunch of weirdos coming together. Most spells in Konosuba, mostly Aqua’s spells are straight from D&D. A Cleric can indeed learn to turn undead and create water or purify water. Nature’s Beauty is not a thing but it is basically a cantrip named Thaumaturgy with a bit more unique flavouring.  So many events from this show seem to come straight from a D&D  and even though I had not played that long.. I experienced these types of adventures and weirdness myself. Getting a mystical high grade weapon and sell it for useless stuff? Check!  Most adventures ending with just insane amounts of booze?! Check! Fighting cute things just to have our ass handed to us by some sort of bosss we trigger by being greedy ? Check! Konosuba captures that Dungeons and Dragons spirit so well that I even wrote a big article on it that your party will always have these types of players.

This show is amazing! One of my favourites even if the second season wasn’t AS good it was still super relatable to me as a D&D player and even more so as a DM/game master.  I can see these are the idiots that have invaded my world and destroy all the work I have done to build something cohesive as they slowly turn it into chaos! It is amazing and I love it!

Simplify yourself to an Anime Archetype, name a character that is also that Archetype

There are two character archetypes I really fit. The first one is the NEET. NEET stands for Not in Employment Education or Training. It is oftenly made to seem a person feel useless or unproductive. However that is not what I completely Identify with. Yes I am Not in Employment, Education or Training, but that doesn’t mean I don’t do anything. I do make people happy, give them advice and I would like to think I am oftenly a fairly pleasant presence unlike most NEETS. So the character I will relate this to is more Nanana from Nanana’s buried treasure. She is dead  and bound to a room as a ghost. I am sickly and forced to take things easy. We both game a lot and like pudding so she is the type of NEET I am. She may leave treasures behind but I have my blogs! To the right person those might be treasures as well. 

The other archetype I stick to is the Dojikko Archetype. I am very clumsy and accident prone.. Due to whatever ails me my motor skills are much more crude than that over your average person which makes me stumble a lot more.  My foot doesn’t always land where I intend it to lend so a misstep is much more likely. I am also just a magnet for bad luck.  In just about anything but games. It is bad enough that my friends actively take notice and talk about Pinkie Luck as if it’s a thing. I have fallen in just about everything I could fall into or off. I fell into a flock of geese, poison ivy, I fell into paint.  I fell into a pond, of a dyke (we are dutch after all) A forklift ran over my foot, stuff fell on my head due to metal fatigue or other weird reasons. I have even been knocked out cold by several soccer balls. Volley balls managed to bruise all my fingers and during hockeyI slipped into a T-split leg position and got a hockey ball directly attacking my lady parts. That last part did not hurt as much as the legs though.  My body was not supposed to bend that way. I even threw a knife in my foot once and I wasn’t even throwing a knife when I did. Mey Rin from Black Butler is a bit like me!  We both suck at getting things done..unless we get to our forté then we are cold blooded taking out  whatever is in our way. 

Describe your looks trough anime characters

The first character that comes to mind is Murasame Reine from Date a Live.  I have silvery painted hair that is just below shoulder length. Much like Reine-San herself , we also share those bags under our eyes that we hide through glasses. Mine are pink  though!  As you can see on my avatar. She also on occasion wears pink shirts just like me and we both have cute animal slippers as well. I don’t have a lab coat or a military outfit.. but well. Esthetics wise we come close ish!  Her look doesn’t look as amazing as it does in anime of course and the hair just looks a lot more messy but in anime I’d probably look that awesome.

Clothing wise is actually pretty hard to find an anime character that fits my style. I really love one piece dresses and a bit plain and flowery ones are my favourite! There are a few characters out there that wear something similar.. but not a lot! I have ugly shoulders or I hate shoulders.. I kinda hate them in general  and I am not a bit fan of arms either so I prefer long sleeve one piece dresses, with pink in them of course.I admit sometimes it is hard to find a dress like that.. so luckily there are vests and this made the search for anime characters a bit easier.  Maki from Love Live has some casual outfit art that I absolutely adore and pretty much sums up my preferred clothing style! I can’t always wear that but it’s what I feel happiest in.

Finally there is Earth-Chan, Konota from Lucky Star, Shalltear from Overlord  and Sayaka from Keijo. What do I have in common with them? Well if you will probably only be interesting to you if you already know what they have in common so I can leave it at that. I am also a bit tall for a woman so I guess Majoume Fumi from Sweet Blue Flower  can be put in the mix as well. She does seem to have that trait the others share but it is never pointed out much!

Describe your romantic and/or sexual bias through anime characters you find attractive

I’d classify myself as a grey-sexual, homoromantic woman. Most often I am on the Demi-Sexual spectrum where it means I feel no sexual attraction to people I do not form a bond with. Yet at times I can also manifest my sexuality in Semi-sexual ways. This is when I experience Libido without having a desire to act on it or experience sexual attraction. In the end I am  probably just best quantified as a Grey. Sayaka Saeki from Bloom into you is a very good match for me. She doesn’t seem all that lusty but mostly interested in a deeper bond with Touko.. where Touko manifests her burgers really sexually. I’d feel I would be very similar to Koito, but I’d say she might even be Demi-romantic. Which is off putting for me.
A woman is fairly easily romanceable to me. Basically if they seem fun to be with.. I’d date you on my terms.

However if another girl is the type that likes to wrinkle the sheets and do physical things.. which most women in a romantic relationship still want it seems, there is a lot more reservation from me.  None of that.. at least once a week kinda stuff. I like hugging fine enough and I sleep easier knowing I am not alone, I don’t need physical fun all that much. I tend to get bored by it. Sayaka from Bloom into You I think could accept that, maybe even Majoume Fumi from Bloom into You or Liz from Liz and the Blue Bird. All of them seem to be in it for a bond.. which is my angle as well. I’d probably have more fun with Sayaka when we both play Pokémon together or show each other our Castle Cats than with what sims call Woo-hoo.

Tell us about your day to day life and what anime it would fit in

In a way I really relate to Kaya from One Piece with this.. without the plenty of money. I am sick and deemed not able to work currently. At least until re-evaluation in March 2021. It means I stay at home a lot. There are days my heart isn’t too well so walks are out of the question on those days as well. So most of my days begin at 8 in the morning with me getting up, updating my mobile games, my emails and my other social things. Usually with a bit of breakfast, that is usually a slice of breakfast cake.. not sure if it is a thing in the rest of the world but here it is.  Then around 10 I start fixing my blog for the day. Depending on how my focus is I usually finish by 12 but sometimes I get side tracked or if making images is a lot of work or fun I might end closer to 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Usually I then start doing my blog preparations for wherever I am working ahead. Usually till about 3 in the afternoon. I do some housework, grocery shopping, cooking preparation or else somewhere between  three and five and then I end up either taking a shower to fight off fatigue or taking a brisk power nap to refuel myself.. or a combination of both. I then play a video game to experience some adventures while I am stuck inside.. which makes me like Kaya again.

Then in the evening I tend to eat rather late ,  around 8 in the evening  but earlier if I have roleplays, after which I escape to other worlds again. If I feel good or my video games bore me I either write another blog or prep for it at least a bit, or watch a movie, play a game or else. There are a few social rounds in between as well. Around 11 o’clock I take my medication for the evening, including a few to clear my head and while waiting for that to work I chat with people or play some very airy games! Nothing taxing anymore! I feel this is like Kaya from One Piece in a way that she has a pretty mundane and uneventful life but through Usopp’s stories she can escape that. I do that through gaming, through blogging and by reading your stories. It’s not like I can never go out unlike Kaya either but enough to feel like a bit of a caged bird at times. Yet I do try to make the best of it! There is always fun memories or little things I can do! I can’t always do it.. but I don’t need to either.

Describe your Hopes and Dreams through an anime character

I hope that one day it doesn’t matter who we are.. everything we do is great because we chose that action. As long as we stand by that call there is no one to stop us. We should not doubt ourselves and just go for what we want. No matter what we must stay true to ourselves and belief in the power that is inside of us!  One day I will find a way to get to that Pokémon Café in Tokyo, one day I can walk outside more confident without collapsing or fear. I do not want to be remembered as the perfect corporate drone, I want to be remembered for who I really am. In a way Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann embodies this perfectly for me.  Angry when he is said to be weak because he is just a human.. and stands no chance against the beastmen army! Who the hell do you think I am?!

I am not just some generic person! I am me.. I have no need to adhere to that standard.
The limitations that are given to me.. what is possible.. it is all part of what is imposed. Maybe there is no magic in this world.. but we can never be sure. The world is something we can’t phantom.. or at least not completely! Miracles can happen and while we should not rely on them we also should still strive to make them happen. Shattering the limitations of the mind! We get a step further every day.. showing that even if you have more melanin, you are not worthless, just because you can’t biologically reproduce does no longer mean you failed as a human. I want to live as me and die as me.. no compromise.. seeking to shatter the limits of what is possible for me but never through not being myself!


Now for my six nominations I will go the usual route.

Lyn Sheridan: The Otaku Author

He is a giant in the world of blog tags and with him helping me spread this tag I am sure we can make it grow big!

Megan: A Geeky Gal

I promised you I would create another tag to always give you a reason to come back and here it is!  I hope you enjoy this one!

Irinia: I drink and Watch anime

My Senpai always gets nominated by me when I create a tag. I have someone to look up to in her so of course she always gets in my first nomination round.

Summer: Foovay’s Cauldron

My blogging bestie tends to get nominated by me for everything lately but she always makes these so super interesting. I bet she can make something amazing out of this post.

Lita Kino: Lita Kino’s Anime Corner

I haven’t had too much success in tagging her before but this one is very dedicated to anime and she is like Miss Anime  in my eyes. So she should definitely get a tag.

Naja: Blerdy Otome

I really respect Naja as a creator a lot! Plus if anyone  will answer my love question with some great examples I bet it will be her!  I think she is a very social blogger who can help me make this tag spread around and let people experience it.

Bonus Nomination:

Okay so I know you are already behind with tags, so initially I opted leaving you out of this so consider this nomination very informal! Yet it felt very wrong not to include you! You are always so supportive and amazing that I feel bad for not nominating you! Don’t feel pressured into doing this though!

My lovely Coconuts, Mike, Tsubaki, Ospreyshire and Indigo and Ocelot are nominated like always. If you want to become a coconut avatar like them please consider supporting my Kofi! You get a cute little avatar with a funny little backstory and you are automatically nominated for all my blog tags! On a rare occasion I also launch some of my custom images ahead of time or for review! Coconuts can evolve over time and get a regular shout out so join today!

Pinkie Gets Anime Powers: Devil Fruit and Nakama

Everyone imagines having anime powers sometimes! I just happen to actively turn those thoughts into blogs! So far we have seen some powers from some pretty iconic shows. Bleach, Digimon, Jojo’s and most recently Soul Eater. Yet, We Are forgetting a very important series. We Are missing one masterpiece of unique powers. We Are, We are on Cruise! We are!

Character Name:
Denny P Paradaisu
33 yet she dresses and acts like a 16 year old
Spin off Show Lead
Cousin  of Perona
Devil Fruit:
Uma Uma no Mi : Model Unicorn
Gets extremely sea sick unless influenced by de Zandaka Zandaka No Mi,Always Happy as a result of her own Devil Fruit, immune to her cousins Horo Horo No Mi. Not actively searching for One Piece! “Pirate Hunter

Denny P Paradaisu is the captain of the Hearibon pirates and protagonist of  the Spin Off series One Piece: Hearts! It is set about 10  years after the Battle of  Marine Fort (8 years after the timeskip). At the age of 22 Denny already was the manager of her family’s tropical resort for people all across South Blue. That all changed then the resort was attack by pirates of the Hage-Akuyaku crew, years later. Her resort was burned down , her parents killed as well as everyone she had befriended on the island. She herself was left alive as a symbol for the neighbouring islands to pay protection money and fall in line with the rules of Hage-Hige. Transported to the marines to a neighbouring island Denny cried for days on end. Drinking away her misery at the bar. Doing as she was told and showing her misery to the world unknowingly. One day she shares some drinks with a strange one armed redheaded man who offers her a pink fruit saying it will take away her pain. Doing everything to stop feeling this hurt she eats the fruit and after that she would never be sad again.

Having eaten a Legendary Beast Zoan Fruit, A Fruit in the Horse Horse family the Unicorn model, she now always smiles. Her Unicorn powers allow her to bestow bestow happiness in others as well. With her left over money and encouragement of the red headed stranger she buys her own ship and decides to sail out to stop the pirates from warring against each other and prevent people from ever feeling as miserable as she did. Forming a Pirate crew that sets out for the Grand Line to force non violent ways on other pirates. Putting an end to war , hunger and negativity as she goes. Know as the Ribbon Pirates or Hearibon the emblem  is a happy skull with a big pink hair ribbon.  Unfortunately Denny gets very Sea sick.. so she can’t sail a ship by herself!  So first she searches the nearby islands for special individuals of her crew. While throwing up lots of rainbows and being amazed by how pretty it looks!

One Piece: Hearts would be a comedical show that is a bit a spoof on Shonen. Every single character would be a non violent warrior. Fights are won by winning a crews heart. Not a single member of the pirate crew would even be allowed to throw a single punch.  While they are allowed to trap opponents or incapacitate them all forms of physical harm are banned. Thusly this  show would portray  Shounen action without the main characters ever laying a single punch or sword slash. The crew would consist out of some old One Piece characters as well as a few new ones. Most of the crew would be devil fruit users but there would be some exceptions. Set 8 years after the timeskip, the technology in the world has probably advanced a little bit so the ship of the Ribbon Pirates would be close to that of the thousand Sunny.  Their ship the Happy Go Round would be a homage to the Going Merry.

Shipwright: Nyl A Perkel
Human Devil Fruit User (Age 22)

The first crew member Denny would find is that of the ships carpenter.  Depicted as a gothic viking with a teddy bear heart, Nyl was a mail delivery from North Blue. His job and his little ship taking him all across the world.  He maintained his own little ship as he had worked in his fathers construction yard when he was young! Having a thirst for adventure in his blood though one day he decided to steal a ship and sail out towards great adventure. No longer wanting to be bound by the same life day in and day out. The extra hours the low wage! The claustrophobia of the dry docks! He wanted more!  

Now he had it.  While delivering Denny a letter, which contained an inheritance of her grandma..he saw the attack on Paradise taking place. Overcome by fear of fighting against this superior force Nyl moved to neighbouring island to sign for help!  When he saw Denny days later having lost everything he kept feeling bad! Why did I not try to save some people there I could have gotten people out!  He actually finds Denny rather than she does him..telling her he wants to do the right thing now! No longer be afraid. Denny tells him of her ideal world where no one has to run away anymore and he is touched by the purity of the goal. Promising that the next time he sees that pirate he feared so much he will not be scared.

Prior to the adventure Nyl Consumed the Dynamo Dynamo No Mi, changing him into a Dynamo man. He can store the energy of things and re-apply it to power a device he build. For example the fridge on the Happy Go Round. In combat  Nyl can for example steal the kinetic energy from swords and bullets (though one at a time only with a few second interval) to render their attacks rather inert. While a knife can still poke him.. the slashing force behind it can later be to make a light shine, propel an “engine”  or other sorts of things.  While he is charged Nyl becomes increasingly statically charged and by hugging or poking his opponent when he absorbed enough energy can result in a brief paralysis or disarmament.  His main “combat” method would be close closer towards the way Usopp fought during his fight against Luffy though, using a sorts of gadgets he can power on to hinder his foe. Like a Bright Flashing light to blind an opponent or a net trap.  He often pretends to be cooler and more intimidating then he actually is.. but he can never resist a hug!

Ship Doctor: Thomas T Bird
“Human” Devil Fruit User (Age 73)

While searching for a way to deal with Denny’s sea Sickness , Nyl and Denny stumble upon an island where a strange scientist is said to live. A doctor who’s specialisation is curing sea sickness but who is also a very strange fellow. Obsessed with training vermin like rats, bats and even chickens to do his bidding and help humanity he creates an incident on the island where suddenly everything critter goes out of control. Aided by Denny and Nyl he manages to stop the infestation which leads to him joining their crew! As no animals were harmed. To control animals he thinks he needs some legendary flute of a old pirates tale .. a mysterious man now only known as P.P. Which leads to a lot of PeePee Jokes from Thomas himself.  His dream is to one day make lower life forms earn a place in society as well, turning vermin into a benefit and friend for mankind. 

He would also have a Devil Fruit power of the Zandaka Zandaka no Mi. In other words the Balance Balance Fruit. With this power he can shift the equilibrium of a person their sense of balance. He can make people feel like they are sinking through the floor, or falling up simply by adjusting their sense of balance. This means in combat he prefers to fight agile characters, People like Sanji , Jimbei but also people like Borsalino.  Not only can he disrupt verticle balance he can also conjure effects of powerful spinning or negating effects like that.. For example he demonstrates this by telling Denny to sit in a barrel then kicking it of a hill.. while it rolls she gets super dizzy but once he helps her out she feels perfectly fine! This technique is also used to cure her sea sickness. Thomas himself is a ratty older man, really no looker who ‘s age causes him a lot of back problems. He dyes his mohawk to feel young!

Navigator: Perona
Human Devil Fruit User (Age 32)

Perona makes her return as she encounters her cousin sailing around Aimlessly. Perona having done some wandering herself is a bit more familiar with it then her cousin who is about the same age as her. Perona would be down on her luck and use her Horo Horo no Mi to rob some small groups of weak looking people! Not realising Denny is her cousin at the time.. due to not having seen each other for a long time she tries to rob their group. Super depressed by Perona’s ghost Nyl and Thomas easily give in to her demands for money.. as they aren’t worth it anyway.  Yet Denny smiles at her without even having seen her and gives her some money as well. A fair chunk of what she had left.. willingly. This shocks Perona and when she realises it’s her cousin she questions Denny about why! Denny says it’s awesome to see people smile. She felt like Perona would be feeling like John and Thomas right now.. but even though their cry is artificial Perona’s is real. She then invites Perona to join them and search for her own happiness.

Perona’s powers obviously would not change her devil fruit remains the same.. though under the flag of Denny she mostly uses it to teach bad guys a lesson. She takes a more Tsundere stance as she scolds them for being bad and makes them feel bad about their actions..Denny is fine with this as long as Perona never punishes a good action. Perona also seems to be immune to Dennies power, but Thomas sometimes doubts this.. maybe Denny doesn’t make her smile because she needs to find her real smile first.

Ship’s Cook: Bean Boom
Human Devil Fruit User (Age 24)

Bean is one of Denny’s friends, not living on Paradise island , Denny visits her in the  hopes of recruiting her with bread most of it stale, or smushed . People cry in panic that their life savings have been “turned to bread”. It turns out that Bean ate the Pan Pan no Mi (Bread Bread Fruit).. a Paramecia type fruit that allows the user to change an object they touch into bread .. of the same size (IOW a sword becomes a Baguette a Pistol becomes A Pistolette etc)  She did not know it was a devil fruit when she ate it  and now she can not control herself. She is stressing out so much and little by little the island is more and more turned into bread. Denny remembers the island she visited before had  some serious troubles with their food intake. So she forms a plan.

Together with her pirates she robs an arms storage on the previous island and turns all the weapons into bread. Solving their food crisis, she then asks if the citizens can miss some items for the people who had lost stuff on the next island. Seeing the willingness of the people Bean gets inspired and calmed by Denny’s s presence noticing when she is calm she has more control over her Pan Pan no Mi. She takes apprenticeship under the pink captain in the hope to one day control this herself. She reveals her calm true calm was stolen by a cursed item. Who took something away from everyone on the island..something that made them their true self. Bean now wants to find and bread this item in order to destroy the curse.

Ropers: Johnny and Yosaku
Humans with a Dugong pet (Age 36) (pet’s age unknown)

These former Bounty Hunters have since the time skip settled down to become fisherman! They however begin to notice that they have thought so many people around the village to be great fisherman that they find themselves no longer needed. Thinking back on how useless they were as Bounty Hunters they begin to slip into a depression.  The island is the setting for a fishing tournament, where people can bring their biggest catch each year and the winner is the island’s champion. For 7 straight years Johnny and Yosaku have won this trophy but the last two tournaments they did not even rank. They did however fish up a Kung-Fu Dugong named Jasper that now is their pet and supporter.

Now retirement is drawing in closer they want to win the tournament one last time. When the Ribbon Pirates visit the town they notice how the townsfolk have turn on their former heroes.. now all consumed by arrogance trying to win the trophy. Seeing the brothers said she has Bean change the trophy into bread and eating it up. She says people should not blindly follow the lessons of the others and forgot whom made them this person! She told them them people have to find their own way and she will prove this! She invites the two to join her crew and assures them that next year they will be back with the biggest fish ever.

Johnny and Yosaku have given up their swords and now use their fishing rods as weapons , in a way similar to how Gon fights during the Hunter Exam.  They also know advance techniques to Lasso and flat floor enemies.  They also excel at setting lures and traps for their enemies.  All non violent ones of course. Jasper is often used as “bait” for these traps or simply as a tripping Hazard.

Quartermaster/Lifeguard: Angelica Aquaz
Fishfolk (Age 7)

When Thomas experiments on Pinkie by giving her a placebo dose of his Balance fruit she gets super sea sick and falls overboard Johnny and Yosaku are drunk at the time and they can not rescue her. Given that everyone else on her crew is a hammer things seem dire until she is rescued by a a fishfolk woman with the features of a  Shark named Angelica Aquaz. A mischievous little girl who pulled a prank on her father and mother by hiding from them.. accidentally getting swept up by a current ending up in regions unknown. For three years now she has been trying to find her way home. Tricking people into giving her food, pulling pranks on people at nearby beaches. Since she is a fishman she can walk on shores but people usually feel her shark like facial features so she hides behind a veil.  The girl is very young, around the age of 6 to maybe 8 but very bright.

Denny invites the girl to come aboard to her ship but the girl refuses telling she has to find her parents. The group decides to help the shark girl before they move on, but once they find the area the girl was from they notice that the reef that had served as her home was destroyed to make room for a Naval blockade to block smugglers from entering or leaving the Grand Line. The group goes to the nearby island to find the smugglers and end the blockade and trade the bad people for more information. However they find out the smugglers are actually smuggling medicine people on the island can not afford. Dr Thomas studies this cure and tries to find a way to fabricate it with stuff on the island while Denny and Angelica as well Nil try to open the Navy’s heart to the cause of the people!  When not successful Denny uses her powers to fill their hearts with love and end the blockade.. in her first forceful act.

Angelica tells Denny and her crew about a fairy tale about a huge Coral Reef at the end of the Grand Line a promissed city for fishfolk and merfolk.. she thinks her parents would go to that city, which is enforced when she finds a book in the ruins of her old city. Denny agrees to take her if she joins their crew to save those who fall in the water and to work hard to keep everyone happy and things on the ship fair. In ‘combat’ Angelica uses tricks to fight.. telling enemies their shoe laces are untied before making them fall over with her tail and all. After recruiting angelica the crew moves onto the grand line!

Uma Uma No Mi Model Unicorn

Denny’s  own powers are similar of that of other Zoan type users, but since she is a mystical beast  each form comes with some special powers.  Much like with the original One Piece though, there is no exact details on how the fruit works.. most powers come to her instinctively as a Zoan user this effect is even amplified.

Human Form:
While fully human  she can project little rainbow beams that upon impact make infuse a target with love and happiness.. a warm fuzzy feeling. IF this happens their eyes get sparkles and rainbow colours inside them and they also become extremely playful and if hit enough even child like.  Denny considers this invasive though and only uses this method if she has no other choice. She can use weakened variants which have less colours of the rainbow if she shoots out a beam, just to make people feel comfy or slightly more open minded to what she has to say. She still is prefers to not use her power and rather speak from her heart to one’s heart though as she will often claim.

Hybrid Form:
In her Hybrid Form she takes on More equine features having a horse face that has rainbow filled eyes. Her horn sparkles deeply. In this form she can make objects more happy as well as retain her ability to bestow happiness in a person. In this version it’s more extreme though.  The object happyfication happens if she pokes an object with her horn. An object only stays happy while she stays in this form and the more objects she creates the harder the form is to maintain. For example she can change a beanbag into a Happy faced Marshmallow, which she can then use to  trap an enemy in the sticky sugary mess. Or use it’s increased bouncyness to shield an ally from her fall.  She can never create a harmful object and once destroyed the happified item immediately reverts back to its former state.

Full Unicorn Form:
In her full Unicorn form she can take up to two people on her back and function as a mount. She can create rainbow pathways as long as she can sing happily.  She and only she can walk on these pathways. This even allows her to walk over water much like Aokiji did with his water cycle.. if she steps into the water though she is in deep trouble.  If her singing is interrupted the rainbow does not expand anymore and after a few seconds will begin to withdraw  deleting her path way. She has to sing audibly and can not hum or whisper sing so the technique can not be used for stealth approaches.. as if a rainbow ever would. In this form she can happily objects but loses the ability to alter human emotions. Objects she happified in Hybrid form still revert back to their original shape if she goes into Full Unicorn form.. or the other way around.

Always Happy:
Denny can no longer feel unhappiness, she would be terrified that if a friend died she will still smile were it not that she could not be terrified.  This does result in her never being able to be demotivated or otherwise negatively affected in terms of mindset. This also means she never gets the guidance of fear. She is aware of this and relies on her weakest ally (most often Angelica)  as her standard for what she should actually feel. Denny aims to cure herself of her fruit after she made the world smile! Because even though this is awesome.. it might even be more awesome if she could experience real feelings again!

And so we have come to the end of a very long dive into the One Piece Universe. In the spirit of Oda however I felt compelled to treat my Nakama like this and give them some room and backstory as well. This would be a very important theme in the show as well. Because this show would teach you that , not matter what powers you get, no matter how strong or worthless that fruit you ate was.. on these seas there is one power all of the Ribbon Pirates have and a strength that is greater than anything. Their hearts.. because friendship is magic!
Friendship is an unstoppable force and should be ever lasting. Like One Piece itself, Friendship is always…..

The Power of Me: My Voice on My Blog

Hello Island Guests today I am talking about a topic that is very important to me. A motivator a life goal yet something on the internet that is both trickier and easier than in real life. Being  yourself. Today I want to talk to you about some lessons I learned while blogging, that I apply. Chosen routes that lead to distress and choices I made I am happy about. Like Mario said… let’s go.

My Moe Voice

The first thing you need to do to be yourself is pick out a style that works for yourself.  These will be a framework for your posts but will be able to tell you when you are a bit off track. For example I think I have a fairly light hearted style where I cute things up a bit. Yet originally I tried that a bit to much, like I was writing as a character, and while Pinkie still is an exaggerated version of my truest self for entertainment purposes she isn’t anything I am not.. except for pink haired or donned with twin spirals.  Personalities work to draw in readers quicker, as people like flamboyant characters  more in general take a look at YouTube. However all YouTubers who do personas regularly burn out and I noticed on WordPress this is much the same. 

When I originally started this blog I dreamed of YouTube fame, but my lack of vocal control and my friends help of time to support led into me going to WordPress, however I took those same expectations with me. My gimmick on YouTube would not work on WordPress so I deluded myself into dreams of grandeur.. I threw my voice to reach that and burned out.
While that cutesie thing is a part of me, I am actually not an anime character so I can not constantly write like one. I wanted to be genuine.. and I think that inspiration is important to be on WordPress. Blogging unlike YouTube I think works best if you are yourself. If we want to simply be entertained, I’d imagine we all go to YouTube.. WordPress is more about community, so while I have my natural Moe elements, I really should not exaggerate it Desu Nee Nyan!?

Talking to Myself

The second thing I noticed was that I should not write my blog for my followers. It’s impossible for me to understand you all and even rude to think that I could do so. It is very easy to follow like patterns and base my blog on that. Talks like these usually get a lot of likes, I should do them more?! Anime stuff gets more like than gaming stuff, I should drop gaming and just focus more on anime right? No! When I want to play a game, I do not want to watch anime instead just because 5 people in america pressed a button more than on that gaming post.  With all due respect to you all you would not be worth that. In fact I dare say we all ignored these type of pleas in the past, when we became geeks and people told us cartoons are for children.  We should play outside instead of inside. We stayed ourselves then.. yet when anonymous people like your post it suddenly is harder?

I discovered my blog is something I do for me! I do not want to crush anyone’s dreams here but if you wish to go pro, I am not sure WordPress is the way. Commercial writing usually means writing without a voice. Write based on numbers and statistics, catering to the market. It  means following a set of rules which would break my heart and spirit to do. Irina wrote about those. That blogging bloke said some things I really did not like or support. As it wasn’t something I could do I had to make a choice. I could attempt to make the best of it and prove them wrong and make it big my own way, which is just a delusion and set-up to disappointment, quit blogging as what I wanted to reach and how I wanted to reach it was not meant to fit together or I could write just for the heck of it. I chose the latter. I write because I want to, write about what I want to and you follow because you like me doing that.

Talking to my Followers

A good follower doesn’t follow you because you share their opinion on Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, a good follower doesn’t follow you just because you made three anime posts and now he expects a fourth. A good follower follows, because they like your voice. Everyone who comments here and interacts with me stuck with me since I just blogged about Pokémon. Most of you aren’t even that on Pokémon. No one stopped following me after I changed my style and my comment section is the liveliest it has ever been. Sure my game reviews and fan fiction perform a lot less than my talks about anime or movies, but I like what they add to the blog in their own right. Each day I can write something diverse, explore new things on the internet and that makes me happy!  After my most recent mental spell in which I really had to cut back blogging I came back for me. My likes have dropped a bit but I have never been happier.

I honestly do hope you have a great time with my writing but honestly, I think the healthy way of blogging is to see your appreciation as a side effect. I see it more as a fun puzzle. What jokes can I put in there to make people smile? How can I phrase this as me! How do I put myself on paper as a brand but still get my point across. I do not always succeed but what you see is me. I try to leave something of myself behind, I wanted to meet people through this blog and I have made some awesome connections. Maybe a bit more silent as I thought but bonds nonetheless.  Would I love internet fame? Sure! Yet I shifted perspective.. I do not want to be famous because I CAN appeal to to the masses. If I happen to be so charming and pink that eventually I gather an army and riches than I happily welcome it. I call it the zero expectations plan. When I write for you all, I can set myself up for failing. You could dislike a post I made for you. When I write for me I am more in  control?! Is the article good? Nah! Did I have fun writing it, yes! I still win. 

So I guess the true way to  draw people in is make them actual fans. You’ll gain a lot less of them but I know there are people out there who genuinely care.  Who genuinely enjoy reading my work because it’s my work and it has my voice. Those are the followers I want to write for and those are the followers I do not need to write for because I am already doing that by writing for myself.  Foovay is perhaps the biggest example that comes to mind, she has been so supportive and sweet for so long now. I known Senpai spends a lot of time on my blog as well and my friend the Holy Mailman even made an account so he can interact more. Yet there are plenty of you out there that I very much appreciate. Everyone commenting and  plenty who like as well. The blessing of a small community!

Speaking from the Heart

I am not as much into anime as the most of you, I watch it weekly rather than daily, sometimes several times a week.. but hey I think my average anime episodes a week is far below PAR here. For a while I thought that would make me an outcast.  There is so much I can not talk about. I chose to let it make me alien and alone. I felt adrift. Trapped in between worlds. I saw it as a weakness. Yet recently I began seeing it as a strength.  That is who I am, I am different. Same goes for gaming, I care not for most recent games , I hate Fortnite with a passion, I am not likely to get hyped about the new Assassins Creed, I don’t even like Kingdom Hearts all that much. I like retro stuff more.  I do not care about romantic comedies much, I mostly like geeky movies, yet on occasion I really enjoy the first as well and would still like to talk about it.  At times I might be alone and I am easily misunderstood, yet at the same time that is what makes me interesting. 

Because of how the internet reacts to things it can be easy to believe you can only form bonds with those who share your opinion. If I proclaim that I dislike Lelouche on Twitter for example people would threaten me with death or bow to me like I am preaching the gospel of a new god. It is hard to flip that switch, but just because I disagree with some bloggers out there, or you disagree with me doesn’t mean we can not bond. I was afraid of that. Friendships are often formed by being the same but what makes friendship nice is being different.

Imagine this scenario. You have two friends Bob and Rob, you are now called Gus btw… say you say “I could go for a burger” Bob says “me too” Rob Says “I’d rather have a pizza” , two votes win so you get your burger.. point for Bob!  “I want to go to the Drunken Donkey” you say next “Me too” goes Bob  “I’d rather go to the Pissed Pig” Rob says. At the Drunken Donkey you and Bob order the same drink, dig the same girl and Rob drinks another sort of beer.. a special one.. how pedantic.  Now you begin to talk about how much you liked Steins Gate..  Bob says “Me To” 

Rob disagrees and talks about the pacing issues in the first episode. Which of the two is a more interesting friend to talk to? With Bob you would always talk about the same thing, drink the same drink, stare at the same girl and talk about anime you both like. With Rob you go places where you have never gone before you might argue more ..but  you might try a new beer, you might discover anime you didn’t know about. I want to be friends with Rob’s rather than Bob’s and I rather would be a Rob than a Bob as well. 

No one is 100% the same if Bob says Me too all the time, and believe me I know Bob.. he does,  he is not being genuine with you. Well unless he is your clone of course.. but why would Gus name his clone Bob. Wow I really got of track there. Point is don’t be like Bob. If people really like Animal Crossing and you don’t do not write a post in which you love it. Yes you might get more views and more likes but your true followers will know this is not you. Do it to often and maybe even those loyal followers will just stop following you, thinking you are not genuine.

I’d rather have 1 Irina or Foovay as 50 people who like I post because I did a popular thing. If I could trade you guys in for 50 followers each as long as I write about popular stuff, I’d honestly choose you guys. Well unless one those 50 tips 1000 dollars on kofi each week.. then I’d sell out. Still I rather have one follower who follows me because they like my voice rather than a group following me for what i once said.  If you read this I already count you to the better category. By being me without compromise I also hope to only gain people like you!..Well plus that 1000 dollar guy… 

And the Rest is Silence

Now this means I will be a much more rogue element in the future. I will change things when I want to them to change. I might promise you to write about one thing and then write about another. Feel free to remind me in my comments I probably had an idea when I came up with said topic.. but for now I embrace the chaos in my head.  Pinkie’s Paradise is an island in my grey matter  and I should use that habitat to make it the best it can be.  Where happy unicorns can float by and weird analogies are plenty.  My wisdoms might be different from the more studious under you and I might write less analogies that I could publish to universities, I might not win a Pulitzer  either..  how do those even look? I somehow imagine it to be Eiffel-Towerey. I used to care.. because I wanted to be acknowledged..  I wanted people to remember me, should I one day be gone.. I just focussed on the remembering part to much while I should have focussed on the me part.

Now I am much happier. Regardless of message, popularity and electronic stats, what I leave behind is me. Geek Girl Joy noticed my love for ducks from my posts, Holy Mailman might commission one of my Pinkie  gets anime powers  stories because he really liked it.  That is the true beauty of blogging. Someone saw me through my posts, another was really happy with something I came up with. I know my blog-tag did fairly well and I have another new one coming up soon a rather unique one that is bound to fail, but by Arceus will I have fun with it. So while I might sound like a selfish brat,  that is something I can be , because you allow me to. This blog isn’t for you.. it is because of you!  Because of you blogging becomes even more fun than it would be without you. You are my Fire Flower, and at times my Invincibility Star. You are my mushrooms! Yet I am Mario. You might help me on my adventure..but it is I who has to hit the flag post! Now that I realise that everything seems easier!  I follow my voice, I follow my heart and I hope you guys will follow me as well, but that one is optional.

Making the Internet a Happier Place : The Super Happy Love Award

Each week on the Internet it’s something people are chasing with torches and pitchforks. Whether it is burning someone’s career for a horrible tweet of 10 years ago, or trying to ruin a game company for making the first actually bad game in their career. Nowadays we even want to corporately murder companies for not producing AS good of an anime or AS good of a game as their prequel ones.  In fact if they are not better and improved in EVERY single way and if it does not have EVERY similar feature the BEST of their genre have to offer, it means they are 0/10. If you like something that isn’t perfect you are an idiot as well. Well I say enough! I do not want to live in such a world and I am fighting back! For every skull shaped cloud of hate they will release, I will release a muffin topped with a cotton candy cloud with shimmer sprinkles of love! And I need your help! Enter The Super Happy Love Award

It’s time to heal the internet, for to long has our safe space been a feeding ground teaching us to be as negative as possible. With this blog tag we start making a vaccine! We show that passion can be genuine! We give love to those who deserve it and praise the ones that have done something important for us.  The ones we love , even when fictional, are oftenly only human after all. With this blog tag I want to spread love for all the fandoms and united fans in positivity again! No longer will we shake our heads and say “this isn’t the <insert fandom> that we used to know.. they destroyed our beloved. NO! We stand together and join forces and turn this into “Remember the time that <insert fandom> did this amazing thing! I LOVE IT!. How will we do it? With this blog tag? How does it work? Well here are the rules.

Happy Little Rules

This is a fairly simple blog-tag , even though it has a BIT more rules than most others. Why?! You will see… teehee!

  1. Thank the one who tagged you and if at all please tag the original post as well. This is my first blog tag and a bit of a passion project so I would like to see where it spreads! Oh and use Super-Happy-Love as a tag!
  2. Display the Super Happy Love Logo in your post Share the rules!
  3. Choose a minimum of 2 out of these 6 prompts to answer in this blog! More is always allowed! These six prompts are as follows!
    – Tell about a person you love, this can be a friend, partner but also a celebrity or even youtuber who means a lot to you. As long as they once took breath on this earthly realm you are allowed to  pick them… Tell us why you love them.
    Write something about a fandom or franchise you love. It can be your favorite game series or about just about anything that is bigger than just a single product! Tell us why you live this so much!
    Tell us something about a character that you love. Do you have a Waifu, a Husbando, maybe a mentor or someone who taught you a valuable lesson. Tell us why you love them.
    – Tell us something about a piece of music that you love. Does a anime intro mean a lot to you? Did you have a special memory to a pop song, like your first dance at your wedding? Maybe a piece of video game music? If you love it, you should tell us why!
    Show us why you love a piece of media so much! A Book, A Game, A Anime, A Movie maybe even a random piece of fan art, you are free to pick as long as you can show us why you love it.
    Write something about yourself that you love! For those who like a challenge, there is a hard mode in this blog prompt as well. Tell us why you love a certain aspect of yourself
  4. Put on your rose tinted glasses. For once you are allowed to gush about the things that you love without having to balance it out with negatives so that you seem objective. In fact your are actively encouraged not to bring negativity into this tag. So no “Nowadays.. <topic>  is poopoo but back in my days.. .it was great. Just say it was great! Love is blind after all!
  5. Tag 6 bloggers you love so they can take on this challenge as well.
  6. Everyone who comments something lovely about your post ALSO gets nominated. (Should they so choose)

Why does the number six appear so often? It’s the number of Venus, goddess of love.  So please try to respect the number of nominees if at all possible. Since I created this tag I shall answer all questions.

Tell us something about a person you love

There are so many people I love, but I guess this spot has got to go to my best friend. Let’s call her Bean. She will get why and she is a small sprout!  Bean and I have only met a little over two years ago but in this time she became incredibly important to me. I had a rough time when I met Bean. Struggling with my identity and my friends where moving away. She is a person I could very deeply connect with. While I have plenty of friends I can talk deeply with I have had little geek friends who could associate with my mindset. If I felt sad it was either.. let’s go to a big party a drink the pain away or let’s go to the sauna to relax. Bean and me go hunting pokemon together, we have a quick lunch and gossip, we watch pokémon movies together or a hilariously bad horror movie. With Bean I never have to pretend to be someone else or more mature, with Bean I can make jokes without having the fear that she would not understand. 

Before the age of Bean I went out drinking with normie friends and a female friend got a major burn on a friend. I shouted..ooooh you don’t need a burn heal you need a full restore. I found that so funny myself that I nearly peed myself. My friends however almost hurt themself in confusion. Bean is different though! Bean gets me, she would laugh at this stupid joke.. probably even harder than me as she adores little memes and has this delightfully silly sense of humor.  With Bean I can weeb out and yell Nani and Kawaii! She understands what those means and is more inclined to buy me the thing as a gift! If I yell Kawaii around my normal friends they think I bit my tongue! Bean also treats me to lunch a lot and I am very grateful for those! She is an amazing friend I can really connect with like no other!

Write something about a franchise you love

I doubt this will come as a surprise but I love Pokémon! I love everything about it.  Ever since those magical first steps on 6 december 1999 the games have never let me go.  Even before that the anime warmed my heart. I cried the entire day at the Bye Bye Butterfree episode and when it looked like Ash was giving up Pikachu I cried again. I was so proud when I beat the pokemon league in my first game , and I showed everyone my amazing Parasect and was amazed finding out they had a Golem. I have traveled across the lands searching far and wide and I thank game freak for everything they have done for me. Without them I would not have been the same.. or as strong of a person.

Pokémon made me more sociable, it showed me the power of a fanbase and how despite our differences we can be united through love. I swooned over a sylveon plush with people I do not know and we both ended up encouraging getting one. I met new people,  who accepted me, I played adventures I never thought I would. I was introduced to my love for trading card games trough this and I had my first mini LARP. On top of bucket list is visiting the pokémon café in Tokyo and have a Mew Fluffy Marshmallow Drink , as well as spending a lot of my money there on cute plates and adorable dishes. Maybe I will never have the money but at least it gave me a dream. Something to chase after. The franchise is the reason that I am part of this wonderful online community that is called WordPress! And now I can fight to make the internet a more happy place! With my pokémon buddies by my side!

Tell us something about a character that you love

There are plenty of characters I loved and I already talked about a fair amount of them. Since I do want to offer something new it’s time to talk about another fictional character that I absolutely adore. That character might seem like a very weird one to adore so much but she deserves every bit of my love and more. That character first appeared in the Lego Movie as part of Emmett’s crew and the oddball  Leader of cloud Cuckoo Land her unique and pink design immediately inspired me. She fights for positivity and smiles and does so in her completely unique way. Throughout the entire movie she has the most cartoony depiction, changing colours and even shapes based on her emotions and thusly appears to be very open. Her fight for positivity make her a perfect character as the one to be loved in this first Super Happy Love Award post.

Unikitty also has her own cartoon show simply named Unikitty in which we get more of the lovable cat unicorn to love.  We see a character that has her cheeks change based on what emotion she feels, never really hiding what you feel. We see a character that serves as an inspiration for anyone who isn’t standard. It is okay to be you, no matter what you are, no matter how different you are. We see other characters attempt this but none are as surreal as Unikitty. She loves parties, sparkly things, positivity , cute things and cheering people up. She dislikes her arch nemesis Master Frown, unfriendly individuals, negativity and candy corn! So .. while I have difficulty relating to most human characters I have no issue relating to this rainbow, colour changing unicorn cat thing made out of legos… I love it!

Tell us something about a piece of music you love

Now I could talk about Ducktales the moon theme again but I will not. I will talk about another piece of game music.  I am going to talk about A Hat in Time : New Adventure. This song came to me in a time I was suffering some gaming fatigue. Yet within minutes after playing Hat in Time, I felt that old magic I should feel as a gamer again. New Adventure to me signifies that feeling. So to me it’s a song about the magic of gaming. About finding your inner child and playing. We become Hat Kid.. a platform hero who also likes  to play around and have fun. This song is all about having fun.

The theme is also remixed into other tracks of the game, like You Are All Bad Guys phase 3, in a way it is hat kid’s theme without being named as such. It’s a song about the innocence and loving fun. For that reason I used this as the theme also as the personal theme for my Eldritch OC Luma. In a contemporary fantasy campaign my group has to raise an Eldritch Baby and keep her safe from the evil forces of R’lyeh since she is the only one who can destroy the breaches between Earth and the realm of chaos beyond time and space. I made new friends with this campaign and love writing it and hosting sessions every day. It is so much fun and I love role playing the character of Luma. Each time I get to play her theme a smile appears on my face and the worries of the day wash away.

Show us why you you love  a piece of media so much.

I could cheap out and write something about my favorite pokémon game but honestly I love so much of them I would not know where to start. Like I already told you I would one day love to own an original NES with a copy of Ducktales.. or even have a ducktales cartridge made as an art piece on my wall. Another game I have strong memories about like that is the Nintendo 64 version of smash.  I used to play this one with my little sister in a fairly unconventional way. We would play mostly with Kirby and and Pikachu.. her being Pikachu and me being the pink blob that Sakurai blessed us with. We would play tiny sketches. For example.. Pikachu is traveling to his vacation by Great Fox on the Sector Z stage. Kirby tries to engage in conversation and make a friend while Pikachu wants to be left alone. They end up fighting , Kirby still thinking this is play.

Each time we would play a new sort of sketch and come up with a new tiny adventure. Everytime we would get out of school we would start of with this like a little ritual. After that homework and if we finished it we would meet again in front of the tv. If we finished homework early we would play a few more matches before our shows would start. One of my favorite sketches we did was Mario and Luigi having a Moustache contest. Where they argue who had the more beautiful moustache. Loser had to shave of their moustache. It was all so silly but it was one of the closest memories I have with my sister. It was one of few things that fully could bring us together and often mom would come watch and bring us some crips, a nice little family moment all made possible through a video game.

Write something about yourself that you love

So this  is the hardest part to talk about but here we go. I love the little child in myself. For a thirty three year old I might not be the maturest woman of my age. I still love unicorns, I talk to imaginary creatures and I often pretend to be a princess. and I sometimes play with plushies for a bit. Last night I failed a picture Captcha because I had to select two specific pictures and I felt bad for the other picture that looked cuter so I clicked it as well. It deserved a click. If someone talks about harming a imaginary creature or talks bad about a cutie I still feel for it because maybe in some alternate reality those things can still hear us. Maybe we have not discovered yet that there are other forms of intelligence that we just not comprehend. So I even try to treat my plushies nice.. just in case.

Of course I can face reality and lose that magic to appear more as a coherent person. I could look at a game that I dislike and think it’s just a stupid piece of plastic. Yet  in my world maybe to some extend it has some feelings. Maybe a developer who worked really hard just wished with all their might that someone would love that thing they made and that by saying kind words I could make them a little bit happier as well. I mean I will always be honest, if you ask me for my opinion you will get MY opinion.. and not a lie fabricated to please you, but I also think there is no need to be unnecessarily harsh to things… because you never know! Maybe sometime it will come alive! Maybe to a certain extend  our mind set can influence the world if we are more positive. Maybe I am naive for liking something even if it’s not the best thing ever and that I just enjoy playing with it. Yet it is a thing that also allows me to love live and appreciate little things. By thinking just a bit like a kid, we can add some shine to things they do deserve but from adults rarely get.

Six Bloggers I love

Now it is time for the nominees. Here nominated six bloggers we love or we love to take on this challenge.  Some kind words for those bloggers are in order I think.

A girl and her anime:

She nominated me for my first blog tag, so I figured it would be fitting to nominate her for my first blog tag. 

Fred from A Natural:

Someone who made me more positive about myself and helped me find more love for myself. I think he deserves to spread the love around.

Irina from Drunken Anime Blog

Was there ever any doubt? I know she is really busy and doesn’t have a lot of spare time, but I feel that this blog tag is right up her alley!

Foovay’s Cauldron

Foovay has expressed very positive reactions to my aspirations to make this blog tag a thing so I really feel she deserves a nomination. 

Megan a Geeky Gal

I tag Megan a lot but that is because I really love her writing style, I have seen her take on many blog tags across the web. Might as well make her set complete with this new one!

K at the movies

Finally I nominated Kat from K at the movies. It is said that K can defeat me in combat but as the ancient old phrase goes. Make love .. not war!  This blog tag gets K a chance to live by that motto. 

And remember, if you are not tagged but you love my blog and leave a nice comment you ARE nominated! It’s in the rules!